Apparently Rep. Jackson Lee in Congress thinks Diamond and Silk possess a time machine...

in informationwar •  7 years ago  (edited)

If you haven't seen this section of Diamond and Silk's testimony before Congress beware it might make you a little angry like it did myself.

It turns to gold around the 5 minute mark.

When Rep. Jackson Lee would not allow them to speak and when Diamond attempted to clarify and Lee interrupts and says "I am the one asking the questions" and then essentially says "I am showing you respect, so you will show me respect."

First: Rep. Jackson Lee wasn't showing respect at all.

Second: No one is obligated (forced) to show anyone respect. I show respect by default, but you can lose my respect. A quick way to lose it is to imply that you have some mystical authority that forces me to respect you. Perhaps in your imagination. In reality you don't control any mind but your own so you cannot force me or anyone else to actually respect you. You can be an authoritarian and attempt to force people to FAKE respecting you, but that's about it.

The crux of the issue here is that Diamond clearly pointed out they were banned from Facebook and called unsafe on April 5th, 2018. They then had an interview on April 11th, 2018 where they stated that Facebook had not contacted them. Facebook then contacted them on the 12th via Twitter.

Rep. Jackson Lee after her drivel about respect pushed for the answer she wanted and would not let Diamond actually answer. She pushed Diamond to say "Yes" to the fact they were contacted on the 12th. To which she replied "then your testimony was untrue" and Diamond said it "was true". Rep. Jackson Lee then did not let her indicate in any way that the testimony in question was on the 11th.

So unless Diamond and Silk possess the ability of time travel what they stated was 100% true. Rep. Jackson Lee was a disgrace. She showed absolutely no respect. She needs a muzzle.

Then at the end she doesn't even show respect of follow the rules of her own committee. She just wanted to run her own show and railroad not only Diamond and Silk into not answering, but instead saying what she wanted them to say. She also railroaded her own committee and showed tremendous disdain and disrespect for that process.

If people elect this person to represent them again then you are IDIOTS. Don't do it! Use your head.

If you think I am being racist. I didn't mention race or anything racially specific anywhere. Elect someone else based upon race if you think race matters (which technically makes you racist) just don't elect this moron.

She deserves no respect.

EDIT: Afterthoughts...

I'd love to say to someone in such a hearing that demanded I swear to tell the truth and then pulled this respect crap on me.

"Make up your mind please. Do you want me to tell the truth, or to pretend, which is it?"

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Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Diamond and Silk Censorship
Our Purpose

If people elect this person to represent them again then you are IDIOTS. Don't do it! Use your head.

The Houston district that she represent is full of idiots.

I fail to see how Lee has served her purpose of branding the victims of Fakebook censorship liars. What she did prove was that she was trying to mischaracterize them as liars. I hope that is suitably considered by the hapless saps in her district.


She's just a reflection of the people that elected her.

War with information? Or to fight for the wrong information? I am not clear about this issue.

Fight against people attempting to manipulate information, distort facts, and even present things as factual that are not or lack evidence to support them.

It also involves discussing techniques others can use to fight these things.

I understand.

Data war is so common phenomenon now a days. it also most talked of topic. Some oracle said that third world war will occur with data.

I would not call Albert Pike an oracle. The planners and instigators of events aren't prophets. Pike was part of shadowy organizations that intended to profit from the wars that create demand for credit, weapons, and disable people from resisting depredations.

That's hardly prophecy. That's profiteering.

so informative video, thanks.