Environmental Activists Ask that Contractors Disposing of Cisadane River Mud Waste Be Criminalized for Violating the UUPLH

in industrialwaste •  6 months ago 

Bogor, After a lively and heated discussion regarding the alleged river pollution incident by one of the partners of the Perumda Tirta Pakuan Contractor who was working on pipe installation activities in West Bogor, it was as if the Ciliwung - Cisadane BBWS service and agency and the Central Ministry had left it to them. Meanwhile, Tirta Pakuan Public Relations, when confirmed until the news was published, was on leave. On the other hand, environmental activists asked that this case be continued in the further realm, namely verbal reporting. "Any action has legal consequences, especially if it causes river or environmental pollution. It is clear that this cannot be allowed to be tolerated and should not be dealt with firmly, of course the relevant parties and authorities will also play a part in allowing or neglecting it if this incident is not continued because illegal acts clearly exist and are occurring, in fact many people in the community know that the Contractor is deliberately dumping waste in the form of soil. "excavation into the Cisadane river," stressed Bung Galai Simanupak, SH to the media (29/3). Furthermore, his party asked the Ciliwung - Cisanade River Region Center (BBWS) not to remain silent about this incident. "We have duties and functions as NGOs and environmental activists regarding anything that causes river water pollution, especially to report this incident. Where the UUPLH (Environmental Management Law) can ensnare anyone who causes pollution, especially intentionally and is said to have coordinated with local authorities. "So of course, anyone who knows and approves of the waste sludge or dirt being dumped at that time in a spitenk tank must also be summoned and asked for information on what grounds they justify this action," said Galai SiManupak, SH. He continued, criminal threats against environmental polluters according to PPLH Law No. Law no. 32 of 2009 concerning Protection and Management of the Environment. "If the company deliberately throws waste into the river, it will be subject to criminal penalties under Article 60 in conjunction with Article 104 of the PPLH Law, Everyone is prohibited from dumping waste and/or materials into environmental media without permission. Article 104 of the PPLH Law: Every person who dumps waste and/or materials into environmental media without permission as intended in Article 60, shall be punished with a maximum imprisonment of 3 (three) years and a maximum fine of IDR 3,000,000,000.00 (three billion rupiah).


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