It is possible that I may never be able to express my "love to you"..
but sometimes
you are late for office
and if I run after you with potato paratha to feed you...,
You must understand...!
Your files, wallet, handkerchief... car keys
When you find a place to settle down....,
You must understand.....!
When my eyes become moist at your small resentment
so seeing those tears.....,
You must understand...!
Your favorite food which I did not know how to prepare
If you ever see it decorated on the table.....,
You must understand.....!
You are away from home and I every once in a while..
I keep calling you under some strange excuse.....,
You must understand.....!
When an elder gives us the blessing of "May the couple remain"
seeing my smile at that time....,
You must understand.....!
You are sad, upset, the situation is not favorable for us...
Then without saying anything I place my hand on your hand....,
you will understand.....!
we have to go out somewhere
And may I wear my favorite earrings given to me by you...?
You must understand....!
Looking at you, should I ever write a ghazal
So after reading your mention in it...,
You must understand.....!
Just like this, we may have a falling out
And let me tell you in anger that I don't "love you"...,
So looking at my trembling lips
You must understand....!
I may never be able to express my love to you...
AR. Sahil