HEADLINES: Tuesday, December 4th, 2018 - President (41st) George H.W. Bush Funeral, Anti-Macron Protests In France, 120% Voter Turnout, Ballot Harvesting, Ignoring Vote on Brexit (Democracy?), Khashoggi, and More

in informationwar •  6 years ago 

Triangulate the Truth! A News Aggregation service that aggregates from many different points of view. With a secondary mission of countering censorship.

Alternative Media - "Right" Leaning

Brown-to-Green Report: “G20 nations still led by fossil fuel industry”… Because fossil fuels are good for people.
Watts Up With That
Holistic, network approach to life science needed to solve systemic environmental problems
Watts Up With That
Excess winter deaths in England and Wales highest since 1976
Watts Up With That
WMO Reasoning behind Two Sets of “Normals” a.k.a. Two Periods of Base Years for Anomalies
Watts Up With That
Whales are changing their tune and its likely our fault. Here’s why.
Watts Up With That
President Macron’s Climate Change Fuel Tax Riots Continue in Paris
Watts Up With That
The Difference in Ice Types Causes Confusion in Global Warming Story
Watts Up With That
How bigoted is Brexit?
Will Russia’s Rust Belt rise up?
Can academia be saved from the mob?
How we’re setting a generation up to fail
Boiling Over in Paris
City Journal
Who’s Counting Whom?
City Journal
Black Muslim Memphis City Code Enforcement Supervisor Rants Against "White Peckerwood Crackers" & "Those Wicked Jews"
Freedom Outpost
Riot Police Remove Helmets, Join in Solidarity with Citizens Protesting Corrupt Government
Freedom Outpost
Dick’s Sales Continue To Plummet As Company Promotes Anti-Gun Message
Freedom Outpost
Just A Tiny Minority Of Half A Million Jihadists?
Freedom Outpost
For the First Time Since 9/11, Federal Gov’t Takes Steps to Prosecute the Use of Explosives to Destroy WTCs
Freedom Outpost
Did Mueller Out Himself In Cohen Charges By What He Didn't Say That "Would Exonerate The President" Of Having "Backchannel" To Putin?
Freedom Outpost
Corsi Files Criminal Complaint Against Mueller - That Makes At Least Two!
Freedom Outpost
Muslim Defense Contractors Anham Corporation, Big Democrat Donor: Indicted For Swindled Billions From Pentagon, Violated Iran Sanctions
Freedom Outpost
Without The Second Amendment, This Is What Would Happen In America
Freedom Outpost
Elite Creating Authoritarian ‘Beast System’ - Those Opposed Could Lose Everything
Freedom Outpost
America Take Note – Dr. Jerome Corsi Is NOT Suicidal
The Hagmann Report
Feminists SACRIFICE little girls to genital mutilation practices, afraid to speak out against the “Left Cult” that maims children
Natural News
Why is it a crime for a citizen to lie to the government, but no crime at all when government politicians routinely LIE to the citizens?
Natural News
The science speaks for itself: Artificial sweeteners trigger glucose intolerance
Natural News
Socialism always ends in destruction
Natural News
BLOWHARD ERUPTS! Joy Behar SCREAMS at “ENTITLED B*TCH” Meghan McCain – Threatens,”I’m Quitting This Damn Show!” (VIDEO)
The Gateway Pundit
Senator Rand Paul Commandeers Press Conference Outside Khashoggi Hearing – BLASTS Deep State (VIDEO)
The Gateway Pundit
JUST IN: Thousands of Emails of Top Republican Officials Stolen in Major Hack
The Gateway Pundit
DEVELOPING: Mueller Expected to Recommend Sentencing For Mike Flynn
The Gateway Pundit
Sorry Media: Unlike McCain Family – The Bush Family Wants to Avoid Trump-Bashing at 41st President’s Funeral
The Gateway Pundit
STUNNING! German AfD Lawmaker Petr Bystron Reveals German Government and Soros Funding of Radical Anti-Israel Groups
The Gateway Pundit
Apple CEO Tim Cook Says Apple Will Not Permit ‘Hate Speech’ (as Defined by the Left) – “Because It’s the Right Thing To Do!”
The Gateway Pundit
STUNNING VIDEO: HUNDREDS of Ambulance Drivers Join Anti-Macron Protests in France
The Gateway Pundit
Orange County Releases Official Vote Count and the Numbers Don’t Add Up – One Precinct Has 120% Turnout
The Gateway Pundit
Judicial Watch Investigating “Ballot Harvesting” in California Where GOP Lost 7 of 14 House Seats AFTER ELECTION DAY
The Gateway Pundit
MORE WINNING! SCOTUS Rejects Junk Environmental Challenge to Trump Border Wall
The Gateway Pundit
ISIS Calls for Bloodshed in New York City Over New Year’s, Suggests Package Bombs and Snipers
The Gateway Pundit
The Truth About Robert Mueller
Red Alert! Trump Just Signed USMCA That Legalizes The Banning & Censorship of All Conservatives From The Web
Macron Blinks: France Suspends Fuel Tax Hike After "Yellow Vest" Riots
House GOP Suffer "Major" Hack During 2018 Midterms; FBI Alerted
The Psychological Bubble That Propped-Up The US Economy Is Starting To Implode
Meet The Ballot-Harvesting Felon At The Center Of A Still-Undecided North Carolina Race
Stocks Sink As Trump Confirms Trade War Not Over: "I'm A Tariff Man"
"Politically Independent" European Court Says UK Can Unilaterally Cancel Brexit
Stacey Abrams Considering Run for Governor, Senate, Hasn’t Ruled Out White House
Is History Being Too Kind To George H.W. Bush?
Expert: Threat of Nuke War With Russia Greatest in 50 Years
The David Knight Show: Paris Climate DISCORD; The People Revolt Against Globalism
Not Pumped Up: Schwarzenegger Wishes He Could Travel Back in Time to ‘Terminate’ Fossil Fuels
Survey Shows 1 in 5 Millennials Sees U.S. Flag as ‘Sign of Intolerance and Hatred’
CNS News
MSNBC: Comparing Trump to Mob Bosses Unfair . . . to Mob Bosses
NY Times: Hanukkah's a Celebration of 'Fundamentalism and Violence'

