Overnight Youtube outage rumors. Did something hit the moon?

in informationwar •  6 years ago  (edited)

I keep an eye on the "Planet X " stuff. I am not a diehard believer, but the Bible does talk about a meteor strike timed near the end of the current age, as world government emerges (i.e. "now?") So, there might be a good deal of debris in the tail of this "winged planet" if it is real, and we could expect to see meteor strikes increase in frequency if something is indeed inbound to the Earth/Moon system.

(Note: Not a real image...ed.)

We do know Youtube went down. The rumor is there was a livestream of the moon ongoing (out of Britain?) and that something struck the moon just as Youtube went down.

Here is a link:


Take it with a huge grain of salt, but don't totally dismiss it. The internet is LOADED with many admittedly nonsensical "sightings" of "Planet X" this and "Niburu" that, but that doesn't make this verse any less real:

Revelation 8:8,9. "And the second angel sounded. And as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea. And the third part of the sea became blood; and the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed."

Now, if you don't know about "Project Blue Beam" go Google that. I think it is VERY likely that at some point, TPTB will reveal the mother of all False Flag hoaxes, involving sophisticated sky-scape holograms claiming that we are under attack from "aliens," as the final excuse for whatever evils they have planned. This COULD possibly be the start of something worse, even, than a small meteor strike on the Moon.

Keep an eye on it.

Here is what Jim Stone is saying:

"I hope it is still down when you see this, because if you are conservative you are screwed there anyway. TOP RUMORS:

  1. It is a coordinated hacker attack, the small test run before they try the big one.
  2. The FBI raided Youtube and shut it down.
  3. There was a server fire.

(Jim Stone.)

  1. It is a Stuxnet attack (or clone of Stuxnet)
  2. The FBI raided Google, and Youtube took the hit first for some reason.
    6: MY GUESS: Europe caused this by screwing up DNS server settings through ICANN, which they now control (internet mayhem was predicted because of this, ) and something finally screwed up. I have noticed everything is sort of glitchy and others have noticed this is affecting Amazon and others also.

Take your pick!"

Always remember to pray for wisdom and discernment.



UPDATE (24 hours later): I have not been able to locate any credible evidence that anything hit the moon, or that the Youtube servers went down as a result of a moon-related event.

FYI...At this point, my best working hypothesis is that this was a major TEST of the "internet kill switch." TPTB thereby proved to themselves (and the world) by choosing and bringing down YOUTUBE...which has servers all over the world, and is thus one of the hardest elements of the internet TO bring down...that they can make the internet go away whenever they are ready (and "need") to do so.

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We must invent a common enemy to unite the people’s

LOL...I know, right?

Beware the alien invasion

Psalm 19:1: "The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork."

Werner Von Braun knew something’s

I agree. All over "Project Blue Beam" attempts...

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