Canadian Court IGNORES PARENT: Orders sex-change mutilation op.

in informationwar •  5 years ago  (edited)

Copied verbatim with the permission of, America's #1 LBGTQ perversion resistance group:


Canadian court prohibits father from interfering with 14-year-old daughter’s “sex-change” medical treatments. Father now faces punishment if he even discusses it!

Read the shocking interview father gave to MassResistance!

Is this ghoulish oppression coming to America?

February 16, 2020

Robert Hoogland, the father in British Columbia, spoke with us via Skype.

In Canada, transgenderism has become a state-sponsored ideology. It is fueled by out-of-touch politicians, fiery protesters, judicial activists, and aggressive lawyers looking to push this agenda at all costs. Is this what’s coming to the United States and other countries?

In a series of decisions over the past year, a Canadian court in British Columbia has ruled that a 14-year-old girl who believes she is “transgender” can go through medical procedures to “change” her sex to a boy – despite her father’s fierce objections.

These procedures include puberty-blockers and opposite-sex hormones. According to the hospital’s own consent forms (which the father refused to sign), these drugs are experimental and will cause sterility and other dangerous side effects, such as unhealthy bone growth. The effects are irreversible. But the court is ignoring those dangers. At this point, the father reports his daughter is already growing facial hair and has a deepened voice.

The court has severely clamped down on public reporting of this. The father is prohibited from discussing the case with media (or anyone else who might publish his remarks). He is banned from mentioning his own name, his daughter’s name, or the names of any of the doctors involved with the medical procedures, in regard to this case. Anyone in Canada who has posted articles or videos that disobey that ban has been ordered to remove them under threat of arrest.

The case has made national news in Canada and is celebrated by the liberal media, which have no problem abiding by the ban and edit their articles appropriately.

But MassResistance is not going to be silent on the details of this terrible perversion of justice and state-sponsored child abuse.


The father, Robert Hoogland of Vancouver, British Columbia has been through an incredible nightmare.

This goes against all the normal laws in Canada (and most other countries) regarding parents and their children. A few years ago, Rob and his wife went through a divorce. But the terms of the divorce give the father and mother equal say in the daughter’s medical decisions. According to reports, at first the mother was against these experimental treatments. But now LGBT activists and “allies” have persuaded her to not to contest it. However, the father continued to adamantly oppose the treatments. And the judges arbitrarily took the decision out of the parents' hands completely.

Over the past year, the father has gained the strong support of pro-family groups in British Columbia, including Kari Simpson of CultureGuard, a major Vancouver-based organization. Kari has been at his side at every court appearance.

On Feb. 8, 2020, Rob agreed to be interviewed by Arthur Schaper of MassResistance, to tell his story.

This father’s courage should be commended, celebrated, and emulated by parents around the world!


MassResistance: How did you find out about MassResistance?

Rob Hoogland: A MassResistance activist based in British Columbia contacted me. That was a year ago.

We share the same goal of stopping the abuse of children. For too long, doctors and legal professionals have been allowing young people to consent to procedures that are hurting them, and you guys oppose it.

MassResistance is a great resource because you have such a great audience, and because I haven’t been able to talk. You are a great outlet for my voice, explaining what has been happening in Canada to the United States. Canada is pushing state-sponsored child abuse.

MR: How did you daughter start thinking that she was a boy?

RH: It started with the counselors in her elementary school, Brooke Elementary School in Delta, British Columbia. I don’t know the names of the counselors.

Then she saw this doctor, Wallace Wong, a psychologist who is attached to the local high school, Sands Secondary School in Delta, BC. So counselors had apparently been telling my daughter that she was a boy for years. The schools have these SOGI [Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity] policies in which the counselors do not tell the parents when children come to them confused about their sex.

Psychologist Wallace Wong runs a notorious “gender” clinic for children in BC. According to reports, “Wong explained that parents should exaggerate the severity of their child’s condition to get them "transition" treatment - . even using a suicide threat. (See also The Federalist.) Note his book: "It's so Gay and it's Okay."

MR: Did you notice anything at home?

RH: She cut her hair really short. After grade 7, she asked us to start calling her a different name. The school counselor gave her this new name. It’s hard to know which counselors were indoctrinating my daughter, because the SOGI policy which has infiltrated the schools and the curriculum also has the counselors transferring from one school to another a lot.

MR: When did this case start?

RH: It started in the provincial courts in British Columbia in December 2018.

I took the schools to court, along with the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Education, the Delta School District, the Delta School District Counselors, Dr. Wallace Wong, as well as Dr. Brenden Hursh, a medical doctor [pediatric endocrinologist] at British Columbia Children’s Hospital does the cross-sex hormone therapy for children.

Then this lawyer named Barbara Findlay sued me back. And the judge ruled in Findlay’s favor instead of mine.

