Information Finding Championship - Season 1 : Round 18 entry

in informationfinding •  7 years ago  (edited)

(Image source: Wikimedia)

I'm not sure if this contest is still open, but it looked like so much fun that I decided to participate anyway. The contest is to create a four-sentence post using the same first letter for each word. Here goes:

Great-grandma Gertie gave Greta green garnets. Greta gloated, got Gertie gaudy gems, gobbled good grapes. Grumbling grackles gnawed Greta's garnets. Greta's grief grew, gashing great-grandma Gertie's glee.

Thanks @apolymask and @charisma777 for bringing these contests to my attention and encouraging me to participate! 

(Note: The grackles in this image are not eating garnets, but bear with me :-D)



Information Finding Championship Round 18
Information Finding Championship Discord Chat
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Great gads, Greta gloating. Get grandpa's gatling gun. Go get grampa gertie gestured gabriel. Gabriel got gobstopped, gleeful gaze gandering glorious Gloria's gams.

I liked your entry laura, Welcome to the games, it is a lot of fun.

Thank you! It's great to be here :)

Actually this photo looks like my ex-girlfriend talking to me 😂


Wow amazing photography

Thanks -- I can't take credit for the photo, though! It's from Wikimedia. Nevertheless, I'm glad you enjoyed it.

That was a clever and interesting one! Nice work! Glad to see you entered a round! :)

Oh and.. The round is still open, each round lasts a week.
There's also round 19 which is to help teach something..
And.. On Sunday I plan on doing a poetry round! So maybe that one will be good for you.. I think you sent a message yesterday saying something about being interested in writing or poetry challenges..? Though I've got so many messages yesterday I could be misremembering!

Anyways.. Great entry and thanks for playing! :D

Thank you, @apolymask! Yes, you did send me a message yesterday, as did @charisma777. I realize you're both busy on this platform and very much appreciate your taking the time.

What?? A poetry challenge? I'm in! Thanks for the heads up.

Goodness gracious Great-grandma Gertie!

My nickname when I was little was Gertrude! Lol I love your entry! Thank you for sharing and thank you for getting the word out to your followers! Hope to see more of your entries, I really enjoyed this one for sure!

Oh thank you! Glad you enjoyed it and what a remarkable coincidence!

Geeeez, say this 10 times fast, am I right? Glad you grabbed at this great opportunity. We are all grateful to have you here. Hope to see more :)

Very kind of you to say -- thanks! I am grateful to be here and loving the Steemit community so far, and I hope you are, too. As I said to @ghostinabox, we newbies have to stick together :)

Well done @laurawhite. Glad I do not have to read this out loud...

Thank you! This was a lot of fun :)

So happy to see your entry in the IFC! I found this round too tough to enter but obviously you do have a way with words :) Not sure if you would be interested in the 'Chiasmus Challenge' which @moneyinfant tells me that it would scare away too many people (I always enjoy proving him wrong :D).


Nice to meet you @moneyinfant! This gif cracks me up :)

Looks like I missed the deadline for the chiasmus challenge, but here’s one just for fun: Steem is full of bots and the bots are full of steam.

There’s lots of great things about Steemit, of course, but for some reason I’m fixating on bots :) Thanks, @plushzilla—That was fun!

Nice to meet you too @laurawhite. Glad That gave you a chuckle, it's one of my favorites :-D

Darn you, @plushzilla! I should be getting ready for bed but now I am trying to think of a chiasmus! I love a good writing challenge:)

Yes, this the chiasmus challenge is intimidating, but I’ve analyzed a few and will let you in on a secret: one trick (though not required) is to find a noun that can also function as a verb...

Here’s a rough one (Steemit related): The bots will escape you if you make your escape from the bots

That is one of my secret tricks as well :p

Hopefully when you wake up you'll have the perfect chiasmus in your mind :)