Strange calculation about the earth

in inertia •  7 years ago  (edited)

Think if the earth turned at the speed of light, and suddenly for a second it would stop.
Because of the inertia force we would be shot towards the earth's sense of rotation at the speed of light.
Now think about...
The light makes 300 million m/s, so in a second it makes 300 million meters, that is 300 thousand kilometers.
The equator is 40 thousand kilometers long.
So if the earth turned at the speed of light and for a second it would stop we would find ourselves at a distance equal to 7.5 times the equator.
310^5 : 410^4 = 7.5
Think about walking on the street and at some point being 300 thousand km away from the earth... CAN YOU IMAGINE?

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Can you resteem my post?😊

if u can also help me

Sure :)

sure to resteem mine i am doing your
