20 Ways Human Beings Are Being ATTACKED on a Daily Basis

in informationwar •  7 years ago  (edited)




-Who Controls Earth?-

Global Elite/New World Order/Illuminati/Deep-State/Shadow Government

There are many names for this entity that is currently in power over our planet. This group largely consists of secret societies, royal families, billionaires, and many more. Some would even say extraterrestrial races are involved here, which makes sense considering a lot of these actions do not seem like something a real human being would do.


These individuals are alright with causing harm to the everyday populous, just so their shadow group can benefit. I will list many of their weapons that are being used globally deeper into this post.


This syndicate has 3 main locations from which it orchestrates, with major obelisks in each one:


Washington, DC as the MILITARY center

Washington Monument - Washington DC, USA


City of London as the FINANCIAL center

Cleopatra's Needle - London, England


Vatican City as the SPIRITUAL center

Obélisque du Vatican - St Peter's Square, Vatican City


20 Weapons Being Used Against Humanity

These weapons are prevalent in our every day life. Some of these you may already be familiar with, others may come as a surprise. All must be taken seriously. Your guard cannot be let down, as these 20 weapons just scratch the surface of everything that is being used against us.

These are not listed in any particular order.



Pharmaceutical drugs

Antidepressants and painkillers are actually more toxic and addictive than heroin.




The legal intoxicant of choice, this attacks every cell in the body in order to produce a mind-altering buzz.



Chemical Food

Weaponized fast foods that lead to addiction, weight gain, and lethargy. Overheated oils turn rancid and sugar and spices are used to mask the corresponding bad taste.



Refined Sugars

These cause excessive cravings, weight gain and diabetes. Proven to be more addictive than cocaine.




Additives elevate heavy metals to toxic levels, creating autism in children ; among other things.



Artificial Protein

Proteins in wheat called “gliadin” attack the thyroid gland, ruining energy and attributing to weight gain.




Citric acid; there’s the naturally occurring kind, which is an organic acid found in vegetables and fruits, particularly of the citrus variety. Then there’s the kind of citric acid that’s prepared in a lab, from black mold.



MSG (MonoSodium Glutamate)

Often hiding as Natural Flavor, Spices, Hydrolyzed Extract, Autolyzed Yeast, Whey Protein, etc.



GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms)

Particularly soy, corn, and wheat.



Hormones and Antibiotics

Often in the conventional dairy and meat supply.



Air Fresheners

These release toxic chemicals and trick you into ignoring mold and other household toxins.




This keeps workers alive until retirement age, then they require prolonged medical care due to constant smoking.




Found in dental fillings that creates systemic toxicity and heavy metal poisoning.




Found in conventional underarm deodorant that causes breast cancer.




Found in conventional produce, this attacks and weakens the body.




Aerosols sprayed by certain aircraft that add to overall pollution and toxicity.



Vehicle Emissions

Gasoline-powered vehicles create carbon monoxide and release other toxins into the atmosphere.



EMFs (ElectroMagnetic Frequencies)

Cellphones and headsets that bring dangerous electromagnetic fields close to the brain.



Power Lines and Cell Towers

These create cancer if you live nearby them, much like wifi.




Placed in our water and conventional toothpaste, which clogs the pineal gland and lowers IQ and spirituality.


Do Your Own Research

I encourage you to look deeper into all of these weapons. There are ways to avoid just about every single one of them. You will also find deeper information on exactly what each of these weapons does to human beings.


Be Aware

This same group of people using these weapons also has control of search engines, such as Google. Meaning, when you search for answers, the top results with most of the time be fear-based/false knowledge.

I will provide a perfect example of this with the search "Why is Citric Acid Bad".

Screen Shot 2018-04-28 at 3.11.11 PM.png

This search result is very misleading. Natural citric acid, in things such as oranges is indeed harmless. However the citric acid produced in a lab, from black mold, is absolutely terrible for us.

Stay aware on your search, and always cross reference your findings. These are just 20 of the many different weapons in their wicked arsenal.


Do not be fearful of these weaponized tactics. Simply known that they exist. When we stick together as a collective & strive for perseverence, then we still have a strong chance to stop these terrible things from continuing to occur.

I hope this list will allow you to live more healthful. Being consciously aware of your environment is essential to a long, happy life.