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Alternative Media Section II - "Left" Leaning

Trump Isn’t Getting Funding for a Border Wall
Political Wire
Scott Walker Signals He’ll Sign Off On GOP’s Power Grab Bills If They Pass
Graham Breaks With Trump: ‘Zero Chance’ MBS Wasn’t Involved In Khashoggi Murder
They Called Her “the Che Guevara of Abortion Reformers”
Tumblr Should Not Ban Porn
So much for diversity of media message in America
The Greanville Post
Against the Stream— A review of The Great Delusion: Liberal Dreams and International Realities
The Greanville Post
The Trump Experiment: Liberals and Leftists Unhinged and Around the Bend
The Greanville Post
UK Commits Extra Military Forces to Ukraine: Irresponsible Policy, Dangerous Repercussions
GlobalResearch.ca (Canada)
From 1945 Until Today – 20 to 30 Million People Killed by the USA
GlobalResearch.ca (Canada)
The Film the Israel Lobby Does Not Want You to See
Theresa May Held in Contempt for Hiding Brexit Details

Legacy Media

Khashoggi murder: Saudi crown prince 'crazy', says US senator
Visitors Stream Through Capitol Rotunda As George H.W. Bush Lies In State
‘Tariff Man’ Trump Says He May Extend Truce in China Trade War
How Republicans are trying to strip power from Democratic governors-elect
CIA chief will brief senators on Khashoggi killing
Jeffrey Epstein, serial sex abuser, settles one case, apologizes. Next up: federal court
Miami Herald
Two Minneapolis officers were put on leave after decorating their precinct with a 'racist' Christmas tree
Mueller Preparing Endgame For Russia Investigation
Huffington Post (This has been a claim for most of a year.)

Steem #News

Steemit:Bush Snr, Grandfather Skull and Bones and New World " Pusher " Dies, just as a Known Key Witness with High Level Security Clearance, Whistleblower to the Clinton Foundation House is Raided ! Here Comes the Pain! Panic in D.C!
Steemit:The Manafort-Assange Fake News Story Has a 3rd Hidden Author, the Trio Have Fabricated Stories Before
Steemit:Google Alternatives
Steemit:Military warns EMP attack could wipe out America, 'democracy, world order'
Steemit:Bitcoin price prediction for 2030 and savvy investment advise from Trinity - MEMES!
Steemit:Dlive Just Donated Over 5K to Pewdiepie and Received a Shoutout!
Steemit:Hong Kong Housing CRISIS! - MASSIVE Correction On The Horizon!
Steemit:…..there is not enough popcorn in the World to get through the shit that is going down in Parliament right now..!!

Thank you for reading @newsagg. This is a news aggregator service for steemit. It is constructed daily by hand and does take some time. Many of us practically live on steemit now. As such we can often forget to check what is going on out there outside of steemit. This account was created as an attempt to help mitigate that some. This is experimental so the account will likely go through transitions as it is determined what is most useful to the community. Feel free to submit news tips as comments. They will likely not be looked at extensively until the next aggregation post to which they are most suited. We will try to limit the amount of these posts that we post each day to no more than 4, unless some breaking news warrants there should be more. With this account we will not do a lot of comment and reply unless it is necessary to verify or get further information on a tip. Those of us that work this account will use our personal accounts for interactions of a personal or opinion nature. We wish to remain free of bias and simply present the news on this account.

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Thank you very much for the mention, @newsagg.