MR: This Findlay person, who is paying her legal fees? Who hired her to represent your daughter?

RH: I have no idea who’s paying her. Technically, she wasn’t allowed to be on this case, because as a minor, my daughter needed parental consent to have this person as a lawyer. The judge said it was fine, though.

This lawyer is so crazy. She’s a sex activist lawyer. And she writes her name only in lower case names and letters. If you write about her with upper case, she will sue you for that. She made a big stink about this in court last year when I wrote her name with upper case letters!

Barbara Findlay, the radical lesbian lawyer allowed to represent Rob Hoogland’s daughter without his permission.

MR: What happened next?

In December, 2019, the case went to the British Columbia Supreme Court.

We were in front of Justice Gregory Bowden. In February, 2019, he ruled that my daughter [then age 14] had to be addressed by her preferred pronoun. She could legally change her own name, which she did. She is now in charge of her own medical care, so she immediately began taking cross-sex hormone drugs like testosterone. (See the full Bowden ruling here.)

Brenden Hursh, MD at BC Children’s Hospital who administers cross-sex hormones to children. The Hospital told Rob Hoogland that his opinion regarding his daughter’s treatment didn’t matter.

I was told that as the father, if I did not abide by these rules, that I would guilty of “family violence” – which technically is what a parents are guilty of when they kick their child in the head or they beat them in some way. “Misgendering” my daughter would get me convicted of family violence! That is a criminal offense.

I was also told that I had to essentially cheerlead this whole process, though they are taking a healthy body and mutilating it. If I did not support this process, then I would also be guilty of family violence. I was told I could only talk to two people about this whole case: my two lawyers. And the only thing that I was allowed to have beyond that were my own thoughts, since they could not police my thoughts.

British Columbia Children's Hospital is very open about giving puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones to children, as well as other "services."

Within days, I did an interview with The Federalist. I had decided at that point: “I am not going to respect the ruling.” A girl is a girl, that girl is my daughter.

After that, I was hauled in front of Justice Marzari, another BC Supreme Court Judge, in March 2019. Because of the Federalist story, I was convicted of family violence in that courtroom. I was handed a protection order by Justice Marzari, which stated that if I were to violate the ruling of Justice Bowden again, I would be arrested and thrown in jail without warrant. (See Justice Marzari’s April 2019 ruling here.)

BC Supreme Court Justice Francesca Marzari. She is hardly impartial, having formerly has served as counsel for the radical feminist, pro-transgender group West Coast LEAF.

I didn’t talk about this case for months, because I did not want to breach the protective order before my next court appearance which was in September 2019. It was before the British Columbia Court of Appeal, which is higher than the BC Supreme Court. From there, most appeals go to the Supreme Court of Canada, the federal court.

The British Columbia Court of Appeal issued its final ruling on January 10, 2020. And the ruling scaled back much of the bad stuff. I am now allowed to dissuade my daughter from transitioning, but I still have to use her preferred pronouns.

But also, the ruling said that a Court cannot decide what is in the best interest of the child — only a doctor can decide that. Still, it’s not the parents, but a doctor. In addition, they said the doctor must do what’s in the best interest of the child, not affirm what the child thinks is in his or her best interest.

MR: That’s an important ruling, isn’t it?

RH: This now opens up for all of these kids to file malpractice lawsuits against the doctors. The children, when they grow up, can say to the doctors: “My body is ruined now, I’m sterilized, because of you. You said that it was in my best interests do to this.”

There is a lawsuit happening now, but it’s not in Canada. It’s in the United Kingdom. [Click here for the story.]

MR: Are you still under a gag order?

RH: I am under a “conduct order.” I cannot talk to media. But I can talk about this with others. They can’t arrest me at this point. They will probably go after me civilly.

MR: Who have you spoken to already about this?

RH: The Federalist. I also did a recent interview with Frank Vaughan, who has a commentary podcast based in Ontario. He ran in the People’s Party of Canada for federal parliament. He received a letter within 24 hours of posting his interview with me. The lawyer who sent him the letter is Barbara Findlay. [That video was later taken down.]

I also just finished a detailed interview with another pro-family activist, Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson. [Note: That interview was ordered by the court to be taken down. However we have re-posted it below.]

MR: Have you received any legal notices after speaking out recently?

RH: Strangely, I have not.

MR: Are you prepared to go to jail or get sued for doing this?

RH: I want to get my story out to as many people, as many parents as possible. They need to understand what is happening to their children in the public schools. The children are being brainwashed into believing that they are something that they are not.

MR: What else are you doing?

RH: I am working with a local pro-family activist to start a foundation to serve as a resource for parents and the children who are detransitioning. We want to provide information as well as support for parents to know their rights and know what rules and resources they have to protect their rights. Later, we want to take these doctors to court for harming these children.

MR: Where is your daughter now?

