Heart and Love: 20 Tips for Facing Love Problems || Hati dan Cinta : 20 Tips Menghadapi Masalah Cinta

in indonesia •  6 years ago  (edited)



20 tips to face the break of Dr.Cinta version

1- Submit the crushed heart to God for re-entry. Find a way to get closer to God. Put a longing for Him by means of:

Read the verses of love from him, read al-Quran.

Tahajud cinta. Build qiam for the freshness of the mind and the strength of the heart. This way is very effective. In one third of the night, we complained to Him. Please give strength, insyaallah.

Prayer prayers. In addition to cultivating ukhuwah, it can also prevent us from being alone in the room.

Pray for the prayer of the believer's arms. Pray to be strengthened to receive. Refrain from anything that we want to be with God. God heard, do not worry. =)

2- Always motivate yourself. For example, each time when we feel sad or remembered past memories, say to God that it has set someone better. Talk about various personal motivation though it is just in the heart,

3- Read the stories that can be motivated back, like the book La Tahzan Do not Grieve to, in his book for a very good motivation. I love to read these because he is very motivating and can add more self confidence and more acceptable.

4-Listen to songs that can motivate themselves. If you can avoid listening to love songs because it can make you remember the people who are not supposed to. I believe Insyaallah by Maher Zain, Atas Nama Cinta and Langkah Tercipta by UNIC could be motivated songs. Sing so many times until we cover all of her lyrics until we understand, until we make our hearts calm.

5- Do you want to keep your memories / pictures with people who have nothing to do with us? It's very good to keep an image awkward / well-balanced, save a parent's picture, it's better. Beside that the way we get rid of her from our life, she is cruel, never to be so cruel, but do not be so cruel, enough until she feels guilty of uolls it's a sign that u have succeeded. What's up? Successfully prove you are strong!

6- Make something we want to do. Something we really wanted to do. For example, suddenly want to go to the bath near the Sekayu waterfall (closest to the place of study), go for a ride. Have fun! Baths are satisfied until stress is lost. No go shopping to. Shopping is satisfied until the heart is calm.

7- Do something that we never make. For example, if every morning at 10 o'clock, we still sleep comfortably, why not wake up early in the morning and make a prayer of circumcision or recite before dawn. Jogging to.

8- Change your style. Make a change. When we had our time with him, we had long hair to cut, cut your hair. Wear pullover, change style, I mean still within the limits of syariat ye. Do not change to negative sudaah. Then, create your own identity, When you have your own identity, automatically confident level will increase from day to day.

9 - Pretend to be strong. This is important. If you go to class, please do not make face-sad-break-in love. You must prove it that you can live without him / her. Let it go! A smile is elongated even though the heart is achingly swollen. Not guilty of hypocrisy.

10- Write a letter close to yourself. When we feel sad / sick / angry / fiber, please write and read. In addition, write motivational words. Write like we talk to God, please force your heart etc. Then read before bed.

11 - Ask the friends for help, for advice. In this way, we will be motivated again.

12-Busy, if not busy doing what's busy, involve anything to. This could be help. automatic attention will be transferred.

13- Hang out with friends, go picnic to, do not separate yourself from others. Do not ever give up with your life!

14- Hang out with family, if you believe them, their close stories. There are also those who prefer stories close to family compared to friends, not allpeople are the same way they overcome probs.

15 - If there is something that has not settled between both of you, go finish soon. Meet him / her. You're good friends. Say everything, be angry, be angry if it can satisfy uolls but keep in mind.

16- Do not be alone, because it will be remembered and it will come to mind like that, panadol to cellphone, owh no no no. Please alert with this. Make sure every time you become friends.

17 - Cry out as much as you can. But just say grief not to mourn him. Believe in God's destiny.

18 - Pamper yourself, appreciate yourself, if she does not appreciate you, it's alright. Importantly, we have to respect ourselves. Be pampered. Buy something as a gift to yourself that has escaped this problem.

19- Do not ignore nutrition. Take your meal at the right time. Always do not mind, care about all that, eat it. Do not say naughty. Later we are sick who is hard.

20 - Always focus. Make sure to come class though the middle heart is like fiber.

..... Kredit to Dr.Cinta.





20 tips menghadapi putus cinta versi Dr.Cinta

1- Serahkan hati yang hancur berkecai itu kepada Allah untuk dicantum semula. Cari jalan untuk dekatkan diri kepada Allah. Semaikan kerinduan kepada-Nya dengan cara:

Baca ayat-ayat cinta daripada-Nya, baca al-Quran.

Tahajud cinta. Bangun qiam untuk kesegaran minda dan kekuatan hati. Cara ini sangat berkesan. Di sepertiga malam, kita mengadu kepada Dia. Mohon diberikan kekuatan, insyaallah.

Solat berjemaah. Selain dapat memupuk ukhuwah, ia juga dapat menghindarkan kita dari bersendirian dalam bilik.