Best Regards,










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Do you really believe this c**p? Are u f*****g serious? I mean the article presentation is good but the content is just a big lie. Maybe it's a joke I don't catch. If it is I'm sorry xD
Also, I cover myself for the alien attack haha!

No, of course not.

I am an expert in card games. That’s how I aim to change the world for the better. I will build the strongest deck, and then nobody in the world will ever die from cancer again!
Finally once I start livestreaming on @dlive, I surely will be able to feed the hugry from my basement.

I play for fun man, hahaha don't be angry!!!
And also this as useful as my livestream in dtube xD (maybe worse, cuz u are telling lies)
Sorry man if I damaged your reputation as a conspiracy pshychic, I'm not gonna fo it again hahaha

I was just giving some friendly sarcasm back 🕴

Hey, you know, not getting a terrible disease and dying sounds nice, but there are debunked reports of people getting a nonfatal disorder from vaccines so we shouldn't use them!

Idiot. This is how you kill herd immunity and cause people with weak immune systems to die because the vaccine happened to not work on them and idiots like you were carrying the disease.

And don't get me started on the other bullshit in this post. Electromagnetic radiation is absolutely harmless unless it has a photon energy above the ionizing threshhold (~eV range), or if a ton of it is focused into a small area (1000 Watt microwave ovens). The ~1W omnidirectional cellphone antenna that isn't even on most of the time on your phone isn't going to do crap in terms of harm.

This kind of thinking is a threat to the health of others, hence why I am aggressively angry at it.

What a load of bullshit, this post is legitimately retarded

this is the sad true

I like your 20 reasons and the breaker you put in between them! It looks aesthetically pleasing. Yes, I think the biggest ones on the list are alcohol, sugar, and tap water. So many Americans consume these and don't think they are bad, or at least the amount they drink. They are generally all overweight, stupid, and non-spiritual as well. That's interesting that tap water makes you non-spiritual, I never knew that? I have a filter on all the water I drink, I digress. Yes, there is some hidden agenda by the Illuminati to make us all sick and die. I don't know if its for population reduction or to just make more money in the healthcare industry. Who knows, the only way is to remain vigilant and look out for yourself, family, and friends. This revelation is great!

Thank you so much for your detailed input. I am big on design & making things user friendly.

Alcohol, sugar, and tap water are so easily accessible. Almost everybody has tried all three of those before. Some are even daily users. This does bring their resonance down quite a bit. Making them dis-harmonic with the natural way of being.

The reason tap water reduces our spiritual know how is due to the fact that the chemicals inside the water are very fond of our pineal gland (seat of the soul). This keeps us from producing the proper amounts of chemicals in our brain. Ultimately creating an imbalance of sorts. Distillation is the best way to get 100% water. However for showers that can be difficult, so filters & reverse osmosis are good options.

The agenda is dark whatever it may be. Surely it’s a combination of greed, diluted thoughts, population reduction, and a general dis-taste for their own kind. Either way, it will NOT go on forever.

The inclusion of the illuminati in this post is really the result of Christian/Catholic propaganda. The Illuminati has historically been opposed to elitism, central banking, and celebrity worship.

creepy usa

Yes indeed.

LOOOOOOL man are you getting shit on for this... The funny thing is I agree with you on every single one. While I think the article was too basic in some regards you came out strong in a response to one comment.

The problem is, the powers that be have plenty of money to buy studies that make everything seem safe. The commentors before me refute everything you say with "studies" that were most likely concluded in similar ways to how cigarettes were "proven safe" for so many years. Yet they give you that one.

"Cigarettes, duh those are bad for you"

Those guys are being assholes man, and in ten years it's going to be common knowledge that 95% of what you listed is bad for you. People have given up the natural way of things for science and lies.


There is an underlying movement of truth happening, keep being the change bro. And beware the 5G, shit is going to get crazy in coming years.


These were the exact thoughts that I had, but I was finished putting my energy into arguing with brick walls.

The mentality of saying that “there must be a scientific study for something” is likened to saying that the only way to be successful in life is to graduate college. It’s not always the case.

I definitely received some major heat on this one.. luckily I’m comparative to zirconium, so it takes much more fire than what they threw at at me to bring me to my melting point.

