Rizie Gaming - Dragon Nest Indonesia Review (ENG-IND) #Part 2

in indonesia •  7 years ago 


Hello Steemian, still with me rizieirwanda69 to continue explaining about Dragon Nest Game. Today I will continue my review of Dragon Nest Game.

Here's a review about the continuation of the Dragon Nest game.

1. Character

The initial character there are 5 namely, Warrior, Archer, Sorcerer, Sleric, and Tingkerer. All characters are gender lock or can not change Male / female, Warrior and Cleric Gender Male while Archer, Sorcerer and Tingkerer female gender.

2. ABP System

No more Fatigue system because it is now changed into Blessing Point System. Player can enter the dungeon but not get the Exp bonus if Bless Point runs out.

3. Dungeon Based

This game does not have a World Map because it is only dungeon based. So only City, Portal, and Dungeon.

4. Ressurection

1 Day can be 5s Ressurection quota, can be seen under the picture of our Character face on the top left.

5. Advanced Job

Now in Dragon Nest SEA, new to 2nd job can change in lvl 15, have to undergo some Quest, every job can change in Npc master skill.

6. Shortcut

Keyboard shortcut can be changed in option, all can be changed except f1 and f10.

7. Guild

Can raise lvl 10 on Calderock pass, need 1 Gold to make it. The initial number of members of 20 will increase with the Lvl guild. Lvl guild Up by using Dungeon points, to get it every member must complete the Dungeon.

8. Quick Command

F1 - F5 (quick chat)

  • F1: For Heal
  • F2: For Attack
  • F3: For notification Follow me
  • F4: To Run Away
  • F5: To Stop
  • F6: For Help Me notifications

9. Chat Command

To Chat command:

  • /s or /1: For general
  • /g or /2: For Guild
  • /p or /3: Party
  • /w or /4: Whisper
  • /r = Reply the last whisper
  • C (default) = make room chat

10. Auction

Auction Npc is in every city, can only enter 5 items and 1 week can only enter 30 items into auction (except using IM). Time in the auction is only 12 hours.

11. Mail

Mailbox is near Portal in every city. In 1 day can only send 5 mail (except using IM).

12. Quest Symbols

Symbols in quest:

  • follow : target is in the next map
  • search : target is in deket char
  • kill : kill which mobs
  • X blue : quest is in dungeon laen
  • X yellow : quest is complete

13. Abp system

Abp is on the bottom right of the hotkey 6-10 per day and gets 700 points, per week gets 900. Daily dots reset every morning at 6-9 am.

14. Bonus Exp

There are some EX bonuses that can be made when entering the dungeon

  • Login dungeon with friends who have been in add, can be 10-15% bonus exp
  • Dungeon entry can be repeatedly can be 15% extra, if the stack up to 3x, then a total of 45% bonus Exp
  • Can dapet this bonus takes at least 2 people dalem 1 party

15. Stats

Stats function:

  • 1 STR = 5 Phys. Atk (.25 Long Range), 3 Delay, 3 Delay Resist, 2.5 Stun.
  • 1 AGI = 5 Long Range Phys Atk (.25 Melee), 10.5 Critical Resist, 3.5 Critical.
  • 1 INT = 5 Mag. Atk (.75 ​​for Sorceresses), 35 MP, 0.8 Magic Def.
  • 1 VIT = 30 HP, .6 Defense, 2.5 Stun Resist


  • STR is most important for Melee Swordmaster / Mercenaries, Paladin.
  • AGI most important for Long Range Physical Acrobat / Bowmaster.
  • INT for magic users is clear.
  • VIT is a secondary stat for all characters.

16. Prefixes Bonus

Bonus Prefix on customized armor:

  • Bear: chance to delay refuse buff
  • Wind: chance to crit reject buff
  • Wisdom: opportunity to reduce all elements of damage
  • Elemental: an opportunity to greatly reduce certain elements
  • Indomitable: the opportunity to reduce the damage that occurred
  • Tent: opportunity to reduce mag dmg taken
  • Flexible: an opportunity to increase mspd when hit
  • Vitality: chance to stun refuse buff
  • Life: Opportunity to recover hp when hit
  • Mana: chance to recover mp when exposed

17. Core System

a. Core system, there are 4 kinds of cores

  • Agate cores special armor
  • Crystal core special weapons
  • Diamond core special acc
  • Reset core to ngilangin long core effects

b. Its effects

  • For Weapons, Armor, and Accessories: HP, MP, Str, Agi, Int, Vit
  • Weapons / Rings Only: Phys, Magic, Fire, Water, Light, Dark Atk
  • Necklace, Earrings, and Armor Only: Critical Resist, Stun Resist, Delay Resist, Fire, Water, Light, Dark Def
  • Weapons Only: Critical, Stun, MP Recovery, Magic Def.

c. How to get cor from dungeon and epic core drop from abyss

Tips: If you can armor / good weapon to enter the core first after it is new in unseal, so if you get a less good stats can be sold.

