Pedophilia in the Church: The Homosexual Heresy- Catholicism

in informationwar •  6 years ago 

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Although the rampant pedphilia in the Catholic Church is the most well documented, this scourge seems to be sweeping across Protestantism as well. I'm going to break this down into two posts because the problem in the Catholic Church is far different than the problem in Protestantism. Technically the problem in the Catholic Church can be defined as pedophilia because the victims are underage, but 80% are boys between the ages of 12 and 18- the problem therefore isn't as much pedophilia as it is homosexuality. Let me make one thing perfectly clear... this is in no way a condemnation of homosexuality. People have the right to be with whomever they choose- provided that both are of the age of consent. However, it has no place in the Catholic Church.

According to Bella Dodd's book, The School of Darkness, homosexuality was introduced into the Church by Communists in the 1930's in an attempt to destroy it from within. This came under the reign of Pope Pius XII, himself a homosexual and easy to co-opt by blackmail. Since that time the problem has mushroomed into what we have today- a church so far removed from the teachings of Jesus Christ that traditional Catholics have practically been forced underground. Since 1968 the Catholic Church has devolved into the Vatican II Satanic Cult... there has been only one true Pope in this time- John Paul I who was murdered after a month when he threatened to put an end to the corruption in the Vatican Bank. Now the Vatican has become a Disneyland for perverts of all stripes- including pedophiles and Satanic Ritual Abuse.

 The long history of Catholic orders of priests and nuns taking care of widows and orphans — those who are sick, poor, disabled, or prisoners, and feeding the hungry — which goes back beyond the 14th century, is being marred by evil acts of child abuse.

The disclosure of rampant sexual molestation, torture, and neglect of children by priests and nuns has become commonplace in the Catholic institutions that were intended to serve children. 

The widespread molestation of children by priests in local parishes throughout the United States  has further broken the trust people once had in Catholic institutions. 

We all know about the Pennsylvania Grand Jury Report which may lead to RICO charges against the Church. According to Church Militant, a traditional Catholic News organization, many archdioceses are transferring their funds into holding companies to avoid having them seized. They are also relinquishing oversight of individual parishes so only the parishes can be sued, not the archdiocese. It looks like the Vatican II Satanic cult is preparing a legal/financial defense instead of cleansing their souls and cleansing their parishes of sexual predators. 

In July Archbishop Carlos Maria Vigano sent a letter to antipope Francis informing him of the sexual predations of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington DC. Vigano had been the Vatican Ambassador to the US under Benedict XVI and had sent a similar letter to him. Benedict sanctioned McCarrick and removed him, but Francis reinstated him. McCarrick was fond of raping seminarians and other young men. To show how perverse the Vatican II cult is, McCarrick is at the Vatican and Archbishop Vigano is in hiding fearing for his life. The Church is now being run by the Lavender Mob, or the Gay Mafia as it is also called.

(Archbishop Vigano with the National Cocksucker)

 Apparently, the hierarchy of the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) has not considered child molestation of boys and girls by priests to be criminal activity.

Rather, officials of the RCC consider child molestation and child rape by priests to be confidential personnel matters. The hierarchy treats perpetrators more like victims of an illness rather than as perpetrators of crimes.

As we learned from the Pennsylvania grand jury report on sex crimes committed by priests in that state, priests were rarely disciplined for what is euphemistically called “inappropriate behavior” and were systematically moved from one church to another after being counseled and told to pray more when their sex crimes began to become public.

Statistics show that 82% of pedophile sex crimes identified in the Pennsylvania grand jury report were against boys and 18% were against girls. 

 Reports from records kept by bishops of the RCC indicate that priests committed crimes against an estimated 15,000 children in these cities: Boston, Los Angeles, Sacramento, San Bernardino CA, Oakland, San Francisco, San Diego, Lafayette LA, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Camden NJ, Bridgeport CT, Oklahoma City, Louisville KY, Chicago, Tucson, Seattle, Spokane, Fort Worth , Dallas, Omaha , Jackson MS, Milwaukee, Toledo, Davenport IA, Denver, Portland OR, Charleston SC, St. Petersburg FL, Miami, Orlando, St. Augustine, St. Louis, Fairbanks AK, Wilmington DE, Hartford CT, Burlington VT, Altoona-Johnstown PA , Manchester NH, Washington D.C., and in many other cities.

It is estimated that only one third of these victims have come forward to file for damages. The Catholic News Agencies have been instrumental in covering up these crimes-  Michael Voris of Church Militant puts the problem in the proper perspective:

 There is something sort of floating around in the Catholic ether that needs to be addressed head-on. It is the credibility of Catholic “news” outfits that have close association with the church establishment – and those associations can be either direct or indirect financial relationships.

Some of them are directly dependent on the bishops such as CNS (Catholic News Service), which is the bishop’s news outfit.

And then there are others, many others in fact, that are closely related financially and are dependent on keeping good relations with bishops like CNA (Catholic News Agency), EWTN, Relevant Radio, even Bill Donohue at the Catholic League to a degree because he needs the approval of the establishment to keep appearing that everything he says is trustworthy – like all of them – so he can keep getting paid. 

