Mercury in Vaccines and Dental Fillings... Links to Autism and Alzheimer's

in informationwar •  7 years ago  (edited)

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It appears that a link not only exists between mercury (thimerosal) in vaccines to autism, but also to Alzheimer's Disease (AD) later on in life... and that's not the worst of it- there's a possible generational aspect as well... if the mother had amalgam dental fillings the effects can be magnified as well.

A study done by Dr. Boyd Haley, a biochemist at the University of Kentucky, presented to Doctors For Disaster Preparedness shows that amalgam fillings leach mercury vapors that are passed through amniotic fluid to the fetus. This is particularly dangerous for males because it seems that testosterone boosts the effects of mercury- as does the presence of other heavy metals such as lead, aluminum, cadmium, etc..

This gets fairly complicated (at least for me- I'll link the video of the presentation to confuse you further) so I'll try to be as systematic as possible. Autism, it seems, is fairly analogous to AD both in symptoms and effect- only in children. There is also a direct correlation between the presence of mercury and brain dysfunction- as found in both diseases. Amalgam dental fillings (mercury & zinc, predominately) leach mercury vapors for the entire time they're in place. Given this fact there is possibly- even probably- a link between mercury intake and AD, as there is with Autism.

When hair and fingernail samples were tested that found traces of mercury it turned out that these were the good ones- it meant that the mercury was excreted through normal bodily functions. Conversely the samples that showed no levels of mercury- which should have been the good ones- proved that the bodies were retaining mercury, failing to excrete. Testosterone seems to be the key- the higher the testosterone level, the greater the retention rate. This was also true of the pregnant mothers who had amalgam fillings- the higher her testosterone level, the more mercury was passed to her child... a double whammy considering the amount in vaccinations given at birth.

The ADA (American Dental Association) is so disingenuous about the effects of mercury that they're blaming the zinc (4% of filling material) for any brain dysfunction... which is patently absurd given that zinc is a necessary element found on any vitamin shelf. Mercury, on the other hand (50% of filling material) is a known poison... they also blame fish!

Here's how this plays out... Mothers- many of whom have amalgam fillings- pass the mercury along to their offspring where it is either excreted or stored in tissue- depending largely upon the testosterone levels in both mother and child. At birth- through 18 years- the child's body (and brain) are bombarded with immunizations thus adding to mercury levels that may lead to Autism in childhood. If not, there's still another danger... Alzheimer's. As people age their melatonin level drops. Melatonin seems to have a binding effect, or inhibiting effect on mercury. As melatonin levels drop the possibility of AD increases... so even if a child doesn't get Autism, they're far from being out of the woods, medically speaking.

I'm no rocket surgeon, but even I know that when you put poison in the human body no good can come from it... even if you label it medicine, dentistry or anything else you choose- poison is poison and it's bad for you. We have numerous federal agencies- the FDA, NIH, CDC, not to mention professional associations all of whom are tasked with safeguarding our health... yet the one doctor who gave the presentation is the only one with enough integrity to come forward? By the way- for his efforts to expose this healthcare crisis, the NIH pulled a research grant he's had for 27 years!




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