Julie's Story
Let me tell you about Julie.
There is no dearer person out there than sweet Julie. Rural raised and cornfed, she is the girl next door type. Kind hearted with two children and mid west values. A lover of animals and people, she always had that smile. It's a shame I never ended up with her, but I digress.
For years, Julie would travel into town to work. It was a good job with steady pay and benefits. Life was good... or so it seemed.
But then Covid came to visit along with the vaccines. Julie had witnessed her aunt get sick from the virus. She knew the virus was real. Yet, she was careful what she chose to put into her body, eating organic when she could and staying away from GMO's, McDonalds or any medications that had side effects.
For almost a year, she saw friends and family get sick off the jab. It varied in severity. There was her cousin, who was only nauseas for a day, but then her cooking friend, Ethel, had ended up in the hospital for nearly a week, suffering, in an effort, to do the right thing.
Of Job Loss
But now her boss at the plant, was trying to force employees to be vaccinated or risk loosing their job. What a dilemma! Honestly, Julie did not want to take the jab. After all, little testing had been done and she did not want to be their guinea pig. She did not trust the marketing ploy of bribing or intimidation to get folks to comply.
All her life, Julie did what she was told. But time and experience was changing her. She was 43 and coming into her own. No! She decided she would not roll up her sleeve. It was her body and her choice. After a few weeks, she was escorted out of the plant, and told not to return until she was vaccinated.
Wow! What a life changer! Where would she work now? How would the family adjust? And yet, her inner voice told her she did the right thing.
And Child Theft
A month passed. Six weeks passed. And then, there was the phone call. Some woman named Becky from the CPS wanted to speak with her. Apparently, there was concern that her being unvaccinated was putting her children at risk. Where did that one come from and who tipped them off?

For months, poor Julie has been in a legal battle to keep her two children. It is a living nightmare that no one should endure. I feel for her and the psychological baggage her family has today.
It is odd that it is my body, my choice when aborting your baby, but not, when you pass on the jab.
Drives Home The Point
There are a lot of folks like Julie, who try to do the right thing, only to be jabbed or double jabbed by the system, through loss of work and/or threat from the CPS. No one should be forced to pay that price for the freedom of choice. Still, many employers are rubberstamping and enforcing what the Covid 19 propaganda puppets tell them. Folks are discouraged to use critical thinking skills or question the official spoon-fed narrative. Still, the whore press-stitute media continues.
I wonder if Julie ever knew that covid-19 stood for certificate of vaccination identification document and 19 as the alphabet letters AI or artificial intelligence.
Our Health Is At Risk
When you take the jabbed experimental gene therapy, you are allowing spiked proteins and graphene oxide to enter your body. You are permitting blood clots, heart issues, seizures, brain fog and so many more problems. You are vulnerable to vaxidents (car accidents of the vaccinated).
We have seen that being vaccinated does not protect you from covid. It fact, you are at higher risk to get covid or spread the virus to the unvaccinated through shedding. The Vars system has reported 21, 000 dead from the vaccines. Imagine how many deaths are unreported. Analysists, like Cliff High, are projecting a big die off in 2022 - 2023. Within 5 years 65% of the vaccinated will be gone.
And you still want to be vaccinated?
And then there is the 5G that connects to your body through the graphene based vaccine. 5G emits between 33 - 66 ghts which is the same of the electrical impulses of a microwave. They plan to turn 5G on this sometime this month. Folks, do you really want your organs microwaved in heart failure and a host of other health malfunctions? How will that affect airplanes and animals? We know the government had done mind control studies. What affect will it have on the mind?
Julie was warned not to trust three-lettered companies. That includes NBC, CBS, Fox, ABC, CNN, FDA, CDC....and the child stealing CPS. Yes, this was turning into the one - two jab by the system, despite her passing on the marketed vaccines.
And Our Families
The Child Protective Services are one of several money - making cash cows for the government. It's informant based, case worker bonus paying system stalks, steals, sells and scatters young boys and girls. Families and lives are shattered, as profit is valued over people and quotas over the quality of life.
The CPS may be considered a baby farm for profit or a butcher slaughter house of the innocent.

Through intimidation, manipulation, lies and the element of surprise, families are torn apart. Children are moved from foster home to foster home, often encountering angry voices and violent hands. Some end up on the streets, trafficked for sex or used for satanic rituals. A motivated case worker will use every opportunity to separate the family. In Julie's case it was the threat of being unvaccinated.
Mom or Dad's hard earned money will go to the legal system to regain children. Sadly, the court system is rigged, as judges and lawyers are compromised or bought off. Innocent parents can be treated like criminals and irreversible damage occurs.
And then there is the psychological baggage. Shattered innocence, broken hearts, voiceless tears and forsaken dreams replace the once secure life. No more hugs or kisses at bedtime. Nightmares are frequent, as memories play in the mind, like a tape on eternal repeat. Bruised and battered children litter the landscape, like yesterday's trash, as the CPS collects cash on the vulnerable.
Unless We Stand Together
Why must folks suffer job loss or have their children taken for what they believe? Health and family should never be endangered at the cost of big pharma or Orwellian child trafficking racketeering governmental profit. No exceptions! Zero!
In Unified Non- Compliance
That is how real journalism truth tellers believe, as do pro-family groups. Some folks feel that the vaccines and the CPS are all part of a war on family - depopulation effort. They may reference the Georgia guide stones or the agenda 21 2030 plans. But it is up to us to defend folks like Julie. Through our unified, global non-compliance, we send a message that the tyranny must end. Family, freedom and faith must be defended and protected.
Being The Voice Of Freedom
I know of folks like Greg Hunter @usawatchdog.com, Sean @sgtreport.com, Dave @x22report.com, Simon Parkes, Dr. Charlie Ward and @familyprotection here who speak truth and are a voice for freedom. There are countless more out there speaking out. I would encourage you to support them. It only takes the voices of a few to change the world and to end tyranny. Together we can do this and help others like Julie. Together, we can end this craziness and be free.