A Sperm Whale As Ever Stranded in Aceh Found Dead in Lombok Waters

in indonesia •  7 years ago  (edited)

A giant whale was found stranded in Tabuan Beach, Batu Dagong, Kuang Rundun Village, Jerowaru District, East Lombok, ).


Residents found the giant whales were dead. The emergence of the giant whale made the residents gather. However, they can only see and can not do anything because the sea water is tide. The whaling was then reported to the Coastal and Marine Resource Management Center (BPSPL) Denpasar-NTB Working Area.

A number of officers were relegated to the location where the whale was stranded. Then Adrajatun, staff of BPSPL Denpasar, joined the team went directly to the location where the whale was stranded. "If we see the whale is a type of sperm with a length of 9 to 10 meters, weighing more than 10 tons,"
He said, when Team Response Fast arrived Tabuan Beach, officers meet the condition of the whale was not intact, especially on the tail and teeth.
"When viewed, the whale has been dead three days and carcass at sea. There are many factors or causes of death of the whale. In addition to weather factors, it could be due to pollution at sea or because it is separated from communal. This whale is not old, if the elderly whale, can be up to 20 meters in length, "explained Adrajatun. Until Wednesday night, officers of BPSPL Denpasar NTB Working Area still can not pull the whale's position from the beach because of tidal water.

Officers also have not been able to decide what action will be taken against the carcass. Adrajatun said the immediate treatment was done so that the whale carcass does not cause problems that are harmful to the health of the citizens. There are three treatments that are commonly taken to deal with whale carcasses. First, the carcass will be drowned to the seafloor.

However, this measure is considered very expensive because it requires a ship to attract and weigh at least three times the weight of the whale. If it weighs 10 tons, it would take 30 tons of weight to sink it. Another step is to plant around the location and could be the next step is to burn it.

"Every handling step will cost money and energy. Only, the most possible for now is to plant it, "said Ardajatun.
To note, sperm whales or sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) is a rare and savage species. Last year, Acehnese people also dihebohkan the emergence of 10 sperm whales in waters Ujong Kareng, District Mesjid Raya, Aceh Besar.

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