Imran Awan's hearing (9/1/2017)

in imran •  8 years ago  (edited)

For those wanting up to speed on what's been going on with Imran's (Debbie Wasserman Schultz's IT guy) trial and how thats going. Crowdsource's videos give the most live & accurate facts. In a nutshell..and you can go to their youtube channel to watch previous videos to really geat a handle on the dusting under the rug thats going on..but so far the procescution seems to be trying to squash this case as vehemently as the defense/judge.

The prosecution filed to supress evidence. Uh..the prosecution supressing evidence? Do you not want the evidence put forward? Which the defense (my understanding Clinton lawyers) readily agreed to. Now these two guys in the video have filed 2 motions in attempt to allow evidence because freegin Imran is now only charged with mortgage fraud or something minute as opposed to something way more serious like say...espionage..spying/blackmailing Congress. Hell..slap him on the wrist and let him go under morgage fraud because evidence? What evidence? Theres no evidence Imran did anything else wrong. Right?

So now the first motion they filed was struck down but they have another motion to file in attempt to unsuppress the evidence. And that video (interview with the marine who moved into Imran's rental house where the stolen government blackberries/laptops/routers etc were found & turned in to authorities proving a connection to imran to the stolen government equiptment) will be what their new 'material' evidence is to get their foot in the door. A crowbar into the closing case..?

And how sad that these are the only two men filing anything! No high powered attorneys to match the Clinton lawyers. Dont see no Soros money pouring in to help de-corrupt our system. Nope. Just us all. The new media, the Crowdsources where we all can play a role..the Steemers who detach from the establishment..the individuals simply keeping informed.

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Thank god for those two brave individuals going up against the Clinton lawyers. One thing you should be aware of is that there is a petition to declare George Soros a terrorist which I think needs attention.

Here's the steemit link:

Give this the attention it deserves!

Ty! Ill check it out.