RH: The last time I saw my daughter was Christmas Eve. Since then, she has been kept from me.

She still lives with my ex-wife, who actually supports what my daughter is doing. She is only there with my ex-wife because of this court case. I will be going to court to rectify this. I have lost my lawyers because I chose to go public, even though I have received a conduct order not to speak with the press. I am looking for an attorney because I am pretty sure that this case is heading to the Supreme Court of Canada.

We won’t know until the next phase of this case takes place on March 10, and until then I will keep telling my story until I can’t!

What I like about MassResistance is that you share the same mentality that I do, that we can win this. There a lot of people who feel like they're up against a brick wall, and that we can't win this LGBT fight. And there are so many people who are always on defense. But you guys are on the offense, and I like that.


When the daughter’s LGBT legal team found out about the video by Laura-Lynn Thompson, mentioned in the interview above (and shown below), they immediately summoned Thompson and Rob into court.

At the hearing in Vancouver on Feb. 12, 2020, Justice Michael Tammen ordered Thompson to take down her recent interview from everywhere on the Internet that it was posted. He instructed Thompson and all other media that they may talk about this case in general terms, but not with Hoogland. The Judge ordered that neither the media, Hoogland, Thompson, nor anyone else may mention names of doctors or counselors, or even Hoogland’s name, in regard to this case.

Furthermore, Hoogland was reprimanded by the judge for calling his daughter “she.”

B.C. Supreme Court Justice Michael Tammen reprimanded Hoogland for "misgendering" his daughter - calling her "she" instead of "he." (Vancouver Sun photo)


Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson is a Vancouver-based journalist and pro-family activist. As mentioned above, this hour-long interview with Rob was done a few days before ours. It includes more detail about his case. Although she was ordered to take it down by the Canadian court at the Feb. 12 court hearing, we are providing it here.

VIDEO: Powerful Interview with Rob Hoogland:


In the U.S., a number of state legislatures are introducing bills to prevent ghoulish gender-transition drugs and surgeries for children. And there are growing numbers of people who have used these methods to attempt to “change” their sex — and now regret it tremendously.

Nevertheless, the LGBT movement is relentless in supporting these procedures – even with children – and aggressively attacking and demonizing anyone who disagrees. Unfortunately, as we've seen with the rest of the LGBT agenda, most of the pro-family movement has been afraid to fight back with anywhere near the aggressiveness and intensity that the other side uses.

As we said above, Rob Hoogland’s courage and willingness to fight back should not only be commended but emulated by parents around the world!

MassResistance will be there fearlessly for all parents who want to push back against this tyrannical transgender agenda to protect their children, and all children.
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The medical industry is corrupt and harming us. The public school system is corrupt and harming our children. The justice department is becoming corrupt and taking away parental rights. Get out of Canada for sure. I need to leave NYS for this reason. I just hope I can pull that off before mandatory vaccination hits us all here, and that has been coming up fast even without the coronavirus hoax.

This is all so preposterous. All teenagers suffer from body and self-esteem issues. Are we going to let a teenager who thinks she is fat have gastric bypass?

And this pronoun business is absurd. My daughter went to the most liberal school in the world. Her roommate, when I met her, is clearly a woman and went by "she" at the time I met her, but due to the MANDATORY workshops in which the students discussed preferred pronouns, the roommate decided she would like to be referred to as "they". I tried to respect this choice, I truly did, but one day just in regular conversation I slipped up and used the pronoun that I learned as a toddler to use for women and you would think I had punched her in the face. It was so bizarre. This has to stop.

I maintain that, if you put a toddler in a room with a drag queen and ask the toddler if the queen is a man or a woman, the toddler would say man. It's a concept that is extremely easy for a child to learn, because it's an actual thing. My daughter has now told me that we should be instructing our toddlers to ASK EVERYONE WHAT THEIR PREFERRED PRONOUN IS. This is another fast track to really screwing our kids up.

And liberals complain that the courts are too conservative.

I just heard Hoog say "state sponsored child abuse". This is true. The medical industry is developing a new and highly lucrative market.

Excellent reply! I wish you had made a post of it, as well!

I will NEVER use any pronouns but the ones I grew up with.

I will refuse to even associate with anyone who asks otherwise.

I wrote a freewrite about an experience my cousin had that you might appreciate:

I think if I am ever in that position I will answer that my preferred pronoun is whichever pronoun the speaker would like to use to refer to me. They'd all choose female of course, unless they were idiots.


Ok. Thanks!

I write about this nonsense in my fiction all the time. I mock the preferred pronoun BS every chance I get. Here's another freewrite I wrote about it

Thanks for the local news I can't get locally, this is crazy.

Amazing, huh?

CENSORSHIP...the wave of the present and the future...

This is just astounding and unbelievable and sickening!

Isn't it. though? Coming to a town near you, soon!....

This is DEFINITELY a sign of the End Times!