Despite all the evil
Child trafficking, rigged election fraud, covid 19, depopulation, war on families, GMO foods, chemtrails, weather manipulation, CPS child theft, war on the middle class, abortion and the war on the unborn, elder abuse, euthanasia, criminal politicians, war on truth and freedom, gun violence, antifa, agenda 21, agenda 2030 and the New World Order...
One thing is certain...

In the end, good triumphs evil, truth prevails over tyranny.
And in the end freedom reigns. Because light shines in the darkness and that darkness cannot overcome being exposed to light. Ultimately, we win and God wins. Yet, how long will it take?
They say for tyranny to succeed, it needs good people to do nothing. In other words... it needs apathy. Are we so apathetic that we are deaf to the eyes of the innocent who live in fear? Do we not see their tears or their pain? Will we allow child trafficking, baby farming theft to thrive and destroy the faces of tomorrow? Are we so drunken on complacency, that we cannot speak out when an election is fraud, the elderly are abused or the world is in the grips of media propaganda?
If we do not speak, who will? Apathy and silence permitted Hitler, Stalin and Mao to kill millions, Apathy is the real virus pandemic that destroys. The choice is clear. We either choose truth or we exist in tyranny.

When we are that light of truth
For tyranny to be overcome, it take a few good people to speak out. Only then will we see an end to the darkness. It starts with each of us individually, as we make our voices heard at local school boards, council meetings, churches, coffee shops and everywhere in the marketplace. For others, it is tireless blogging on social media sites and publications, speaking to neighbors, and contacting your representatives. Whatever it takes, one thins is certain...
The squeaky wheel gets the grease. and persistency pays off. Family, freedom and faith are the foundation that must be protected for tomorrow to thrive.
In a global, unified non-compliance
Together, we can turn that rigged election around, we can end child theft, elder abuse, chemtrails, harmful GMO foods, the war on the family and the unborn. We can preserve freedom and overcome the Orwellian agenda. We can be the light that overcomes the roaches of evil and the filthy swamp of tyranny.
It will take you and me. Mothers and children will be grateful we were their voice. Those enslaved by debt and the vulnerable elderly will be freed from their chains. Yes, good will triumph... when we choose to speak out.
How long it will take depends on you and me. The sooner we rid ourselves of the cloak of apathy and complacency, the sooner we all can once again enjoy being free!
Will you be that voice that lights the way?