It's very common, drinking coffee can make people literate so it's very suitable for work colleagues. In addition, it turns out that coffee has other benefits for the body, including the following.
• Black coffee can improve memory. Black coffee helps the brain stay active, while also helping to activate the nerves and prevent early dementia.
• Coffee can increase intelligence. Caffeine is a psychoactive simultaneous reaction with the body and can improve one's mood, energy and cognitive function. This will make men and women more intelligent.
• Coffee will help clean the "stomach contents". Drinking coffee often makes you urinate frequently. Consuming black coffee will make poisons and bacteria in the body in the stomach come out with urine.
• Helps to lose weight. One of the benefits of black coffee is to help you lose weight quickly because it can burn fat. This drink is also considered to increase the body's metabolism, 50 percent better than doing gymnastics.
• Overcoming heart disease. Drinking black sugar without sugar is also beneficial for the heart. Coffee reduces the level of inflammation in the body thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
• Coffee as an antioxidant. One cup of coffee contains vitamin B2, B3 and B5 as well as manganese, magnesium and potassium.
• Reducing the risk of diabetes. Black coffee can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
• Prevent cancer. Say goodbye to cancer by drinking black sugarless coffee. This drink contains anticancer properties which also help reduce the risk of liver cancer.
• Coffee is a good long-life herb. Coffee drunk without sugar will help keep the mind and body. Drinking black coffee twice a day can prevent Parkinson's disease, because caffeine increases dopamine levels in the body.
• Here is the last benefit of drinking coffee. Coffee can improve the mood so that it becomes the best "medicine" to fight depression.
But it needs to be underlined, consuming coffee should be sufficient and not excessive. Experts suggest that coffee should be consumed without sugar twice a day. One cup in the morning after breakfast and at night.
Sugarless black coffee will greatly benefit the body, it is also good to drink for diabetics. This is because every cup of black coffee contains about 60 percent of nutrients, 20 percent of vitamins, 10 percent of calories and 10 percent of minerals.