Police State Britain is "Full Speed Ahead" into a Wall called the British People ! We will Never Surrender ! #FREETOMMY !

in infomationwar •  6 years ago 


At the end of the Second World War Germany was divided into East and West ! The West were I suppose the lucky ones, whereas the poor sods that found themselves under the rule of Communism in the GDR were subject to a Police State the likes of which could not be rivalled by all the horrors of the Waffen SS under Hitler ! The Stasi officers apparently would brag that they could " Destroy the very Soul" of those their detainees !

Britain has, since the very High profile arrest of Tommy Robinson seen that their very own Police Force has now been seemingly told to impose these very same methods upon them ! Their recent actions around the Country leaves not much doubt that they now serve the pervasive and damn right evil !They have gone beyond the line and today you are more likely to be arrested for a Tweet on Twitter than if you have raped or done real bodily harm to somebody !

With the very high profil arrest of Tommy Robinson comes I think that " Crunch" moment where the British people have seen and understood this event for what it is, symbolically or otherwise ! They now see clearly that there is a really serious problem and its not going away until they stand up and say No !

Following his arrest thousands of people sensitive to his debate on Freedom of Speech and the clearly unfair tratment of this man who merely dares to go to places and say things that most would not, came to protest and scream and sing their disguast for this appaling misjustice ! So angry were they that they even looked for a moment that they would beat down the gates of Downing Street to make " Appeaser" Theresa May a little house call !

The sheer insistance and bravery of Tommy Robinson has lit the flame for so long exting¡uished, he is now taken as our Greatest Champion of Freedom in this Country, putting him firmly in the same league as William Wallace of BraveHeart movie fame ! Like a spear he has pierced the side of this Dark Beast called Police State Britain ! It has been sent reeling back into the woods and is now licking its wound and I am sure is beginning to feel that it may have bitten off more than it can chew with this insane decision of arresting a man in a public space for nothing more than carrying a telephone and live streaming to the world their ruthless tactics and seemingly inconcern for British Law and the Bill of Rights for so long repected by all British Subjects !

This cannot go on ! Millions of British people have now seen this rediculous arrest ! They are sick and tired of the Politically correct protecting sexual monsters that we all know by now have been molesting and yes, even killing our youngest and most vulnerable children in haneous sex crimes beyond words and for decades !

Time to call a Spade and Spade and a Child Molestor and Child Molestor ! The British people will not ,I am sure, stand idly by now and keep their silence on these matters imposed by this relentless brainwashing of the thought police over the last two decades under Labour and the Conservatives alike, in uniform or not, that install their regime by intimdation, fear and stealth !

Tommy Robinson is currently in Jail but his very existance and example has given the motivation and strength back finally to a people that have been pushed into the corner for too long by their own government !

The Great British Lion for Too Long Sleeping in the Hill has Awoken, Best be Careful Now of its Ancient Bonebreaking Teeth !


Reloaded Insight
Published on 28 May 2018

The UK is becoming a totalitarian nightmare the public do not know what they are allowed to do or say or even have an opinion on any matter and any dissension and criticism of the government seems to land you in prison.


Your thoughts and reactions to my post, as ever much appreciated in the comment section below !



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Please watch this 35 second video my friend:

So what are you saying @herrleeb ?? that Tommy Robinson is just another controlled oppostion player doing what he is told ! That all this scenario is a devilshly built plan to bring martial law into Britian when the race war begins because of this arrest ??

In a nutshell, yes. He IS controlled opposition, no doubt about that. People ARE outraged. Not sure if they want to start the race war now, but it will definitely be an opportunity to create more division and tougher laws..

So where does this film come from ?? How old is it ??? You can see that he has lost his teeth in this film so this looks like just after his first stay in prison where he lost all his teeth to a roon full of muslims ! I think he is a football lad that liked in those days to wind up people , porbably this was a provocation to be seen by the muslims that took his teeth as a fingers up to them ! I really dont think this one gesture by him proves categoruically that he is a shill for Israel ! He clearly has gone to jail and there are no reports surfacing that ineed he has been reattacked inside and is now in Hospital ! I find it very hard to believe that a person would subjigate themselves to such pain and hardship all for Israel and Zionism !! ?? JUst seems to far out there for me this sorry !

i am so disappointed that you and @deliberator have taken this veiwpoint on this tommy thing ! all based on some very bogus looking 35 second video ! i think he was just being provocative and trying to trigger journalists to ask the zionist quetion so that he could expose it as a talking subject ! anywat thats all folks, we can just beg ro differ on this one im sorry to say

Sorry my friend, it is not my intention to disappoint you. Rather to warn you not to fall into an insidious trap. Willingly or not, he is furthering zionist goals. Look at his shirt. Nothing is what it seems, we live in a f@cked up world...


yeah photoshop is a great tool !! lol


The race war has been won by the invading Islamist. Once upon a time Great Britton is now a Muslim Caliphate. Caliph Sadiq Khan is now the ruler... There is no England anymore...

Yeah well thats sad to see such a jewel of culture be turned into another shithole nation full of brown people where finding a good plumber is impossible !

I lost the link, but sad to report that Tommy has been assaulted in prison. It wasn't even 24 hours into the sentence where he was attacked and brought to hospital.

Oh God seriously @bmanmcfly ?? ((( Wow well that went as we all expected didnt it ? That is just damned right shamefull to let that great and brave man be served up to these animals in there by our own government ! They really have no sense of shame and they will pay dearly for this monumental error !

I am so sorry... I misread a different report from a time he was previously arrested.

My fault, I jumped the gun on that. There is no more current news.

It is bad enough that he is in jail, but there were no more current updates, and I was mistaken. It is still an outrage, but I feel like an a** for misinforming.

Please remove the upvote, it is not deaerved.

Yes I went looking and all I found was stuff on his hospitalisation for when he was beaten and stabbed to an inch of his life !! I am having people terll me here that they believe that Tommy Robinson is a Zionist shill ???! This guy lost allo his teeth in this attack, why would anyone say such things about a man that could now even be dead and who gave his life for his country and try and protect its future ! They pass me off as some naive idiot falling for the Israelis propoganda, when infact its more tham that have fallen !! I am in a very bad mood now, not juch I can much more of this((

I agree, it's shameful, and clearly the intention that he be killed in prison.

There's no way that he's a shill, nobody risks themselves like that in a consistent way for decades without truly believing in what he's doing.

Can't pay attention to those people calling everyone a shill.

This is not justice.