Capture the Beauty of Indonesia through Mobile Camera

in indonesia •  7 years ago 

How are steemian friends around the world? May you always be passionate in filling your life.

Today I will invite you to enjoy the nature of Indonesia through photos from my camera phone. Of course this is not a work of a professional photographer. I'm still an amateur and I'm learning to take pictures.

In this post I show some photos taken around West Java Province. This area has a beautiful nature and very wide, so quite a lot of photo objects that can be immortalized.

Who knows you who have never come to Indonesia one day want to visit our country. You can enjoy the beauty of nature, art, and culture of our country is so rich.

For professional photographers, please criticize the photo. Input from you I look forward to my next photo work for the better.

Enjoy the work of this photo and greeting friendship from Indonesia to the world.

The first photo is located in Cimahi City, West Jawa

001-Cipageran Cimahi Jawa Barat.jpg

The second photo is located in Bandung City, West Java

002-Sirna GalihKota Bandung Jawa Barat.jpg

The third photo is located in Cimahi City, West Java

003-Cihanjuang Cimahi Jawa Barat.jpg

The fourth photo is located in Cirebon City, West Java

004-Kota Cirebon Jawa Barat.jpg

The fifth photo is located in Garut Regency, West Java

005-Garut Jawa Barat.jpg

The sixth photo is located in Garut regency, West Java

006-Garut Jawa Barat.jpg

The seventh photograph is located in West Bandung Regency, West Java

008-Cisarua -Bandung Barat Jawa Barat.jpg

The eighth photo is located in Bandung Regency, West Java

007-Bandung Barat Jawa Barat.jpg

The ninth photo is located in West Bandung Regency, West Java

009-Parongpong -Bandung Barat Jawa Barat.jpg

The tenth photo is located in West Bandung Regency, West Java

010-Parongpong -Bandung Barat Jawa Barat.jpg

Thank you for your visit. If you are interested in the above post, do not forget to comment. I'm also happy if you want to come to visit my blog and follow my account @jharyadi.

Friendship greetings from the city of Bandung, Indonesia

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Foto yang pertama jadi favorit saya, hijaunya seger banget,cakep.

Terima kasih ya @kobold-djawa karena sudah mau mampir. Iya, memang gambar pertama itu cukup menarik perhatian.

Nice pic Mr. Jumari. Indonesia is one . Such as mountains, beaches, and sea. In addition to natural wealth, Indonesia has a variety of art and culture. A precious heritage to the world.

Thanks for your comment my brother @adrienoor.

Nice pic Mr. Jumari. Indonesia is one . Such as mountains, beaches, and sea. In addition to natural wealth, Indonesia has a variety of art and culture. A precious heritage to the world.

Thank for your appreation Mr. @adrienoor.

Paling suka foto pertama dan terakhir hehe

Terima kasih sahabatku @kakilasak yang sudah memberikan apresiasi terhadap karya foto amatiran di atas. Saya masih terus belajar dan menikmati prosesnya.

Salam pena kreatif

Pemandangan yang meyejukkan mata, udara yang masih segar, ini sisi lain Kota Bandung yang menarik perhatian wisatawan untuk datang dan datang lagi ke Bandung saat libur tiba.

Memang tujuan saya menampilkan foto-foto tersebut sebagai penarik wisatawan untuk berkunjung ke Bandung dan sekitarnya.

Terima kasih mbak @patriciadian atas kunjungannya.

Bagus bagus photonya eyang 👍👍👍

Alhamdulillah teh @gethachan, ini hasil belajar. Tentu saja banyak juga foto yang gagal. Kita memang harus mau rajin berlatih dan terus berlatih. Masih banyak kok yang belum eyang pelajari. Masih penasaran dengan foto hasil jepretan para fotografer profesional.

Ayo teh nyoba juga ....asyik dech

Oke deh eyang nanti aku bakalan posting photo hasil aku juga disini hehe

Iya, pasti eyang komentari kalau sudah posting hasil jepretan teh @gethachan.

Makasih eyang the best...

Sebagai hadiahnya aku kasih senyumanku yanf mempesona ini untuk eyang 😁😁😁

Hua..ha..ha.....Teh @gethachan mah bisa aja.


beuh keren banget om fotonya. .
jadi pengen ke Jabar. 😂😂

Terima kasih Mas @ekaveika atas . Saya masih belajar kok. Setiap perjalanan selalu mencari objek yang bisa diabadikan. Lumayan buat hiburan sambil menikmati alam ciptaan Tuhan.

Oh iya, saya sudah upvote dan follow akun Mas Eka. Salam persahabatan dan salam pena kreatif.

Saya menyukai semua foto di atas @jharyadi. Meski dengan kamera ponsel, fotonya tetap berkelas. Tapi yang paling suka foto nomor enam dengan latar langit warna biru.

Terima kasih Pak @ayijufridar atas apresiasinya. Foto nomor enam itu di daerah Garut, arah ke Tarsikmalaya. Saya mengambilnya dari dalam sebuah masjid di pinggir jalan, saat rehat sholat Dhuha. Pemandangannya memang khas alam Indonesia, ada sawah dengan latar belakang pegunungan dan langit biru.

Menarik sekali fotonya @jharyadi. Warnanya pas bangets

Terima kasih Pak @ayijufridar atas komentarnya. Selamat berakhir pekan.

Salam pena kreatif

Those are great of pictures Eyang @jharyadi.
it make me wanna go that places when I go back to Indonesia. Happy weekend Eyang

Thank you mbak @Ettydiallova for his appreciation. This photo of the streets of nature trekking West Java. Sometime stop by Bandung yes. Hopefully there is time to be able to enjoy the nature of West Java.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Waduuhhh..... lihat foto ini saya jadi kangen Bandung hehehe....

Kapan atuh ke Bandungnya Pak @dsatria? nanti aja sekalian kumpul-kumpul dengan steemian Bandung. Sekarang sedang kita genjot biar banyak anggotanya.