the butcher and my wife.” -- Rodney Dangerfield

Cheaters Never Win
When you think about it.., most people you know (everybody) has cheated at something, some time… I don't care how religious or pious you are -- or what a good person you are, either -- you have cheated on something, some time in your life...
From fudging your taxes.., to cheating on your diet. Exaggerating slightly (lying) on your resume.., to your favorite board game. Downloading that term paper from the internet.., to splitting off your neighbors cable TV. There are cheaters everywhere you look.., from the football field (can anyone say Tom Brady), the boardroom, the government.., and yes, the bedroom -- EVERYWHERE!
And while some of these infringements are considered quite harmless.., they can imply a slight kink in your character… And while, yes, many of the things we cheat on, could be considered or rationalized as -- "in good fun," "everyone cheats on their taxes," etc., etc…
Cheating is not always harmless, though.., sometimes there is a victim. And too often than not, that victim is your spouse, significant other, boyfriend, girlfriend, lover -- not so harmless, anymore… Now you have dragged someone, probably at some point (maybe even at that moment), who was or is the most important person in your life down with you…
And you don't have to be married to cheat, I don't have to tell you that… Anyone that you share an emotional bond with, is at stake for your actions…
While cheating on your taxes, swiping a college paper.., can have some pretty harsh consequences if you get caught, from legal problems to a damaged reputation… There is nothing so harsh as cheating on the person you've raised children with.., the person you've dreamed with...
How Could You Do That To Me…
There are many reasons (excuses) people use for being unfaithful -- cheating… Shit, some people just have it in their personalities -- "Once a cheater always a cheater" we've all heard that before… There are people that are in completely happy relationships that even cheat, due to their specific situation… Maybe you have a job that requires you to be around very attractive people all the time -- you are at a higher risk for cheating.

We all know the marriage statistics are horrible.., but if you look at Hollywood, the entertainment industry to be more specific -- it's almost impossible to have a monogamous relationship.., they're screw like a bunch of bunnies, out there… They cheat so much, the've basically turned cheating into a full-on disease, even creating a support group, Sex and Love Addicts Anonymous -- and yes, they are constantly surrounded by very attractive people…
Sometimes someones sexual needs are not being met.., and they decide to look elsewhere to be sexually fulfilled. Physically they need more.., and rarely does their cheating have anything to do with love -- it's a purely physical thing. Others are seeking a new experience, they are tired of the "same old, same old" -- once again, physical. Then there are the revenge seekers, they are basically looking to hurt their partner for some reason or another.., and what a better way than being intimate with someone else… And some people just like the risk.., they want to see if they can get away with it.
"I swear to God, it didn't mean anything to me, I was drunk!"
Many today think monogamy is a crock -- "people are not meant to be with one person their whole life." I think I've used that one, myself… The old notion, that monogamy is the only way a relationship can exist is slowly dying… And that getting into a monogamous relationship, is just setting yourself up, to be betrayed somewhere down the line. So much so, more and more couples are choosing to be in.., open relationships, which Im sure have their own set of unique problems.
There are serious consequences to cheating, too… The emotional distress it can cause, can be irreparable. The effects it can have on whole families, can be devastating. The vows and promises broken, in the most intimate of ways can be a tough pill to swallow… And although cheating is so deceitful, it is not always a deal breaker… Many people who have been cheated on, find a way to forgive, they will never forget -- but they learn to forgive, if only for their own well-being and sanity. Remember.., "Trust takes years to build and seconds to break."
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These are wise words, my friend. It´s hard to find commitment, honesty and sense of duty nowadays. I think that´s actually one of the main challenges of our society. We´ve lost some essential values that are necessary to build trustworthy, stable and longlasting social bonds.
It´s horrible to say that but it seems that cheating in relationships has become something normal. There are so many that (consciously or not) live according to the belief: Why only be with one if I can have them all?
I by myself believe that you can´t find true happiness and fulfillment living like that. Being committed is such a wonderful thing. Demonstrating commitment towards another person is worth a life.
Thanks for touching such an important manner. I´ll go with Mahatma Gandhi here (a quote that I have already used several times on steemit :)): "Be the change you wanna see in the world."
Well then let´s be the good example in this case...
Resteemed :)
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Couldn't agree with you more @sufermarley... There is nothing like knowing you have a partner through all the ups and downs, the curve-balls life can throw you -- that will always have your back.., and vice versa...
Thanks for the very thoughtful comment!
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You are more than welcome, my friend! Thanks for the great inspiration.
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I would say comparing cheating on taxes to cheating on a spouse makes little sense. If you agreed to be faithful, you made a choice. If someone demands money from you, it's extortion no matter how official the demand if you did not consent to the exchange.
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Just using a little creative license... Have a good one!
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Wow you read my mind!
The only reply : Tell me about:)
Resteeming and posting in twitter and everywhere else especially for my ex to see.
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Hahaha -- just spit coffee outta my nose, Im laughing so hard!!!
There is nothing quite like.., a woman scorned... Im glad Im not that guy!
Your the best.., CHEERS!
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Hahahaaa now I am laughing out loud. Poor all Ex's ....I was a bit joking though!
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