India busted Pakistan's lies, evidence to show the world

in india •  6 years ago 

India busted Pakistan.jpg

Today the Indian army exposed the lies being repeated by Pakistan. The three forces of India (Air Force, Navy and Army) exposed the conspiracies of Pakistan by joint press briefing. Maj Gen Surendra Singh Bahal from Army, AGM RGK Kapoor from Air Force, Rear Admiral Dalbir Singh Gujral from Navy jointly said in a joint press conference that Pakistan had made a false claim of hitting the Indian planes.

The three armies of India kept the lies of Pakistan in front of the world. Simultaneously, the three forces have given a clear indication that our fight is against terrorism and if Pakistan continues to provide protection to the terrorists then such action will continue.

Earlier, Pakistan said that he has grabbed 2 Indian pilots, but later he turned his back on the statement and began to say that he has caught a pilot. In the press conference, the army said that Pakistan is constantly breaking the seizure of the border, whose Indian army is retaliating.

False claim to kill Indian plane

Indian Air Force AGM RGK Kapoor said that Pakistan has made a false claim of hitting Indian aircraft. The pieces Pakistan has shown are not of MiG-21, it is from Pakistan's F16.

Military evidence

If India is about to kill Pakistan's F-16, then we have evidence as well. In India, a piece of AARAM missile dropped out of Pakistani F-16 aircraft was found near the Line of Control. Pakistan said that we did not have F16, while we have proof, their missile was found in our Rajouri area.

The Navy said, if the movement happens then the answer will be received.

Naval Naval Rear Admiral DS Gujral said that the Navy is ready in every way and if Pakistan does any action in the sea then it will be given a repetitive reply. He said that we are united with the Army and the Air Force and will fully protect the country.

Army said, do not believe in Pak and then action

The army has said clearly that our fight is against terrorism and if Pakistan gives protection to them (terrorists) then we will continue to act. In response to a question, the army said that Pakistan has increased its target by targeting targets on our military base. In response to a question on Balakot Action, the army said that we have strong evidence that bomb attacks on Jaish's terror base have fallen. We have been as much as we wanted the devastation.

Pakistan violates seizure 35 times

The army said that after taking action against the terrorists, Pakistan violated ceasefire on 26 February in several areas. After this the Army has also responded. In 2 days, Pakistan has violated the 35-seizure warrant. On behalf of the Army, Maj Gen Surendra Singh Mahal said that on 27th February the Pakistan Air Force had tried to target the brigade headquarters of the military, the Batallian headquarters and other bases. However our army was ready and they were foiled.

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I think this article is a bit polarized and unclear. According to the German news report there were 3 planes down: an Indian one going down on the Indian side, a Pakistani one (with a dead pilot), and the Indian pilot captured on Pakistani side?

Also since both India and Pakistan (and China for some reason) feel like Kashmir is their turf, doing such operations on each others territory without consent of the other just asks for trouble?

Another news report said that actually that dispute is just to boost someone in the upcoming Indian elections, while it will never escalate to war. Yet the report also stated that living in that area can be pretty tough due to the amount of minor and people like to build bomb shelters there to keep safe. Some interviewed even said to have that bloody war to end all conflicts like 40 years ago, and then have peace, completely ignoring that both have nuclear bombs and a nuclear war would be the end of all of us.

Trevor Noah compared India and Pakistan with Cardi B and Nicki Minaj, just armed with Nuclear Bombs. (1:55)