 These outfits cannot afford to fall out of favor with the bishops because they will suffer tremendously in the area of advertising or exposure or having the seal of approval taken away or getting access to various church events and personalities for interviews and all of that.In short, they are beholden to the establishment and therefore cannot take too great of a chance of running afoul of them.

This is also true of multiple Catholic radio outfits that are essentially EWTN affiliates. They are allowed to air EWTN programming for free, but they must tow the party line because if they don’t then the programming will be taken away and now they are high and dry without very much to broadcast. …

At the end of the day there is this sort of monolithic structure of Catholic news outfits that in the end aren’t really news.Here is the rule of thumb, if they are on good terms with the establishment – WATCH OUT. They report to you only so much.There is a line that they will not cross because since they are to varying degrees dependent on bishops that would be professional suicide and well everyone likes a paycheck. … 

 They cannot be relied upon to bring you the entire truth in complete context. I’m sorry, having spent my entire professional career over three decades in secular media as a professional – truth and context are everything.

Right now, many of these outfits are more PR outfits for the bishops rather than news outlets. Where were these Catholic journalists for all these years, those who had the inside track on such knowledge when children and seminarians were being raped by homosexual clergy?

Again, this has gone on for decades.Where were they when the faith life of the church was being completely gutted by malevolent men in bishop’s robes?They were nowhere to be found.

They were off collecting their paychecks, reading and printing diocesan press releases telling you everything is good in the church. 

Just as the mainstream media covers up for corrupt politicians, the Catholic Media covers up for pedophiles in the Church.

Most priests and other clergy are afraid to come forward because of the power of the homosexual lobby in the Vatican- they in fact have run it for at least a decade. Benedict XVI was afraid of them and consequently did nothing. There are, however, a few brave souls coming forward- often in fear of their lives. Father Joe Moreno of Buffalo came forward to expose pedoplilia in his diocese and then committed suicide... by shooting himself in the head- twice. They don't call it a mafia for nothing! This isn't a Church anymore as much as a criminal enterprise. The purpose of the Church is to save souls- it is not supposed to be of this world, but to prepare people for the next. I'll leave you with Archbishop Vigano's letter to Bergolio (antipope Francis)

 It has been a month since I offered my testimony, solely for the good of the Church, regarding what occurred at the audience with Pope Francis on June 23, 2013 and regarding certain matters I was given to know in the assignments entrusted to me at the secretariat of State and in Washington, in relation to those who bear responsibility for covering up the crimes committed by the former archbishop of that capital.

My decision to reveal those grave facts was for me the most painful and serious decision that I have ever made in my life. I made it after long reflection and prayer, during months of profound suffering and anguish, during a crescendo of continual news of terrible events, with thousands of innocent victims destroyed and the vocations and lives of young priests and religious disturbed. The silence of the pastors who could have provided a remedy and prevented new victims became increasingly indefensible, a devastating crime for the Church. Well aware of the enormous consequences that my testimony could have, because what I was about to reveal involved the successor of Peter himself, I nonetheless chose to speak in order to protect the Church, and I declare with a clear conscience before God that my testimony is true. Christ died for the Church, and Peter, Servus servorum Dei, is the first one called to serve the spouse of Christ. 

 Certainly, some of the facts that I was to reveal were covered by the pontifical secret that I had promised to observe and that I had faithfully observed from the beginning of my service to the Holy See. But the purpose of any secret, including the pontifical secret, is to protect the Church from her enemies, not to cover up and become complicit in crimes committed by some of her members. I was a witness, not by my choice, of shocking facts and, as the Catechism of the Catholic Church states (par. 2491), the seal of secrecy is not binding when very grave harm can be avoided only by divulging the truth. Only the seal of confession could have justified my silence.

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Just heartbreaking. Corruption place for people to turn. We truly have to turn inwards and to each other. It's really all we have left.

I think this is the best thing that's ever happened to the Catholic Church... For centuries they've gotten wrapped up in the things of this world instead of the teachings of Jesus. A church isn't a building and beautiful trappings- it's the message. Let the pedoheretics have that stuff while the real Church goes underground. Remember "the gates of Hell will not prevail against it." This will separate out all of the bad blood!

Have you gotten on Weku today? I can't log in.

Weku appears to be not working. I tried both addresses. Just spins and does nothing. Must be down. I will try again later this afternoon. Have things to do today.

The wheat is being separated from the tares for sure. Good point on that.

Thanks... I was hoping that it wasn't just me.

Ancient institutions are multitiered affairs, like secret societies where each succeeding level learns what they were told at the previous level was just BS to keep the hoi polloi nullified.

The evil of the Holy Roman Empire is not new. Weaponizing the message of the Christ is not a new thing, and dates at least to the Nicene Council.

Sad, but true.

I will not believe Emporer Palpatine either.

Keep posting the truth you learn.


I always describe myself as a pre-Nicean Catholic. The problem is that in 325 the Church became centralized. Before that each bishopric was independent. It was good that the bishops could agree on Church doctrine, but they allowed Constantine to centralize the locus of power in Rome and that began the downfall.