
untuk melihat keindahan - keindahan bug kuning hitam ini.
to see the beauty - the beauty of this black yellow bug.
Anda bisa melihatnya di video yang saya tunjukkan di sini, semoga terhibur.
you can see it in the video that I show here, hopefully entertained.
Lihatlah galeri foto yang saya tunjukkan di bawah ini :
Take a look at the photo gallery I show below :

Gambar 1 ( Figure 1 ) Photo using Vertical and Horizontal Techniques
Gambar 2 ( Figure 2 ) Photo using Vertical and Horizontal Techniques
Gambar 3 ( Figure 3 ) Photo using Vertical and Horizontal Techniques
Gambar 4 ( Figure 4 ) Photo using Vertical and Horizontal Techniques
Gambar 5 ( Figure 5 ) Photo using Vertical and Horizontal Techniques
Gambar 6 ( Figure 6 ) Photo using Vertical and Horizontal Techniques
Gambar 7 ( Figure 7 ) Photo using Vertical and Horizontal Techniques
Gambar 8 ( Figure 8 ) Photo using Vertical and Horizontal Techniques
semoga apa yang anda lihat di video ini, bisa bermanfaat bagi semua steemian, agar kita bersama-sama membangun tumbuh di komunitas Steemit.
hopefully what you see in this video, can be beneficial for all steemian, that we must together build a grow in a community Steemit.
Terima kasih telah mengunjungi dan melihat fotografi dan video di blog saya
Thank you for visiting and looking photography and video on my blog
salam @sultan-aceh
regards @sultan-aceh
- Camera Photo Nikon Outo Selector
- Camera Video Nikon Outo Selector
- Location Indonesia forest - aceh
- Videographer @sultan-aceh
- Photographer @sultan-aceh
they are just beautiful to see, amazing @sultan-aceh
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hai @xpilar
you come here ... hehehhe
me happy heheheh
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After tired of working today
feels, Lost, tired which I think 1000x heheh
after seeing your smile back here
and all my friends - I'm heheh
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It's nice to hear, as you smile now too @sultan-aceh
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thank very much @xpilar
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Makasih juga abang ya....!!telah vote saya.
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hai @lamkuta
saran saya jika mau memberi komentar ke @sultan-aceh, clik dibawah posting sultan aceh,
jadi jangan membalas komentar dibawah pembicaraan lain.
karena disaat saya upvote per komentar
saya bisa lebih cepat memberikan suara kepada anda .. ok
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Terimakasih bang @xpilar telah vote saya
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Great work thanks for share
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thank ok @as1991
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Kumbang yang sangat menarik bg.
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terima kasih @mister56
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Sangat menakjudkan vidoenya bg, penuh dengan ispirasi dan manfaat. God job bg, post yang sangat bagus..
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terima kasih bang @bobbyjohn
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Teungeh jidoeng neutume poto bg @sultan-aceh memang bereh postingan droe neuh
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makasih beuoh @siatteuk
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Bang@sultan-aceh mahkluk apakah itu, bagus kali foto nya . Bagai mana cara abang foto. Nampak jelas semua nya abang...! nice....??
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Makasih abang@sultan-aceh
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Fotonya the best bang @sultan-aceh
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trima kasih bang @iban-kjp
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I'm attracted to seeing this innocent of beauty! it's so natural
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thank @ekhlas01
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Very nice macro shots....
You are amazing when it comes to photography.
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thank @xabi
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so amazing and so beautiful video and photography. BTW which camera you are using. keep sharing @sultan-aceh
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thank @kamchore
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Wow! what a black bugs, looking so colorful
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thank @mohsin01
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Foto-foto yang sangat bagus bang.
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terima kasih bang @fanie27
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Great post :) upvoted
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thank @mostfa
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@sultan-aceh Like usual Nice posts and photos. Upvoted
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thank @aymenkhemakhem
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cool work
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thank @ridwannn
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Karya yang bagus kawan
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terima kasih bang @ridwannn
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Postingan yang sangat bagus dan sangat menarik
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terima kasih @antonysteem
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Sama2 saudaraku
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@sultan-aceh sebagian bug penghisap nektar madu dan pemakan/pengumpul kotoran hewan lain nya.. dalam postingan abg ini bug kategori yang mana bg ?
