China vs the US - Criticisms of Spengler

in informationwar •  7 years ago 

David P Goldman (aka Spengler) is one of my favourite writers and thinkers.
His landmark book How Civilisations Die (and why Islam is dying too) is one of my most influential books.

However I must take issue with a few things in his latest article:

He correctly points out that China has gone into huge debt to build infrastructure while there is little to show for the US's huge debt. However he fails to note that a large proportion of this Chinese spending has been completely wasteful, building empty cities and unnecessary bridge, ports etc.

He further fails to mention the huge demographic problem facing China. Its birthrate is so low that it will never have enough people to fill these empty cities. Even worse, because its working age population is already shrinking, the costs of maintaining this infrastructure against an ever shrinking tax base will eventually bankrupt it.

The US has a lot of problems (which Trump is trying to fix) but it has a few key advantages over China that make it unlikely China will ever overtake it:

  1. A significantly higher birthrate and still growing working age population;
  2. A far more attractive place to live - people want to come to America, but the Chinese are leaving as fast as they can (just look at Australia or Canada).
  3. Freedom and Democracy, which despite the obvious failings of the US system, is still much better for encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship than the repressive, social credit scoring, one party state of China.
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hi @hamismsf, nice post, pity its past the 7 day payout and I see you havent posted since?

I see you are here on steemit a few weeks now, just had a look around your account. I know when people start here they get a few welcome messages, but after that, if you have not joined a community you can easily get lost in the sea of posts. How are you getting on here on steemit anyway?

I’m doing a little bit of outreach this week with those that have been here a few weeks and have had some time to get a feel for the place. Would love to know your thoughts so far? Is there anything I can help you with or questions I can answer for you?

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Hi Paula, thanks for your note. I'm finding Steemit generally good, but agree it can be hard to connect with the right community. There is so much information and new stuff to learn. I'll try to post something new at least once a week.

Have you found a good community to join and engage with? Finding the right community is one part, engaging with them is the key. I might be able to point you in the right direction, there are loads of awesome communities. Minnowsupport is for sure one of the best to start with has they have loads of side communities with different niches. To point you in the right direction, what do you like to discuss and read? At the end of the day, a lot of it is about engagement and forming relationships.

Im heading over to your new post now to check it out.