YOUTUBE PURGE UPDATE: HighImpactFlix Main Channel Terminated & MSM Smear Campaign Intensifies

in informationwar •  7 years ago  (edited)

As Corporate Media Empire Begins to Implode, Censorship and Smear Campaigns Intensify


On May 2nd, Brian of HighImpactFlix (@highimpactflix) had his main YouTube channel terminated. With over a half million subscribers, Brian had quite a large YouTube audience for running such an independent and anti-establishment channel. Brian is still on YouTube on his backup channel, HighImpactVlogs, and you can hear his short report from Wednesday on his channel termination there - here it is:


I do not know the specific video or stated reason for the third strike responsible for the channel termination, but others are reporting that Brian had just begun speaking more openly about Zionist evils in the last few days leading up to the final strike, so that is very interesting.
Enter the Starz Screenshot.png

It should be noted that, just a month ago Tyranny Unmasked was banned from Facebook after he began to really focus on exposing the corrupt Zionist agenda, war propaganda, and deception in the days leading up to the Douma gas attack false flag hoax in Syria and the following unprovoked Israeli & US/UK acts of war against Syria. Here is his video report of that incident:

And here is a recent video I put together, demonstrating rather conclusively that the gas attack was staged and war in Syria is likely to continue despite Trump's claim he will pull US troops out soon:


Back to the topic of this post, the first two guideline strikes on the HighImpactFlix channel were for 1) a video on Vegas and 2) a video on the Parkland event aftermath, and I am presuming the third strike was for something Brian said in regards to Israel and the Zionist warmongering. They are serious about war right now, so anyone who gets in the way of that is a real threat to their agenda.

HighImpactFlix Strikes Screenshot.png

No surprise that the strikes are officially for harassing and bullying, when in reality they are for dissenting, questioning, and exposing the rampant deception and corruption which is widespread throughout government. That's been the name of the YouTube censorship game since Parkland. My channel was at that time also terminated for strikes for 'harassing and bullying' when I had done no such thing. The purging of YouTube channels appears to have slowed tremendously since March, but the censorship has none the less steadily continued. Not too long ago, YouTube was caught 'bragging' about how their machines had deleted over 8 million videos:


As I point out and demonstrate in my recent post on PM Netanyahu's war propaganda presentation, the people appear to be seeing through the lies like never before, and it is my personal opinion that the mass awakening to the true evil nature of the current government systems in place is reaching a point of critical mass, which endangers the monopoly, and possibly even the very existence of the Elite's media empire.

The recent intensified smear campaigns in the wake of the alleged gas attack in Douma are being directed at anyone who dissents in any way or dares to ask questions which threaten official narratives, blind obedience to the government, or blind allegiance to the Zionist state of Israel, particularly anyone reaching a larger audience - such as Tucker Carlson.
A-conspiracy theory tucker carlson.png
Conspiracy Theory headline providence.png

The tactics used in these smear campaigns is primarily to attack the messenger rather than to confront the message itself, and to label the target with a 'nasty' term meant to demonize them, such as: Conspiracy Theorist, Russian Bot or Troll, Unpatriotic, Anti-Semite, etc. In the past, this worked quite well for the propagandists, but now the public may be growing immune to these tactics, as they've been witnessed for years now, and I think enough people are beginning to see through the lies, and understand that calling someone names doesn't discredit their claims or evidence.

Now, in just the past few days, this smear campaign has intensified yet again. It seems the powers that shouldn't be are getting more and more desperate with each day, and it's beginning to show. Lift the Veil just did a great video on this, and appears to be reaching the same basic conclusion I am - that the Elite are losing their grip on the minds of too many people and they know it, so they are desperate and reacting accordingly. I highly recommend watching the video, as Nathan did a great job covering these recent developments, and as I don't have the time right now to hunt these most recent articles down and screenshot or source from them, but I wanted to get this info out... Here is the video:


I certainly don't think it is any coincidence that this recent censorship and intensified smearing of dissent is occurring at a crucial point for the Zionist/Rothschild/NWO cartels as they prepare for open war with Iran. We truly are engaged in an information war, and a major battle in this war is being fought at this very time, and seems to be a very crucial one as well. The Showdown has begun.

Hopefully the truth will continue to prevail, and eventually this corrupt fake news media empire will come crashing down, bringing the whole NWO system down with it. The people of the world are ready for peace, while the Zionists prepare for the final move towards total domination in the region. The smears, the censorship and the propaganda wars will certainly continue to intensify.

Brian of HighImpactFlix is encouraging his followers to kindly and respectfully demand that his main channel be reinstated, and it's a possibility that could happen as Blackstone Intelligence was able to do so not long ago. Either way, Brian isn't giving up, and while his new main channel only has about 17,000 subscribers at this point, it's very encouraging to see him continue to fight the system with everything he's got. I will conclude this post with Brian's latest video from today (5/4), which also serves as a perfect example of why the HighImpactFlix channel was deleted - far too much simple, in-your-face, hard-hitting truth packed into such a short video:

HighImpactFlix is on Steemit:
HighImpactFlixVlogs (current active YT channel):

As a final note, this is the very reason why more independent, de-centralized and censorship-free platforms such as Steemit and D-tube are so important, and it's very encouraging to see so many good channels moving over here from YouTube, and to see so much free & independent thought on Steemit without any censorship whatever. Hopefully this trend will continue, so that platforms like this will be able to truly compete with YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc.


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How long do we just complain about this?

The last cartoon is the bullet in the loaded gun on this one. We have the power to censor platforms THROUGH BOYCOTT.

All of the power of any media platform, social or otherwise, is given by the audience. At the end of the day we need to bring all of this back to the ground level and out of the 'virtual' realm. Hopefully before censorship in the physical world is worse than online.

YouTube and Facebook are at the foreground in the assault on freedom of speech and thought. All this politically correct crap and guilt based self-censorship going on is the beginning of thought policing.

The fake issues used to impose censorship (racism, sexual orientation/gender classification, etc.) are all bullshit distraction tactics. Keep your eyes on the prize.

It's as simple as this: If you can't say fuck, you can't say "fuck the government."

Thanks for the great post @jasonliberty!

Thanks @jasonliberty, so many valid points here, and I must agree with @jayanachon ...

"Remove the audience and the show's over."

Great post!

DTube is getting a little better as a Youtube alternative every day.

let's visit our colleagues blog all, do not give up to all our colleagues @ zuhrafriska