18. Heraldy System

a. Heraldy system, can make in npc bailey. in total there are 13 slots that can fill the plate. Plate also has a level of normal-epic, there is a chance can dapet + status laen pas make plate. such as making epic plate vit lvl 40 yg nambah 80Vit, 7% more total Vit, fit so can add stat + atk 59. Depending on luck.

  • 8 outer slots for plate add status, such as Str, Agi, Vit, Atk, Crit.
  • 4 slots in for skill plate, when making plate can choose to increase damage or reduce Coldown.
  • 1 mid slot for a special slot to fill the Boss plate skill that drops from the Nest dungeon.

b. Plate can be from:

  • drop dungeon, abyss / nest dungeon drop good reply epic / rare
  • Buy in other bailey / scholar npc, buy it with dimensional piece (obtained from silver / gold bunny)
  • drop from mobs is usually normal plate
  • Market
  • Colosseum

C. Plate can be changed at any time of day, but the plate already in pairs if the loose will be lost, not return to the inventory

19. Tittle

Tittle can be done by completing the Achivement or Quest. There are some strong titles but there are conditions. Title can be set at will, with hero of cbt but its effect from title the tenacious. stay on their own set.

20. Npc's Love

Each npc can be rewarded so they like us more and every npc is different.

Some important npc:

  • Golden Goose Guild: Consists of Altair merchants. Find the wishes of these people and you will definitely get some discounts.
  • Cassius Court: Royalty Altair. They will give you the potential to become a strong adventurer.
  • Free Venturers Guild: Consists of all the adventurers in the Altair. They will give you the skills to become proficient in farming.

The prize for npc can be in dungeon and every npc is different.

21. Unnecessary Items / Selling npc

The rewards from the Board quest can instantly sell npc at a more expensive price.

  • Equip white
  • Plate white / normal

22. Important items

  • Dimensional key, if run abyss dungeon out silver / gold bunny, if opening by using this key dropnya better, can get equip rare / epic
  • Dimensional pieces, to buy plate rare or can be sold
  • Diamond piece, agate piece etc, ingredients to make heraldy plate.
  • Equip blue / rare or epic / yellow. can be used or sold, or destroyed in an assembly machine outside the city, forget to add in order to Chance managed to ride.
  • Nest, dark lair and circus tickets, if it appears

23. Arena

For pvp, can collect medals, but the reward is not too good.

24. Skill System

Each job tree there is a limit on how many SP can be used in the skill tree, and also there is a total of how many SP can be used. this total amount goes up with our Lvl.

Tips: Not all Tree skill can be learned, so choose the skill you want. Also note the skill requirements that you want to learn in order for all other skill requirements to be met.

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Halo Steemian, masih dengan saya rizieirwanda69 untuk melanjutkan penjelasan tentang Game Dragon Nest. Hari ini saya akan melanjutkan review tentang Game Dragon Nest.

Berikut review tentang kelanjutan game Dragon Nest.

1. Karakter

Karakter awal ada 5 yaitu, Warrior, Archer, Sorcerer, Sleric, dan Tingkerer. Semua karakter tersebut gender lock atau tidak bisa mengubah Male/female, Warrior dan Cleric Gendernya Male sedangkan Archer, Sorcerer dan Tingkerer gendernya female.

2. ABP System

Tidak ada lagi Fatigue system karena sekarang sudah di ganti menjadi Blessing Point System. Player bisa masuk ke dungeon tetapi tidak mendapatkan bonus Exp jika Bless Point habis.

3. Dungeon Based

Game ini tidak memiliki world Map karena hanya dungeon based. Jadi hanya Kota, Portal, dan Dungeon.

4. Ressurection

1 Hari bisa dapat jatah 5x Ressurection, bisa di lihat di bawah gambar wajah Karakter kita di kiri atas.

5. Advanced Job

Sekarang di Dragon Nest SEA, baru sampe job 2 bisa berubah di lvl 15, harus menjalani beberapa Quest, setiap job bisa berubah di Npc master skill.

