Jamal Khashoggi - The Turkish Government's Ultimate act of Hypocrisy

in informationwar •  6 years ago  (edited)

The Turkish Government in the ultimate act of hypocrisy has thrown Saudi Arabia under the bus for the brutal murder of Jamal Khashoggi. This is not about vindicating Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia openly sponsors Muslim Extremists, ISIS, Participated in 9-11, is one of the worst countries in the world for human rights violations, currently committing genocide in Yemen, I am no fan of Saudi Arabia. This is about the fact that Turkey of all countries would be the one country to publicly put Saudi Arabia in the hot seat, when the Turkish Government is the biggest offender of murdering, and imprisoning Journalists.

Serena Shim was an American Citizen, and a Journalist working for Press TV, Serena was reporting directly in the field covering the major war conflicts in Syria, and the Middle East. While she was camped out on the Syrian-Turkish border in 2012, Serena witnessed UN World Health Organization NGO Trucks smuggling members of ISIS from Turkey into Syria.

Serena traveled to Istanbul where President Erdogan of Turkey was holding a press conference, and confronted Erdogan about Turkey smuggling ISIS troops into Syria.

Serena then went into Istanbul in 2012 for a press conference with Turkey’s “President” Erdogan to expose the fact ISIS was infiltrating Syria from the Turkish border, and had a face to face confrontation with Erdogan. Serena was than kicked out of Turkey for her confrontation with the Turkish President.
In 2014 on assignment for Press TV, the Turkish Government allowed Serena to return back in Turkey to cover the War with ISIS. Serena was than threatened by Turkish intelligence the day before she was killed in a murder made to look like an accident, with her car being hit by a cement truck traveling the wrong way

A quote from an article by We Are Change on the Murder of Serena Shim:

"I am very surprised at this accusation [of espionage]. I’ve even thought of actually approaching Turkish intelligence and — because I have nothing to hide — I’ve never done anything aside from my job and I’d like to make that apparent to them.
However, I am a bit worried because as you know, and as the viewers know, that Turkey has been labeled by Reporters Without Borders as the largest prison for journalists,” Shim said. “So I am a bit frightened about what they might use against me.” ~Serena Shim to PRESSTV, One day prior to being killed.

After her “accident” with a cement truck traveling the wrong way on the highway. Serena was taken to a secret military hospital that was 2 hours and 41 minutes away from the scene. A hospital that Erdogan’s daughter was the head of, which Serena Shim exposed prior in one of her investigations. The hospital was used for treating injured ISIS members

Serena’s cousin Judy Irish was also present during the accident and was taken to another hospital that was only 15 minutes away. An obvious odd anomaly

The death of Serena Shim is one of many cases of Turkey murdering Journalists. The U.S. State Department did not sanction or investigate Turkey for the death of Serena Shim an American Citizen. Where was the outrage in the American Press? Where were the calls for sanctions, and Investigation's as in the case of Jamal Khashoggi.

Turkey is well known for destroying any notion of a free press. In 2016 President Erdogan of Turkey had 120 Journalists thrown in prison following a failed coup attempt. Turkey has more Journalists in Prison than even the Chinese Government is guilty of.

In April of 2018 Pen International reported the following: "Overtime 150 journalists and writers are in prison and more than 180 media outlets and publishing houses have been closed down. Others have been arrested, with some remaining in detention, for their social media activity or for otherwise peacefully exercising their right to freedom of expression".

As you can now see Turkey deserves the exact same sanctions, and punishments the Media, and Politicians are calling for against Saudi Arabia in the case of Jamal Khashoggi. Their are books worth of material on the human rights violations commited by the Turkish Government against Journalists who are in the same profession as Jamal Khashoggi. Saudi Arabia and Turkey are equally Tyrannical Institutions. I believe Turkey had the foreknowledge to save Jamal Khashoggi. Turkey could have prevented this execution instead of showcase the man's death to create opportunity for the Turkish Government to hammer a regional rival. What disturbs me most is Breitbart News has been one of the few News Outlets to point out the absolute Hypocrisy of the Turkish Government c
Calling out a country for crimes that they themselves hold the world record for, the murder of Journalist's.







This is a Patriot Uprising Production
By: Nate Powers
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