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thank @abnurmulya03
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Video ni sangat menarik bagi ku bang
Salam bg sultan Aceh
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Assalamualaikum bg....
Minta bantu main steemit dong....
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walaikum salam bang @saidi
bantu apa ... ini kan sudah main heheheh
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Iya sih sudah main bg.....
Klau boleh tau cara mendapatkan banyak vote gimna ya bg....?
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Orang Aceh ya.....?
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ya Aceh - Sigli
tinggal dilhokseumawe - Sp.Kramat
salam @@@sultan-aceh
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Brarti satu jln kita bg....
Saya di Gandapura bg
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ya tapi saya dilhokseumawe hai ... hahahah
salam untuk steemian dimatang glumpang dua ok
salam @sultan-aceh
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Oke bg....
Salam @@@@saidi
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coba buat postingan yang bermanfaat bagi stemian dan masyarakat
coba komunikasi dengan baik ...
sebelum memberi komentar, dibaca dulu isi postingannya
jika ada manfaat dan tujuan dari posting yang ingin memberi komentar
lakukan hal seharusnya kita lakukan agar cepat tumbuh bersama- sama.
kamu sehari hari melaksanakan kegiatan apa
salam @sultan-aceh
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Biasanya jalan-jalan sma kawan-kawan pigi ke pantai, nongkrong,baca buku, kunjungi tempat wisata
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pas itu ---
coba kamu buat posting tentang apa yang anda jalani dengan bahasa baik dan mudah dimengerti ok.
salam @sultan-aceh
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Sssiiippp bg
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Terima kasih atas bantuannya bg @sulta-aceh....
Salam @saidi
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nice picture's keep up the great work
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Pu maop nyan
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Gleh mata ta eu foto droneuh bang. Bertus bereh.
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jak aju kenuno sabe ;;;
bah bertus hahaha
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Get bg, kalheuh ku follow, neu meuen2 bak profil loen bg.
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Fotonya mantap @sultan-aceh
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terima kasih @wardiah81
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These bugs are so cute and have three colore black yellow and dark pink . Very rare bugs I feel very happy to see these beautiful bugs. Husband and wife enjoing dating.
@sultan-aceh thanks for sharing cute blog
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thank @syedkashifhussai
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Mantap adun
Kaleuh lon vote dan follow beh, bek tuwe neu follow balek adun
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heheh ...
misuew lake lake hana bie le nyow keu gata hehehhe
jak komen mantong ...
lon sangat mengerti ... jadi bek lake- lake ok
salam @sultan-aceh
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Sama2 ureung lhokseumawe jadi harus tuling meunuling adun, oow keu masalah hana neubi ya nyan hak droneuh
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kupeugah karena keugot ...
demi pertumbuhan gata di steemit
tapi miseu han kapateh
hana pupu ... silahkan memilih ok
teuoh yang pah bak gata
salam @sultan-aceh
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O... Gitu bang ya...!!maaf bang@sultan-aceh Kurang faham saya. Jadi malu ni... He... He.
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tidak apa- apa ...
ya saya maklum
yang saya tandai warna kuning ...
anda masih 3 hari bermain steemit
karena jika seperti ini, saya bisa upvote cepat,
kan sayang ... udah kasih komenar gak dapat apa- apa ok
salam @sultan-aceh
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Salam balek bang ya... He... He.
Bang gimana Cara biar posting saya ada yang vote.. Malu kita g ada yang open... Hi... Hi
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heheheh ...
sabar paling utama ok
jika mula mula memang demikian ...
tapi lama- lama akan tumbuh besar juga ...
lihat dan baca postingan orang lain baik- baik ok
coba buat postingan yang bagus
dan cerita sesuai gambar ...
jangan ambil gambar di google ...
itu namanya plagiat.
ambil bolehdigoole
tapi berikan Link dibawahnya .. "sumbernya"
semoga berhasil ...@lamkuta
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Terimakasih bang @sultan-aceh. Telah memberi arahan yang baik buat saya
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Awesome video sultan
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thank @myeasin
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Kumbang yang indah
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thank @cobadile
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Mantap adun yang peuteng na support
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