Berdoa sebab berdoa senjata orang mukmin. Berdoa agar dikuatkan hati untuk menerima. Mintak lah apa-apa sahaja yang kita nak mintak dengan Allah. Allah dengar, jangan risau. =)

2- Sentiasa motivatekan diri sendiri. Sebagai contoh, each time bila kita rasa sedih or teringat kenangan lalu, katakan kepada diri Allah itu sudah mengatur seseorang yang lebih baik. Cakap macam-macam motivasi dekat diri walaupun ia cuma di dalam hati,

3- Baca kisah-kisah yang boleh motivatekan diri balik, macam buku La Tahzan Jangan Bersedih ke, dalam buku ni dia bagi motivation yang sangat bagus. I love to read these sebab dia sangat sangat memotivasikan diri selain dapat menambahkan keyakinan diri dan semakin boleh menerima.

4-Dengar lagu yang boleh memotivasikan diri. Kalau boleh elakkan dari dengar lagu-lagu cinta sebab nanti boleh buat kita teringat dekat orang yang tak sepatutnya. I believe Insyaallah by Maher Zain, Atas Nama Cinta and Langkah Tercipta by UNIC could be motivated songs. Nyanyilah banyak-banyak kali sampai kita resapi semua lirik dia sampai kita faham, sampai kita berjaya buat hati kita jadi tenang.

5- Ye lah buat apa nak simpan kenangan/gambar dengan orang yang dah tak ada apa-apa dengan kita? Elok sangat ke simpan gambar aweks/balaks, baik simpan gambar parents, it's better. Beside that itu cara kita get rid dia dari life kita, woaah kejamnya, tak pe sekali sekala jadi kejam, tapi janganlah kejam sangat, cukup sampai dia rasa bersalah dengan uolls itu tandanya uolls dah berjaya. Berjaya apa? Berjaya buktikan you are strong!

6- Buat something yang kita nak buat. Sesuatu yang kita memang teringin nak buat lah. Contohnya, tiba-tiba teringin nak pergi mandi dekat air terjun Sekayu ke (paling dekat dengan tempat belajar) pergi, pergilaaah. Have fun! Mandi lah puas-puas sampai stress hilang. Tak pon pergi shopping ke. Shopping lah puas-puas sampai hati tenang.

7- Buat perkara yang kita tak pernah buat pulak. Contohnya, kalau setiap pagi pukul 10, kita masih tidur dengan nyamannya, why not pagi tu kita bangun awal dan buat solat sunat atau mengaji sebelum subuh. Jogging ke.

8- Change your style. Buat perubahan diri. Kalau dulu masa kita dengan dia, kita rambut panjang ke hape, cut your hair. Pakai tudung pulak, tukar style, I mean still dalam batas-batas syariat ye. Jangan change to negative sudaah. Then, create your own identity, When you have your own identity, secara automatiknya confident level akan meningkat from day to day.

9- Pretend to be strong. Ini penting. Kalau pergi kelas, please jangan buat muka-sedih-putus-cinta. You must prove it that you can live without him/her. Let it go! Senyum je lah memanjang walaupun hati tengah sakit membengkak yg amat. Tak salah hati hipokrit kejap.

10- Tulis surat dekat diri sendiri. Bila kita rasa sedih/sakit hati/geram/serabut, sila tulis surat and baca. Di samping itu, tulislah words yang motivatekan diri. Tulis macam kita bercakap dengan Allah, mohon kekuatan hati etc etc. Lepas tu baca sebelum tidur.

11- Mintak bantuan kawan-kawan, boleh bagi nasihat. Dengan cara ni juga, kita akan kembali bermotivasi.

12-Sibukkan diri, kalau tak sibuk buat-buat sibuk je, involve dalam apa-apa ke.This could be help. automatik perhatian kita akan teralih.

13- Hang out dengan friends, pergi picnic ke, jangan asingkan diri sendiri dari orang lain. Don't ever give up with your life!

14- Hang out with family, if you believe them, cerita dekat mereka. Ada juga yg prefer cerita dekat family compared to friends kan, tak semuaorang sama cara mereka atasi probs.

15- Kalau ada benda yang belum settle antara both of you, pergi selesaikan segera. Meet him/her. Berteman lah ye. Luahkan segala-galanya, nak marah, silalah marah kalau itu dapat puaskan hati uolls tapi berpada-padalah.

16- Jangan bersendirian, sebab nanti akan teringat dan mungkin akan datang fikiran yang macam, telan panadol ke hape ke, owh no no no. Please alert with this. Make sure setiap masa anda berteman.

17- Menangislah sepuas-puasnya. Namun sekadar meluahkan kesedihan bukan untuk meratapinya okey. Percaya dengan takdir Allah.

18- Manjakan diri, appreciate diri anda, kalau dia tak appreciate anda, lantak lah. Yang penting, kita kena hargai diri kita sendiri okey? Manjakan diri. Beli something contoh sebagai hadiah kepada diri sendiri yang berjaya keluar dari masalah ni.

19- Jangan abaikan pemakanan. Take your meal at the right time. Selalu tak seleralah, pedulikan semua tu, makanlah. Jangan kata tak selera. Nanti kita sakit siapa susah.

20- Sentiasa focus. Make sure datang jugak kelas walaupun hati tengah serabut bagai.

.....Kredit to Dr.Cinta.





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