Thank you for the positive encouragement by the way, I will always manage though. I’ve dealt with opposition for 25+ years now 😎

Bro I’ve been talking about 5g a lot lately. Thinking about doing a proper post soon. More details than this one next time. I didn’t expect to get this much reach from such a simple article. I now know to build up a solid defensive wall from the get go.

ya, you can't change people, they have to learn for themselves, sometimes the hard way.

In regards to 5G, here is a post I did with some other conspiracy stuff thrown in. Not sure about the whole mark of the beast line, but 5G is a danger, so I'd love to see another piece on it if you write one up.


Also, I don't know if you have any interest, but I'm currently reading and writing about the Paul Selig books which have to do with our personal frequency. Changing our consciousness/frequency is what I think is the only way to "fight" these negative forces. Not everyone's cup of tea so no pressure

Nice! That all sounds like good stuff to me. I’ll give you a follow back and be sure to check out the posts you were talking about. Sounds like we are on the same 🌊

Definitely man, forgot to mention I picked up a set of harmonizing cylinders, one shungite and one soapstone, if you want a poor man's harmonizer instead of buying a pyramid, ran me about 40$ on amazon and I can tell when I'm meditating, usualy use them while earthing with standing meditation. Combined with the selig books it's the first time I've felt vibrations flowing through me

That sounds like a smart buy! Great idea for harmonizing.
I can’t say it’s 24/7. But that energetic feeling you are talking about, I feel it quite often.

I think @daltono handled the responses quite well and I'm glad he went out of his way to offer articles that somewhat supported his claims made in the original post. I would not have even commented if he put the articles in the original post as you cannot accept anything you're told without proper evidence. For example: if I were to tell you that eating raw, organic potatoes made your vertical jump increase by 60% you would say I'm an idiot if I didn't prove to you that it did so (it doesn't, I was just making an analogy).

And I say somewhat supported his claims because there is not enough research done on a few of these topics, the current research is inconclusive on others, and there are a few misinterpretations present in a few of the others.

The problem is, the powers that be have plenty of money to buy studies that make everything seem safe. The commentors before me refute everything you say with "studies" that were most likely concluded in similar ways to how cigarettes were "proven safe" for so many years. Yet they give you that one.

The funny thing with this is that if more scientists were bought out by corporations, we'd see a lot of rich scientists. And if you think the majority of scientists are bought out by corporations, again, that requires some type of evidence. Yes, I know scientists have been bought out before and it will probably happen again but those are rarities. We "give" him the ones where cigarettes are bad for you because they have been observed to be bad for you just like alcohol consumption and drug abuse/use.

I'm probably wasting my time with this reply, but I'm genuinely shocked you think we're being assholes for asking for evidence for something @daltono wrote out and claimed to be true without backing it up. Could some of us have been nicer in our responses? Most definitely. He knew he'd get attention from people when paying to have this on the trending page, I just ask for articles present in the actual post next time.


Here's an example article of how studies are funded by the people who want a specific result.

Your response here is kind of hilarious:

Could some of us have been nicer in our responses? Most definitely.

I'm genuinely shocked you think we're being assholes

It wasn't that you asked for evidence, it was the way you asked and the way you responded and the way everyone upvoted the other people who agreed with them while holding back votes from any of @daltono's responses, regardless of merit.

I just ask for articles present in the actual post next time.

This is totally fine, I agree here that he should have dropped his sources so others could research them and find their own research to compare with. I've seen far worse on the trending page though.

The funny thing with this is that if more scientists were bought out by corporations, we'd see a lot of rich scientists

One last thing on this point, if you think the corporations are paying the scientists a ton of money I think you're off, they just fund the studies which pays the rent for scientists. If no studies get funded, scientist don't get payed sort of deal. The people with money have typically gotten that money by taking advantage in ways that may be business smart, but seldom are looking out for the customer (cigarettes, cell phones, food industry, pharmaceutical industry(financially speaking at least,) etc.) I could dig into this some more, but I honestly don't want to dig up this info again, I did it for myself in the past, if you aren't worried about being misled then continue to be misled, I believe almost no one now

“Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.”

It wasn't that you asked for evidence, it was the way you asked and the way you responded and the way everyone upvoted the other people who agreed with them while holding back votes from any of @daltono's responses, regardless of merit.

Yeah, I can't bring myself to upvote anything I do not agree with and my up vote is currently at 0.002 since I have most of my sp delegated as I have not been active how I want to be for the past month or so it would not matter anyway. I will not try to speak for the others though.

