"This hypothesis is supported by the coincidence observed between the decrease of CD4+ T cells and a decrease in the plasma cystine level. In addition, recent studies revealed important clues about the role of cysteine and glutathione in the development of skeletal muscle wasting. Evidence suggests that 1) the cystine level is regulated primarily by the normal postabsorptive skeletal muscle protein catabolism, 2) the cystine level itself is a physiological regulator of nitrogen balance and body cell mass, 3) the cyst(e)ine-mediated regulatory circuit is compromised in various catabolic conditions, including old age, and 4) cysteine supplementation may be a useful therapy if combined with disease-specific treatments such as antiviral therapy in HIV infection."
Source: https://www.fasebj.org/doi/abs/10.1096/fasebj.11.13.9367343