We are well into the warming period right before the next BIG ICE AGE !!!

in informationwar •  6 years ago  (edited)

In not too scientific terms that even i can understand...

Arctic ocean basin.jpg

The Arctic Ocean sits in a deep bowl, with only a few access points to shallower waters;

this is why it doesn't mix with the Global Ocean conveyance System..

In 1999 an Underwater Volcanic Eruption occurred within that Arctic Ocean Bowl..
It was as Big as the eruption that buried Pompeii..

Robert Sohn of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts led a scientific team there,
13,000 feet deep beneath the Arctic pack ice..

What they saw was a sight never before seen;

A massive underwater eruption had taken place, not the gradual oozing of lava from the Earth's mantle...

In 2010 a group of U.S. and Indonesian Researchers, and Scientists, exploring marine ecosystems discovered a humongous underwater Volcano off the coast of Indonesia.

The volcano is still active, off the coast of Sulawesi island.

In 2011 Scientists from the British Antarctic Survey discovered a chain of 12 Volcanoes, some 2 miles tall, in the waters around the remote South Sandwich Islands in Antarctica; causing the melting of the Ice pack there...

Underwater Antarctic Volcanoes_Larger.jpg

This explains the thinning, and melting of the Antarctic Ice...

and there are many, many more..

The Earth is stirring..

it is entering a period of Vulcanism

(nothing to do with Spock)

This IS the warming period before
the Next Great Ice Age...

We are actually overdue for an Ice Age, according to Millions of years of an established Earth pattern, of Vulcanism, and Glaciation ..

Global Warming is real, but it's not man made, so don't throw away your toaster just yet!!

They knew it was happening; it's predictable, and they are trying to capitalize on it...

Oh the irony !!

stay strongWinter.png

Check out the website below .... i will use #IceAgeNow and #earthchanges for anything Earth related from now on...

photos courtesy of IceAgeNow


please see @iceagefarmer

you may also want to check out the YouTube channel ADAPT2030


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All very good points. The whole solar system is warming due to more heat and energy being discharged by the sun. All planets in our solar system are warming including the earth

We are actually in a Grand Solar minimum, not as intense... but the effect is an unstable earth.. Earth's magnetic shield is weak allowing more cosmic radiation to enter the atmosphere, and permeate through to the core.. The same thing is happening with the other planets in the solar system.. The Grand Solar minimum is the worst in recorded history.. The last solar minimum caused the little Ice Age, which of course was followed by Famine then a weakened population became susceptible to the plague... that's how the pattern goes... Only difference it won't be a little Ice Age... It'll be the real deal 1,000 years of Ice..

Good info, so how does this solar minimum correlate with temperatures rising on all planets within the solar system?

Also, i should add about the amazing sense of interlocking phenomenon the deeper you get into EUTheory... Like for instance, The Grand Canyon is actually Lightning scarring.. Imagine lightning intense enough to do that !!!
What we call Space is Supercharged plasma, even comets are electric.. Check out the Top Ten Reasons why the Universe is Electric

Great info! I always thought the grand canyon was formed by glaciers moving and churning through the rock formation millions of years ago. I need to look into this. the more one looks at the real way and truth of things, the more we see how little we really know.

Great buddy !! I'm really glad you've discovered it, now every once in awhile go back and see what the latest discovery is..

i wasn't aware it was all planets i only heard about Mars warming.. i presume it would be the same reason; less Solar intensity = more cosmic radiation .. The Sun itself sends out a HUGE electromagnetic shield when it's intense.. Our Sun is powered by the Birkeland currents from the Orion Nebula if i am not mistaken.. see The Electric Universe Theory for tons of cutting edge information on the subject..
here is a link to their YTchannel ... The ThuderBolts Project is a coalition of Scientists, Astrophysicists, Astronomers, Geophysicists, etc. etc. https://www.youtube.com/user/ThunderboltsProject
Not mainstream but verifiable science none the less.. It is an Electric Universe... go figure; as above so below.. Anyway at least we now know that "space" is filled with limitless energy..
Enjoy buddy, i hope it takes your studies to a whole new level..

This is what I have heard.

Posted using Partiko iOS

it's true We are in a Grand Solar minimum, the Earth is unstable..

Most folks don't look for themselves to find information, and only hear what is told them. This makes it easy for parties that want to mislead them to succeed. That's why it's critical to do your own research, so you can find out who is trying to mislead you, and who is telling the truth. Discard everything the former tell you, and listen to the latter.

It doesn't take much research to learn that the group of folks that want a global government are trying to do so by hook or crook, and creating a global tax, such as a carbon tax, requires a global government to effect.

I believe that's the source of the AGW meme, as that is the goal always in sight of such alarmism, a carbon tax.

Anyone that looks at the actual data, rather than enemedia stories about it, will see that the Earth isn't warming at all right now, but cooling. WUWT (WattsUpWithThat.com) is a great source as a lot of scientists post there and argue back and forth about the complex science of climate. You don't have to understand the fine details of science to grasp the basics about the data, and that's enough to find out who's lying and that you shouldn't believe a word they say.

Sadly, that includes NASA, NOAA, and almost all the TV news outfits. They're apparently bought and paid for by the folks that want a global government. Not surprising when you think about it, TBQH.


Civilization seems to have been hell bent on total control from it's inception; thanks for tuning in !!