The loss of White Majority status

in immigration •  7 years ago 

What American Liberals choose not to see is that white Americans are not afraid of losing 'white' status. We are afraid of losing 'Americanism' ideology which believes in individualism, law & order and great respect for our Constitutional Law..something that has nothing to do with race. I could care less if the majority of America became black. 'If' that majority believed in our Republic it would be of great benefit to our Country. A majority black antifa-ideology people would be bad. A majority Ben Carson-ideology people would be good.

This illusion that whites are afraid of losing majority status because of their bigotry against others due to color of skin is so dishonest. We do not agree with importing millions of people (regardless of color) who have no love for America, no respect for our form of government and then allowing them to use our political system against our own values changing them towards the values they came from which differ than ours. Black or white. Doesn't matter. What's 'inside' is what its all about.

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Some good points. There are, however, white people who do not want the USA to become a country where white people are a minority, and that's not white supremacy - it's racial preservationist, as practised by many countries that are exporting people. For those white people, it can be argued that they are defending racial diversity, as white people are a minority (1/4) of the world's population.

I see your point but I still believe nothing should have anything to do with color of skin. And I don't go yhe genetics route either because that's totally ridiculous. Seriously..if a person believes in the same values as freedom & individualism (States rights/ljmited Fed) as intended in the U.S. Constitution eho cares what color they are? It's the mindset that matters 100% imho.