The World's Endangered Tribes
How many ancient tribes in the world? The answer is certainly a lot. From the eastern to the western hemisphere was once the place of the tribes. Unfortunately their existence is now threatened with extinction.
Here are the rows of the world's endangered tribes:
RABARI, India.
These tribes have with Persian characteristics, from the highlands. They migrate. Many years already. They Make the Journey. This tribal men are now being treated to livestock raising. As for the women, they spend it embroidering and keeping their unique home family into a family finance regulator. This rabid tribe is covered with tattoos whose purpose is to beautify themselves.
SURMA, Ethiopia.

In 2007, the Tribe of Surma was listed as the largest tribe in the world with a population of 186,875 people. The population of the Tribe of Surma can be found in Ethiopia and Southern Sudan. They communicate using the languages of Suri, Mursi and Me'en. Surma tribe live in groups, there are about 500-2500 small groups. The tribe of Surma avoids contact with modern civilization, they still maintain the customary culture and tradition.

The Mustang tribe is part of the kingdom of Lo, yet religionally, history and culture are closer to Tibet but are politically part of Nepal. Most of the locals still believe that the world is flat and the disease is caused by evil spirits. When the eldest son inherited the property family, the younger lived in a monastery built in almost every village.
YI, China-Thailand.

The tribe of Yi or Lolo is an ethnic group in China, V ietnam and Thailand. This tribe is one of the minority of the 56 official tribes in China.
ASARO, Papua New Guinea.

Asaro (originally 'Asaro Mudmen' meaning 'people of the Asaro river, muddy) is a mysterious tribe and is known for its members covering its body with white clay and wearing a mask. The spirits of their ancestors became their own beliefs by wearing masks as pernghargaan them, and by horns with long ears or short mouths They are arranged with a unique mask
HULI, Papua New Guinea.

The Huli tribe has the main hunting livelihood that men usually do while the women farm and gather. The Huli paint their faces in yellow, red, and white to frighten the enemy during frequent tribal wars. Their famous tradition is to make wigs from their own hair.
KALAM, Papua New Guinea.

Tradition of Kalam tribe assigned men to go hunting, while women take care of meetings and agriculture. The young boys of the Kalam tribe have pride when their nose is pierced during initiation. If that happens, then a young man member of the Kalam Tribe can already paint their faces. Kalam tribe usually cover their bodies with decorations and necklaces made of hornbills, wildflowers, and feathers..

The Chukchi survived from deer farming and hunting. This activity is usually done by men while women are in charge of house keeping, sewing, and embroidery. However, locals also find time for art. They like carving on bones and orange fangs..
GOROKA, Papua New Guinea.

Goroka is the capital of Eastern Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea. The natives of Goroka still believe in spirits and deeply respect the wonders of nature. The main weapons of the Goroka Tribe are not only bows but also war paint and ornaments.
MAORI, New Zealand.

The main aspects of traditional Maori culture include art, dance, legend, community, and tattoos. People who have high social status biasannya many tattoos on his body. The tribes without tattoos are considered worthless. Haka's military dance is one of the most famous Maori tribal traditions. This strange dance is accompanied by songs, hand beatings, gestures, and palm blows on the thighs. The Maori tribe adheres to polytheism and greatly respects various gods and spirits..