I've seen far worse on the trending page though.

We all have and it seems like we always will.

One last thing on this point, if you think the corporations are paying the scientists a ton of money I think you're off, they just fund the studies which pays the rent for scientists.

Most of these corporations actually have scientists on their payroll now as the scientists work for them. They're expected to send their product or whatever out to independent researchers who are not supposed to validate the authenticity of their client's claims based on the funding. I agree that money talks, it's sad to see data be manipulated for financial gain as doing so puts people at risk. I've seen this firsthand as one of my professors is a lead shark researcher and a company tried to pay him quite a bit of money to test their products and "prove" they work. He politely declined the money and is testing them anyway as studies do show that magnets can be an effective shark deterrent.

I honestly love seeing opposing view points as debates or any intellectually engaging conversation is good in my opinion.

Thanks for the good response, honestly, and this is my personal opinion, I think everyone should look into what we're being sold, into any new technology that claims to be better at everything, or more cost effective and "entirely safe."

The greed in this world is astounding, and people will do nearly anything for money and power it seems. There is a reason everything seems to be in decline, from education, to health, to free time. It seems orchestrated to me and the 20 things that @daltono listed might just be the tip of the iceberg. If even half of them are true, there is major danger to our health and lives and ability to see things clearly.

I appreciate the clear headed response, always good to have a nice discussions where no one is belittling the other or being rude in some way. Cheers

I think it’s fine for you to respond however you so choose. That’s the beauty of this platform & life itself.

I’m sure you’ve probably heard of this before. I’ll leave here for those who haven’t.
Some scientists’ life philosophies just differ from mine drasticly. I understand that most of these guys are either dead or really old by now. But they could have been a mentor, or contributed info to a textbook that our current scientists were given in university. All I’m saying is that corruption has been around for a very long time. It’s hard to resist for some when money, power, and fame are on the line.

While many of the scientists who were brought to the U.S. under Operation Paperclip were undoubtedly instrumental in scientific advancements like the Apollo program, they were also supportive and responsible for some of the horrors experienced by victims of the Holocaust.

Read more: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/why-us-government-brought-nazi-scientists-america-after-world-war-ii-180961110/#yY5dwfuma8zhHfi4.99

I like this article a lot. Would love if you had a positive action you could take for each of these.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Thank you!
I agree with you, this gives me reason to write a PART 2.

I look forward to the comments this post will receive. I have hopes that we can share resolutions here before I write about the remedies myself.

I re-read and it will be tough to give suggested recommendations. I can say while I've heard about the obelisk I never thought about it that way. I believe I saw one in Paris as well. Do you think that has any signficance?

The majority of major monuments are on energetic signant points. You can develop your own reasoning for this.
There are other weird facts too. Such as the idea that the Vatican built on top of a necropolis (dead bodies underground).

There is a planetary-grid/leylines all around earth.
Here are some valuable images :




A very informative bu depressing post :( Upvoted still!!

I like your list, very much. I would add television, video games, and other "indoor entertainment" especially as/when aimed at young people who, in my generation, would have spent the majority of their childhood out-of-doors-- playing, fishing, hunting, camping, playing sports, beating each other, what have you...

One of the greatest evils when it comes to health is inactivity, and we are the most static society in the history of the planet, bar none. It is especially dangerous to the young, who thus begin life with unhealthy patterns and habits that can contribute to obesity in a big way. Once obese, even less activity usually occurs, and the young person just contiues to spiral downard. So sad.

This is such wonderful input! Thanks 🤝

I agree that these indoor entertainment options are very restrictive when I comes to a child entering full bloom. I am so thankful that at least for the first 15 years of my life, technology did not have me within its close reach. I can only imagine going 40+ years without having any technological addictions.

Inactivity results in spinal issues. Once the spine starts to weaken, our entire being begins to dwindle along with it. It is key to develop healthful habits during adolescence. If not, we risk making it that much harder on ourselves to do so later in life.

Right on, bro. It's almost like we are raising our children on the I.S.S.

What a quirky comparison. I love it! I can imagine the occasional view up there on the space stations is the most NATURAL experience.

I like this article

Hey man,

Just read it... most of it is really rock solid... but an article of this magnitude is just as strong as its weakest link as people will be able to "destroy" it with them... and you do have a couple of weak points here.

