Such knowledge And we have already talked about the

in inexplicable •  7 years ago 

Such knowledge And we have already talked about the fact that a person does not do this always always activity is a ind of activity in general the idea of ​​a person as a passive being is very common it is both maximally the most incorrect Incorrectly you remember the secondary school generally the identification tokens which are usually planted in school it is directly opposite it really and the model is unusual as it seems there is a teacher who gives the student's material. Yes, here at the level of everyday language there exists a scheme B bshem somehow ridiculously it turns out that the subject That who knows he is passive on and the teacher and can yes on the contrary actively In the sense of the pupil is more similar to the box from the TV in which the teacher writes down the records it is necessary if he puts everything there well yes then it is possible a lot of knowledge, if somehow there is a lot of something that climbs up Yes something does not fit Well, here it is the very idea of ​​what knowledge is given up to the knowledge that introduces knowledge is driven into the head. For all its limb, for all its such a noob, the rooting of anashim to family life he is fundamentally then the philosophy for too long dominated this position so far there is a subject who knows there is the external world and it reflects this external world vision there rumors and just the task adequately it all took the antiquity there would have been very amusing ideas about this. Yes, why should we see some objects because they're because I admit I do not know Well Well, there's a chicken leg well roasted until it radiates its small copies of the image that through our eyes before they get inside there are printed into our soul. But actually this one here this is the idea According to the picture in Shimmer before generates knowledge activity activity cognitive activity is 1 Shchuchye activity of the outside world This idea was popular and with the king of peas on about antiquity in the Middle Ages

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