Traditional fishermen vs Modern fishermen (Part II)

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

The traditional fishermen of North Aceh (Indonesia) who are less competitive than modern fishermen, choose to catch fish in coastal areas. Fishing tools used, called trawling land.

Trawling land only able to catch fish in small quantities. In addition, this trawl also requires a lot of people to operate it. So the results are also few.
Dewantara - North Aceh
Para nelayan tradisional Aceh Utara (Indonesia) yang kalah kompetitif dengan nelayan modern, memilih untuk menangkap ikan di daerah pesisir. Alat pancing yang digunakan, disebut pukat darat.

Pukat darat hanya mampu menangkap ikan dalam jumlah kecil. Selain itu, trawl ini juga membutuhkan banyak orang untuk mengoperasikannya. Jadi hasil yang didapat juga sedikit.

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hidup cara tradisional bang ....

Thank you for sharing this.
Please write more often with an English translation :)

Yes I will