However, this wouldn't be a problema if it wasn't trending... Heck, if my articles would get near trending I would be burned at the stake myself... just answer people the best you can and you've done what you can.

Thanks for taking a look. I do realize some points were left a little vague, especially to sceptics.
I now know the difference between being having a few comments& hundreds it’s a lot to keep up with for sure.

Again I appreciate the positivity. Keep up your posts, I really enjoy reading them.

Good post. Will be following your work. Upvoted and reestemed. Cheers

Awesome post Man. Fantastic work. I really dig it. You can tell how much work you put into this and how much you care about what you are writing about. STRONG!!!

Thanks my brother! I know this information will be beneficial to all who come in contact with it. There is a lot to be aware of in our current state of being.

Maybe it is actually not imporatant who rules the planet, or if its a single power, group or organization. The 20 weapons your mentioning are challenges indeed. I would claim it is the human in power against itself. But then again, I wouldnt call it against itself, I hope that humans are being in transition from teenager to adult. We can now reflect upon these 20 items that you are mentioning and see what they are. You are claiming they are weapons by some force that is controling us. I would say they are randome developments of humans between greed, facination to develop, egoism and the need to revolt. I think its about humans growing up, for that apparently we need to do stupid things first.

Wow! When I saw the topic at first, I was thinking I'll see points like nuclear weapons, natural disasters and the likes. But your points are brilliantly highlighted and thrilling. That are good points, pharmaceutical drugs, preservatives, alcohols and chemical foods are the leading ones.

Im glad you took the time inspect instead of just pass by. I appreciate your kind words.
Although the reasons you brought are issues in their own, I wasn’t hoping to help the minds of others branch out more by coming up with less prototypical weapons.

Most of them agreed but why vaccines?

Debt slavery could also be added to the list. I think Americans deserve the government they have and maybe even worse. People need to wake up and take a stand. Advertising propaganda is also very strong. Sheeple need to stop succumbing to it.

Very very true. The money system was also brought up in another comment on this post. I linked to a page about the Babylonian money magic system, if you are interested.

On the other hand, many of my fellow Americans do indeed accept anything that is in front of them. It’s saddening to say the least.

great post. I had no idea about the citric acid. The other ones I knew to a certain extent but the citric acid is news to me. Thank you for the information. I'm going to do for their research on it and maybe write a blog about the citric acid. Thank you again. I upvoted

I appreciate you taking the time to leave your thoughts.

I will provide you with more info on this GMO citric acid :

Industrial food ingenuity has made it so that citric acid can be created from Aspergillus niger, a common black mold. You’ve likely heard of how dangerous black mold is. There are several strains of Aspergillus that, if inhaled, can cause severe sickness or death. This particular strain of Aspergillus (niger) is not as lethal as others, however, in people who are weak or have impaired immune function, Aspergillus niger has been found to pose serious health risks from spore inhalation. Although citric acid can be obtained from lemon or pineapple juice, producing citric acid from A. niger is a far less expensive process.


I am somewhat familiar with aspergillus and aspergillioses because i had to take a class on it to be able to work on Old buildings through the Union. I know that there are many different strains of black mold. Aspergillus is the worst though. This is great information. Thank you

That is wonderful that you have received teachings on this subject. You are well ahead, I look forward to seeing your future input and possibly even reading your future post on the dangerous substance.

Thank you. I will be posting it next week. I need to do a little research.

Sounds great!
Take care 🤝

Thank you. I will be posting it this week. I have already written it but I am using a theme for my titles. It will be titled "Someone is Trying to Kill Me". The one I will be posting the day before is titled "someone is following me". I am going for a story in my titles. They are already written.

Luckily alot of these I dont consume - alcohol, cigarettes, pharacuetical drugs (well not currently anway!). Some of these are hidden in all the foods we eat and hard to get away from such as sugar.

Didnt know to much about the cell towers - thats a bit scary!

We need to get the sugar out of American bread.

I swear it was the damn Hawaiian bread that started this sugar bread trend! 🍞🥐🥖

Yeah its crazy when you start looking at the labels you realise how much sugar is in food

Yes same here. I have been avoiding the vast majority of things on this list for several years now.
Some will always be there to creep up on us, so doing our best is the top priority. Not being perfect.

