How to Unite the Fraternity of Citizens / Cara Mempersatukan Persaudaraan Warga / 2 Languages.

in indonesia •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello steemians wherever you are.
On this happy occasion, allow me to tell about how to unite the fraternity of citizens.
In the 1945 Constitution explained that Indonesia's Independence had arrived at a happy time, congratulated safely delivering the people of Indonesia to the front gate of independence of Indonesia that is independent, united, sovereign, just and prosperous.
From the sounds of the Constitution above, reminds us how great the struggle of Indonesia in achieving independence. Indonesia's independence is not a gift from the Netherlands, but Indonesia's independence is achieved through blood and tear struggle. After Indonesia gained independence, Indonesia continues to build from behind to a prosperous nation. The unity among the citizens must be maintained and defended, so that we will not be divided. Many ways to maintain unity and unity are, among others, the activities of Carnival, mutual cooperation and others.
Likewise, the residents of Bukit Panggoi Indah, Lhokseumawe in maintaining unity and brotherhood. Panggoi residents, especially in T.Umar street, filled the activities of Indonesian independence day by means of Burn Fish together.


There are 30 families in T. Umar street who participate in the fish event at night. The activity starts at 8 to 11 pm.
Fathers are busy preparing firewood and charcoal, while mothers are busy with other menu dishes. Not to forget the children with busy playing, but still watched by their people.Look at the potoes below.





The excitement of the night's event received appreciation from the residents on other roads. Activities like this was first made since the construction of the upper Panggoi complex.
Here I will share photographs Burn Fish activity in Panggoi, T.Umar Street to all steemians friends.














I hope this kind of activity can be used as an example for other citizens to maintain unity and kinship as our gratitude for the independence that our fighters have gained in grabbing independence. If Steemians like this post, please Upvote and Resteem this post.
May this post useful for all.
Follow me @safran.

Hello steemians dimanapun berada.
Pada kesempatan yang berbahagia ini, izinkan saya untuk menceritakan tentang Cara mempersatukan persaudaraan warga.
Di dalam UUD 1945 di jelaskan bahwa Kemerdekaan Indonesia telah sampailah pada saat yang berbahagia, dengan selamat sentosa mengantarkan rakyat Indonesia kedepan pintu gerbang kemerdekaan Indonesia yang merdeka, bersatu, berdaulat, adil dan makmur.Dari bunyi Undang-undang dasar di atas, mengingatkan kita bagaimana hebatnya perjuangan Indonesia dalam mencapai kemerdekaan.Kemerdekaan Indonesia bukanlah hadiah dari Belanda, tapi kemerdekaan Indonesia diraih melalui perjuangan darah dan air mata.Setelah Indonesia meraih kemerdekaan, maka Indonesia terus membangun dari ketinggalan menuju sebuah negara yang makmur dan sentosa.Persatuan di antara warga haruslah dijaga dan dipertahankan, agar kita tidak terpecah belah.Banyak cara yang untuk menjaga persatuan dan kesatuan itu, antara lain dengan kegiatan Karnaval, gotong royong dan yang lainnya.
Begitu juga yang dilakukan oleh warga Bukit Panggoi indah,Lhokseumawe dalam menjaga persatuan dan persaudaraan.Warga Panggoi, khususnya Jalan T.Umar, mengisi kegiatan hari kemerdekaan Indonesia dengan cara Bakar Ikan bersama.

Ada 30 KK di jalan T.Umar yang berpartisipasi dalam acara bakar ikan di malam hari itu.Kegiatan itu dimulai pada jam 8 sampai Jan 11 malam.
Bapak-bapak sibuk menyiapkan kayu bakar dan arang, sedangkan ibu-ibu sibuk dengan hidangan menu lainnya.Tidak ketinggalan anak-anak dengan kesibukannya bermain, tetapi tetap diawasi oleh orang mereka.

Kemeriahan acara malam itu mendapat apresiasi dari warga di jalan lainnya.Kegiatan seperti ini baru pertama kali dibuat sejak dibangunnya komplek Panggoi atas.
Di sini saya akan membagikan foto-foto kegiatan bakar ikan warga Panggoi Jalan T.Umar kepada semua sahabat steemians.

Saya berharap kegiatan seperti ini, bisa dijadikan contoh bagi warga yang lainnya untuk menjaga persatuan dan kekeluargaan sebagai rasa syukur kita atas kemerdekaan yang telah diraih oleh pejuang-pejuang kita dalam merebut kemerdekaan.Bila Steemians menyukai post ini, silakan Upvote dan Resteem post ini.
Follow me @safran .

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That's amazing post from Mr @safran

It's me Fikar. You remember ??
Your best student ever 😂

Please follow me Mr @safran

It's nice to see you again here.

Success for you , my teacher 🙂

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you @zulfikar.You were one of my best student i have.I did it so that student wanted studying.that is why every student was not able to answer my question I funish then.Thank you has shared.I vote you Fikar...

Thank you Mr @safran

Don't punish me because I don't make mistake 😂

Nicely written post but the pictures are not that good. Make sure the picture quality for future post.

I'm volunteering for #DoFollow and #Exchange #Upvote.

I'm Expecting your response @alexparker

This is my #IntroduceYourself post

Interesting story, but I would really like it more if half of the pictures were not blurry :(

thank you @ sweetsssj.You have been visiting my post.This is a warmth for me when you present.Previously I apologize because there are some blurred photos, these may be caused by night, the wind a little tight, and the weather is not good.In next time, I will make the photos better than today.