Connecting Some Dots: HRC/Perkins-Coie/

in informationwar •  6 years ago  (edited)

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By now almost everyone knows about the relationship between Hillary Clinton, the DNC, law firm Perkins Coie, atty's Marc Elias and Michael Sussman and their relationship to Fusion GPS and the Russia Collusion hoax. There's another less known relationship- the relationship between all of the above and human/child sex trafficking. Doesn't it seem a little odd that one of the most powerful law firms in Washington and across the world, for that matter, would have over $2 million in assets seized when was busted last fall? In a December 2018 filing in an Arizona court, the defendants were given 30 days to attempt to claim their assets... that was up on January 5. Among the defendants was none other than the law firm that represents the Democratic Party.

(see links for complete document)

And not only is Perkins Coie linked to Backpage and the DNC, they also have a cozy relationship (working) with George Soros...

(See link for several tweets that show how deep the corruption goes)

Another thing that I've written on a lot here on Steemit is about the corrupt Child Protection Services in Arizona and their ties to child sex trafficking... Perkins Coie was instrumental in fashioning the laws that make it possible.

 David Frodsham, an Arizona foster parent for over 12 years, was arrested and convicted for operating a pornographic
pedophile ring based out of his state-approved foster home.

The state of Arizona, which has the infamous reputation of removing the highest percentage of children in the U.S. from their homes and families through Child Protective Services, has now also been exposed as having a very corrupt foster care network that includes pedophile rings where young children are imprisoned in state-approved foster homes and trafficked to pedophiles.

In a developing story based out of the military town of Sierra Vista, Arizona, the home of Fort Huachuca, David Frodsham, a former commander with the Department of Defense in Afghanistan who was discharged from duty due to “sexual harassment” behavior and an assessment by the military that he had an unalterable personality disorder, has been arrested and convicted of operating a pornographic pedophile ring based out of his state-approved foster home.

From Attorney Beverley Tran- an advocate for children's rights:


Perkins Coie & Children's Rights Covered Up And Profited From Trafficking Tiny Humans In Arizona Child Welfare

The last time I checked, the "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) over there at Perkins Coie was the law firm that was behind the "fixing" of Arizona's child welfare system with Children's Rights.

Looks like the "Legal Geniuses (trademark pending) did not do a very good job in Arizona.

I wonder how much they got paid considering the fact that if you look at those transposable profiteering models, all of the child protection models, Children's Rights got the largest payout in attorney fees in the history of Michigan and did not drop a penny to the kids who were the actual victims.

I left a sample of their handy work, below.

Oh, and #perkinscoiesucks

What you are about to read, if you have made it this far, is what goes on in U.S. Foster Care and Adoption, but it comes in far worse many shapes and forms, all billable to Medicaid, including the attorney fees the "Legal Geniuses" (trademark pending) of Perkins Coie and Children's Rights.

Learn more: BEVERLY TRAN: Perkins Coie & Children's Rights Covered Up And Profited From Trafficking Tiny Humans In Arizona Child Welfare
Stop Medicaid Fraud in Child Welfare  

 This is what Rod Rosenstein omitted from his U.S. Attorney Guidance Report on Human Trafficking.

This is how we treat, and profit off children of "The Poors" (always said with clinched teeth).

These law firms do not protect the children, they protect the assets of the privatized contractors of a state.

So, we have Arizona, who legally kidnaps more children per year than any other state, and a hub for child sex trafficking whose laws protecting children were written by Perkins Coie, who was not only the law firm of HRC/DNC but linked financially to, also in Arizona. There is also evidence that Soros and Backpage funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars to the DNC through Perkins Coie. This is going to need a lot more investigation, but let me leave you with this... Perkins Coie is not only the law form of, HRC/DNC, but they are the center of human trafficking legal network. Just as they did in Arizona, Perkins Coie, with over 1000 lawyers in numerous countries, it at the forefront of controlling human trafficking legislation world wide.

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