I live right by a cell tower, I can see it out my living room window easily. I do not like that. It will all become even worse once 5G technology is introduced to the world.

Things like Orgone Pyrmaids aid in reducing the electromagnetic energy. I really don't see much of a way to completely get away though, at least not while being a Steemian. We would need to live entirely off grid. Thats not feasible for majority of people.

Yeah I used to drink when I was younger (like most people do) but just decided its not the bets for my health - and never really smoked. Trying to keep sugar out of the diet is a hard task!

Yeah unfortunaltly technology is so ingrained in us now and jsut a part of the world we live in. I wouldnt feel that comfortable living next to a cell tower either!

I had a couple years in my life where I was heavy on the drinking. I’ve reduced it to almost never these days. It’s very rare, even if it does happen I have very low limits for myself.
I’ve never smoked a cigarette though, I’ve been grossed out since day one.

We do the best we can with the situation we are given.


This is so true we are human beings but we believe to easy. Everything we see on tv or on paper we believe and the big money makers no that. This way they mislead us everything you said in your blog is so true . So it is addictive we just continue. Thankyou for this post

Thank you for releases your opinion on these subjects to the masses. My aim is to get people talking, that is the only way we will ever get away from the confusion of our own messy minds. Collective discussion will help dissipate the fog.

I think you should add monetary pressure.

The Babylonian money magic system that is used is another extreme weapon. There is no doubt in that at all.

Thanks for adding this in the comments. I knew there would be wise individuals such as yourself that would bring it to the surface.

I didn’t want to make this list too long. I could have probably included 100 weapons, most people don’t stick around for that much info though.

For anybody interested in learning more about the origins of the current debt based money system, follow this link :


Time is a flat circle. No matter if this is true or crap, if it's not that bad or even worse... we will never figure it out. The ones that claim to "know more" will always be seen as shady. The truth (or what we call it) is often in the middle. Example 911. We have the official (bullshit) report and we have theories about an inside job. The truth could be, it was an attack by Osama, but the chosen few knew about it, let it happen in order for the geopolitical following actions. Could be, could not. We ll know in 30-50 years. Napoleon said, history is the lie we agreed upon. Touché

Great choice to bring things like this into the talk.
Props to you for stay in the middle rather than wasting time choosing a side. You are in the safe zone like I. No sense in wasting large amounts of energy on something that we can’t get 100% proof/disproof of.

awesome job on the post. i hope you stop by.

If we all take a minute to think deeper without prejudice and old references (just using common sense), we can realize that we are pawns.

Especially, with Pharmaceutical conglomerates. Cancer rate is increasing more people every year. It is like the eye-candy for them. It's obvious they're not willing for a cure nor even fighting for it. As long there are more clients (dying patients), they're happy.

Also, if I add, I'd like to point out all those international organizations (UN and UE, to name a few) that are just allies to certify all of these attacks.

Bringing even more TRUTH to the table. I like your ways my friend.

Hello, Excellent article friend, very interesting, congratulations.

Hello @daltono, great publication! I enjoyed your content. Keep up the good work! It is always good to see good content

You may want to revise the list and place Air Fresheners below cigarettes and mercury :)

These are in no particular order. If they were, yes I’d agree that air fresheners are very close to the bottom of our worries 🤣

A cell tower was built right next to my home a few years ago. I wanted to move but my husband won't. People are saying "your ok. Because your so close, the electromagnetic field will go way above you" I'm not so sure?

I’m not sure if it warrants a proper reason to move away from the place you call home. I mean you will most likely be in close proximity to a cell phone tower anywhere you go. Although if it truly is right in your backyard, then yes that may be a bigger issue.

It's Approx 30 metres from my house. too close I think. everyone in the house suffers from insomnia. I've been told this has been linked to living close to a cell tower.

The same issues have occurred with my family members. Luckily ours is a few hundred yards away, still too close for my own liking. Just be thankful you don't also live in what is titled "Chemical Valley" like I have most of my life.

I don't like the sound of "chemical valley" I feel for you

Bro you are right!
Great one
Love to ya
You know I like your style
Go on like this my dear
Hugs out

Thank you so much. An abundance of love towards to as well 🤗

Hijō ni kyōmibukaku yūekina posuto. Sekai wa hijō ni tayōdesu.