6. Shortcut

Keyboard shortcut bisa di ganti di option, semua bisa di ganti kecuali f1 dan f10.

7. Guild

Bisa menaikan lvl 10 di Calderock pass, membutuhkan 1 Gold untuk membuatnya. Jumlah awal anggota 20 akan bertambah seiring Lvl guild. Lvl guild Naik dengan memakai Dungeon points, untuk mendapatkannya setiap anggota harus menyelesaikan Dungeon.

8. Quick Command

  • F1 - F5 (quick chat)
  • F1 : Untuk Heal
  • F2 : Untuk Attack
  • F3 : Untuk pemberitahuan Follow me
  • F4 : Untuk Run Away
  • F5 : Untuk Stop
  • F6 : Untuk pemberitahuan Help Me

9. Chat Command

Untuk Chat command:

  • /s or /1 : Untuk general
  • /g or /2 : Untuk Guild
  • /p or /3 : Party
  • /w or /4 : Whisper
  • /r = Membalas whisper terakhir
  • C (default) = bikin room chat

10. Auction

Auction Npc ada di setiap kota, hanya bisa memasukkan 5 item dan 1 minggu hanya bisa memasukkan 30 item ke dalam auction (kecuali memakai IM). Waktu di auction hanya 12 jam.

11. Mail

Mailbox berada di dekat Portal di setiap kota. Dalam 1 hari hanya bisa mengirim 5 mail (kecuali menggunakan IM).

12. Quest Symbols

Simbol2 di quest :

  • follow=target ada di next map
  • search=target ada di deket char
  • kill= bunuh mobs mana
  • X biru= quest ada di dungeon laen
  • X kuning=quest selesai

13. Abp system

Abp berada di kanan bawah hotkey 6-10 per hari dan mendapat 700 point, per minggu mendapat 900. Point harian reset setiap pagi jam 6-9 pagi.

14. Bonus Exp

Ada beberapa bonus Exp yang bisa di dapat saat memasuki dungeon

  • Masuk dungeon bareng temen yang sudah di add, bisa dapat 10-15% bonus exp
  • Masuk dungeon berulang-ulang bisa dapat 15% tambahan, jika stack sampai 3x, maka total 45% bonus Exp
  • Bisa dapet bonus ini butuh minimal 2 orang dalem 1 party

15. Stats

Fungsi stats:

  • 1 STR = 5 Phys. Atk (.25 Long Range), 3 Delay, 3 Delay Resist, 2.5 Stun.
  • 1 AGI = 5 Long Range Phys Atk (.25 Melee), 10.5 Critical Resist, 3.5 Critical.
  • 1 INT = 5 Mag. Atk (.75 for Sorceresses), 35 MP, 0.8 Magic Def.
  • 1 VIT = 30 HP, .6 Defense, 2.5 Stun Resist


  • STR paling penting untuk Melee Swordmaster / Mercenaries, Paladin.
  • AGI paling penting untuk Long Range Physical Acrobat / Bowmaster.
  • INT untuk pengguna sihir jelas.
  • VIT adalah stat sekunder untuk semua karakter.

16. Prefixes Bonus

Bonus Prefix di armor yg udah di ubah ke spesial:

  • Bear : kesempatan untuk menunda menolak buff
  • Wind : kesempatan untuk crit menolak buff
  • Wisdom : kesempatan untuk mengurangi semua unsur kerusakan
  • Elemental : kesempatan untuk sangat mengurangi elemen tertentu
  • Indomitable : kesempatan untuk mengurangi kerusakan yang terjadi
  • Tent : kesempatan untuk mengurangi mag dmg diambil
  • Flexible : kesempatan untuk meningkatkan mspd saat dipukul
  • Vitality : kesempatan untuk stun menolak buff
  • Life : Kesempatan untuk memulihkan hp saat dipukul
  • Mana : kesempatan untuk memulihkan mp saat terkena

17. Core System

a. Core system, ada 4 macam core

  • Agate core khusus armor
  • Crystal core khusus senjata
  • Diamond core khusus acc
  • Reset core untuk ngilangin efek core yg lama

b. Efek2 nya

For Weapons, Armor, and Accessories : HP, MP, Str, Agi, Int, Vit

  • Weapons / Rings Only : Phys, Magic, Fire, Water, Light, Dark Atk
  • Necklace, Earrings, and Armor Only : Critical Resist, Stun Resist, Delay Resist, Fire, Water, Light, Dark Def
  • Weapons Only : Critical, Stun, MP Recovery, Magic Def.

c. Cara mendapatkan cor dari dungeon dan epic core drop dari abyss

Tips: Jika dapat armor/senjata bagusnya memasukkan core terlebih dahulu setelah itu baru di unseal, agar jika mendapat stats kurang bagus bisa di jual.

