
in indiegogo •  7 years ago 

What have I learnt in the last few months from this experience, of writing, showcasing, filming and laying out my story for the world to see, and then posting it online as I ask for the help I need to make my next album on Indiegogo...
Hmmm, friends? Some of the people you expect would help, don't take the time to read, reply, share, or give a moment, when you need them most. What a painful lesson to learn and yet a beautiful one when you consider the time you can stop wasting on those same people. And even more beautiful is the people you least expected would help you, who are the first in line to donate and help you spread the word.
Interesting, now that your inbox fills up with messages from companies who claim to have access to everything you need to successfully raise the funds you need. Offering directories filled with "backer" names, promo video tutorials, and twitter marketing advice, it seems the legion of crowdfunding marketing "specialists" are just waiting to find you, ask for your money, even when it is clear you are crowdfunding because you have no money...And all you really need is for every person who you gave a free cd to over the years, those who you went out of your way to spend time talking to after a show, those thousands of people over the years who wanted photos after your show but never bought a cd that night, those countless numbers who enjoyed the 100 gospel videos you posted on facebook every Sunday for 100 weeks, and those fans who you sang birthday songs for on video or in person, to all just pull out their wallets and help a little...Not 1500 euros, but only 15 euros per person, or even 5 euros, just for the sake of saying, yes, I support you, I support your hard work, and your music, and I want to pre-purchase the album so you can make this new one a reality. Or even better, if they said "I understand how difficult it must be now to go from record labels for 9 years to on your own again in these unchartered waters"...But no one will say this to you...You must say it to yourself, you must keep moving forward, finding new ways and new methods of saying the same thing. "I am worthy. I have worked hard. I need your support. I need your help. I need you to share. I need you to believe. I believe. Now let's make this happen." But so many campaigns, so many needs, so many people, so many posts, so many distractions, so many bills, so many struggles, and so little real connection to eachother anymore, means that this is no longer as easy as it once was...If you really want it, you will find a way, and you know that. But wouldn't it be easier if everyone just gave a little and together this "village" could create something beautiful? I have donated to several campaigns for all sorts of reasons, and always when I was flat broke and just using my credit card to say, "hey, I believe in you, you will get there, one bit at a time." One step, at a time... Thank you.


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Good for you for persisting; I know the challenges that come from making a self-funded record are immense; and like you stated, that's when you find out who your real supporters are. Best of luck with your campaign and new album.

Thank you! :)

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