This is crazy but totally the truth. Veganism helps to be more clear minded. Steem on :D

I know right 😱
Plus, even while eating a vegan diet, you still must co-factor in aspects such as proper crop growth. It’s as if they didn’t miss not one angle to come at us from.

All composed here are have focal points and inconveniences. We as human must check of what we are eating and getting into our body. As an idiom dont put to your skin what you can't eat. This scents debilitates our safe framework. Awesome blog @daltono

Keep it up!

Very good information about 20 Weapons Being Used Against Humanity @daltono

That information needs to be known by all the steemian.
Thank you and happy weekend

I appreciate you very much.

Excellent article friend, truth be told, we are exposed 365 of the year to a sudden death at any time, I am of the opinion that we have been more dominated by ignorance than by force, thanks for your painstaking information, from this At the moment you create consciousness in me, which I will share with my environment as a network in order to spread the threats that you decipher in this excellent article, so I will follow it, and I will give you my vote, best regards.

Very well said. There isn’t a day that goes by that I am not thinking about the air that I breathe, the water that I drink, the earth I stand upon, and much more. Thank you for doing your best to spread awareness.

very good article.
hopefully we can succeed and can help others who need help

Success is imminent 👏

I believe they are many eg tattoo are also bad, mainstream (education, religion and news) ,fake science (globe earth, moon landing), fake opposition and politicians etc. What is positive is alot of truth is coming out like never before.

Great addition to this discussion. There are a near endless amount of factors in our everyday life. Truth is one thing that helps separate the good from bad.

Human stupidity is the most used lol

Our own stupidity can be quite the weapon.

I love this masterpiece. Good content. Keep writing.

Thank you! Just doing my part in spreading this information to the world.

I am one who do believe that there are systems, elite people , societies and their products who are inside or outside of government that really controls the world. What makes them control the world its the exploit of the capitalist system.

Very wise words my friend. Let us both continue to stay in the know.

Only 20? lol . Come on..At least 1000.

This list could certainly be longer. We both know that is the truth.

yup, was a decent post tho

The information in this video will confirm this post and add more information to it. Thank you for sharing such valuable information. Although I do no agree with the statement that My Lord and Savior Christ was married simple because there are many scriptures ascertaining him being God, divinity in a human form for the purpose of communing with his creation, paying for our debt of sin,( only a perfect sacrifice could attain it) and teaching us how to love him and each other.

I made a similar article related to this video, a greman man says whites are not earthlings.

You should also checkout "David Icke's videos/books"

Thank you.

This is really Great!.


Wow bro insane earnings on this one gj!

Thank you my brother!

I managed to finally have a post be the # 1 trending post of the day. Very happy with this one.

I now know how you feel when you say you deal with tremendous negativity in the comments of some of your videos. Controversy happens. I do my best to remain balanced and provide the best info that I can in a timely manner. However we just cannot please 100% of people even if the truth is right in front of their faces.

You forgot to add the whales lol @daltono

I know some very kind whales, I could never group them in with the not so nice ones.

haha I see. @daltono


I like your 20 reasons slot and they are all true
Thank God I don't consume alcohol, refined sugar, pharacuetical drugs
These reasons open my eyes....
Thanks @daltono You're the best.

Thank you for stopping by. I’m happy to inform 🖖

i think all humans should behave like humans , we r superior than other species on earth so we have to behave nicely

I think I understand that which you are trying to convey.

However humans are creatures of a balanced nature. Meaning they consist of both positive and negative energies. Every one of us is made up of a different variation of these two energies. Truly, no two human beings are exactly alike. So being 100% nice all of the time would be against the original way we were designed.

I will add, being nice certainly is not a bad thing 😉

This is the best deodorant. All others cause ADHD breast cancer and Alzheimer. Your under arm is a gland with lymph nodes. Very important part of the body but overlooked.

Your post and list is very useful and helpful...!!!


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yoir pic great
I your post obe vote
you give me 1 v

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uh, how about cars?

Check # 17.

-Vehicle Emissions-
Gasoline-powered vehicles create carbon monoxide and release other toxins into the atmosphere.

yes - contributing to lung disease- but also consider this way of using the car itself as a mode to directly kill people by running them down in the streets like in san diego , a city that has a very high pedestrian mortality rate.