18. Heraldy System

a. Heraldy system, bisa buat di npc bailey. total ada 13 slot yg bisa di isi plate. Plate juga ada tingkatan dari normal-epic, ada chance bisa dapet +status laen pas bikin plate. semisal bikin epic plate vit lvl 40 yg nambah 80Vit, 7% more total Vit, pas jadi bisa nambah stat +atk 59. Tergantung keberuntungan.

  • 8 slot luar untuk plate yang menambah status, seperti Str, Agi, Vit, Atk, Crit.
  • 4 slot dalam untuk skill plate,saatpmembuat plate bisa memilih menambah damage atau mengurangi Coldown.
  • 1 slot di mid untuk spesial slot agar dpaat mengisi plate skill Boss yang drop dari dungeon Nest.

b. Plate bisa di dapat dari :

  • drop dungeon, abyss/nest dungeon drop yg bagus yg epic/rare
  • Membeli di npc bailey/scholar lainnya, belinya dengan dimensional piece (didapat dari silver/gold bunny)
  • drop dari mobs biasanya plate normal/biasa
  • Market
  • Colosseum

C. Plate bisa di ganti-ganti sesuka hari, tetapi plate yang sudah di pasang jika di lepas akan hilang, tidak kembali ke inventory

19. Tittle

Tittle bisa di dapat dengan cara menyelesaikan Achivement atau Quest. Ada beberapa title yang kuat tetapi ada syarat-syaratnya. Title bisa di set sesuka pemain, bisa dengan hero of cbt tetapi efeknya dari title the tenacious. tinggal di atur sendiri.

20. Npc's Love

Setiap npc bisa diberi hadiah agar mereka makin suka sama kita dan setiap npc berbeda efeknya.

Beberapa npc yg penting:

  • Golden Goose Guild : Terdiri dari para pedagang Altair. Mendapati keinginan orang-orang ini dan Anda pasti akan mendapat beberapa diskon. 
  • Cassius Court : Royalti Altair. Mereka akan memberi Anda potensi untuk menjadi petualang yang kuat.
  • Free Venturers Guild : Terdiri dari semua petualang di Altair. Mereka akan memberi Anda keterampilan untuk menjadi mahir dalam bertani.

Hadiah untuk npc bisa di dapat di dungeon dan setiap npc berbeda kesukaannya.

21. Item2 yang tidak penting/jual npc

Hadiah dari Board quest bisa langsung menjual npc dengan harga yang lebih mahal.

  • Equip putih
  • Plate putih/normal

22. Item-item penting

  • Dimensional key, jika menjalankan abyss dungeon keluar silver/gold bunny, jika membuka dengan menggunakan key ini dropnya lebih bagus, bisa mendapat equip rare/epic
  • Dimensional pieces, untuk membeli plate rare atau bisa di jual
  • Diamond piece, agate piece etc, bahan-bahan untuk membuat heraldy plate.
  • Equip biru/rare atau epic/kuning. bisa di pakai atau di jual, atau di hancurkan di assembly machine di luar kota, jagan lupa di tambahkan agar Chance berhasil naik.
  • Nest, dark lair dan sirkus tickets, jika sudah muncul

23. Arena

Untukt pvp, bisa mengumpulkan medal, tetapi hadiah yang di tukarkan tidak terlalu bagus.

24. Skill System

Setiap job Tree ada batasan berapa SP yg bisa di pakai di skill tree tersebut, dan juga ada total berapa SP yg bisa di pakai. jumlah total ini naik sekalian dengan Lvl kita.

Tips: Tidak semua skill Tree bisa di pelajari, jadi pilihlah skill yang di inginkan. Perhatikan juga syarat-syarat skill yang ingin di pelajari agar semua syarat skill lain terpenuhi.

Jika anda suka dengan postingan saya silahkan Follow @rizieirwanda69 tunggu kelanjutannya di postingan berikutnya

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ang naman talaga, good job @rizieirwanda69 :D

Tanga lang boboka TY