Hii im @rohanmore i just follow u and like ur posts pls follwo me and resteem my these beautyfull post of flamingo https://steemit.com/birds/@rohanmore/flamingo

thats true on so many levels

Some of the posts attracted the attention of everyone, among them are 20 ways in which there are some discussions about human giants, talk of daily attacks Many do not think that a lot of people will not be considered, they do not seem to act as impossible as they become countless, and they will benefit some of them.

I really love on creativity ,about designs ,kudos on this one.

Even though there is no reference then the post I really liked. Technology is good both sides, we should choose the best. Request for posting with future reference.

wow incredible income, congratulations @daltono yes, you are smart, make a quality post

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I agree with everything except for Chemtrails.

For me, that’s a little too tinfoil hat for me.

Mind you because I feel it’s a little too tinfoil hat for me, I’ve never looked too much into it.

But that’s just me.

Also, why was the NEWS not on the list or perhaps tv in general?

Thanks for the positive input.

Great question. News/tv, and even video games. All are weapons in their own right.

Radition of all elektronic machines should not be forgetten.. and I agree your all shared informations thanks for sharing 👍

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Your post is very good!

Now look me in the eye and Follow Me @cryptopay-blogYour post is very good

We are simply killing each other by our intelligence and so called science and development

It all sounds so very sad :( what to do, really?

Thank You for this post; it has been extremely insightful & useful to increase my knowledge. Well, I'm so happy that I have found this post because I have been seeking some information about it.

nice post very earning fine and image

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Bullshit facts...unfollowing

Espero que ya dejen de crear falsas comidas como las transgenicas, GMO, Para los que no saben, es la comida geneticamente alterada, comida que da cancer en los humanos, para dañar al mismo humano.

This post has received a 32.57 % upvote from @boomerang.

good information

Thanks for your post, daltono. I just knew that refined sugars are more addictive than cocaine. How dangerous refined sugars are!

Congratulations @daltono!
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Pure click bait. This guy is obviously a pro at it based on his payouts. Nice list of know useless information full of fear for fearful world. Glad to see weed isn't included.

I agree on this 20 list because majority has chemical content with will affect something in us .but we can do without using this thing but try on some aspect of it.whats your say on this?

great work but fluoride at No 20..no way..its in toothpaste, Fluoxetine, anything product man consumes with "Fluo" in the ingredient has Flouride..must be within the tip 5 if not No 1

Agreed to I so a major issues.
However this list isn’t not in any particular order.

You got a 24.18% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @daltono!

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Not worth to be trending

Wow.. I thought this was just a troll post.. but I'm a huckleberry.. I'll bite..

Ok. I've been wrong before. I'm so glad to see this information being seen by other people..

Hopefully more and more people will wake up to the fact that we are slaves.. hopefully enough of us wake up before it's too late.

The idea of a good publication is worth pursuing and watching

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hehe Caracas has an obelisc too but it is dont the center of any global power

Nice post, success is always for you friend

Nice post, success is always for you friend

Nice post, success is always for you friend

. Some would even say extraterrestrial races are involved here, which makes sense considering a lot of these actions do not seem like something a real human being would do

Many of these only a real human would do human is the only creature we know capable of cruelty for the sake ok it

Great work and many truths here.

However, even if these groups (shadown government etc) do exist I think it is wrong think to give them claim to too much power. Yes, they have the power to influence politics and economic and even propaganda.

But the main reason we are where we are when it comes to the madness of political correctness, feminims anti racism etc is because of the madness of humans themselves in the hands of the state.

When we have a state that is dependant on ever growing group of people being addicted and dependant on them (welfare) they will incentivize that kind of behaviour. Thats why they make the media support this insanity. They just go along with it even to the degree of absurd. They have nothing to lose. The more people who feel like victims, the more the state grows. The victim mentality for minorities is key for government.

This kind of post is also an attack. It creates fear. The fear is sometimes more damaging than any one of this 20 weapons.

That’s only partially true.

How else might a young adult man be informed enough to calmly alert his mother that the deodorant she is using could possibly give her breast cancer? NOT knowing this info may make it impossible for her to meet her future grandchild if she were die an early death due to a simple, unknown bad habit.

Every single person does not just know these things are going on.

I’m not sure if you finished the entire read.. but at the end I said this :

Do not be fearful of these weaponized tactics. Simply known that they exist. When we stick together as a collective & strive for perseverence, then we still have a strong chance to stop these terrible things from continuing to occur.