The Clinton Foundation Child Trafficking- Planned Parenthood- Organ Harvesting & The Infanticide Industry

in informationwar •  6 years ago 

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 Wherever there's a dirty dollar to be made from human/child trafficking, organ harvesting, or abortions you can count on the Clinton Foundation getting their $0.25. Whether it's in Eastern Europe, Haiti, the Caribbean, or Africa, the Clintons are involved and business is better than ever. How they do it is fairly difficult to trace, they have layers of foundations, shell companies and partnerships with other elites such as Frank Giustra, Carlos Slim, Bill & Melinda Gates (and through them, Warren Buffet) not to mention NGO's such as the Children's Defense Fund, Planned Parenthood and numerous others... I could do an entire article just naming the myriad of associations comprising and tied to this corrupt organization. 

 You have to understand that this sequence of events didn't start with New York's pro-infanticide law, rather this phenomenon began decades ago. Although it's difficult to pinpoint an exact starting point, Roe v. Wade in 1973 was a critical point in that it all but erased the sanctity of human life. From then on it's been a slippery slope downward into Satanism. A point of clarification: By Satanism, I'm not implying ritualistic Satanism but the opposite of behavior condoned by God and the precepts of Christianity (and virtually every other religion). 

 Organ trafficking is an undeniable worldwide issue that has been around since pharmaceuticals were first introduced in 1970 to prevent organ rejection, and quite possibly even earlier. The numbers speak for themselves, and unfortunately, the numbers paint a picture of just how many people are either sacrificing their organs for cash to survive, or being kidnapped and having them removed from their bodies, leaving them for dead. So who are the co-conspirators involved in these schemes? Read on, it gets pretty in depth, and you will most certainly recognize some of the names. 

 This includes not only the organs of adults (willing and otherwise) but the organs harvested from abortions. As I wrote before, the closer to gestation (birth) the more valuable the organs... they are not described as such by the harvesters, only referred to as "fetal tissue." However, this trafficking is about much more than organs, but extend to the realm of trafficking children and adults for sex and forced labor. Like I said above, wherever there's a dirty dollar to be made the Clintons (and their pals) are there. I'm going to try to trace the Clinton's involvement in this abhorrent practice going back to the Clinton Presidency in the 1990's... as I've written numerous times that the UN, the Clintons, DynCorp (CIA), USAID and other NGO's were complicit in this trade (if not directly involved). 

 The Latest wikileaks hacked emails reveal The Clinton Foundation's connection with Mr. Hashim Tachi. He’s Prime Minister of Kosovo. Mr. Tachi was managing a crime gang called The Drenica Group. This group was involved in organized crime through the 1990s. Some of their more interesting activities were. Money laundering, drug and cigarette smuggling, prostitution and of course HUMAN organ trafficking. Mr. Tachi the now Kosovo President closely cooperated with organized crime structures in ALBANIA, MACEDONIA,BULGARIA and The CZECH REPUBLIC. Drenica group built an impressive large amount of power that flourishes in Kosovo. 

 Unsurprisingly, this not only includes the Clintons, but the Podestas- John was an advisor to President Clinton as well as campaign chairman to Hillary's failed White House bids. The Podesta Group, the now defunct lobbying firm was also involved. 

 Clint Williamson an American diplomat who went to investigate crime against humanity in Kosovo stated that,Drenica group is responsible for murdering a group of people and trafficking their kidneys, livers and other body parts. The group also murdered, kidnapped, and detained people illegally back in 1999.” 

 Despite the knowledge of the allegations against Mr. Tachi , the Clinton Foundation invited him to attend the Clinton Global Institute (CGI) conclave in 2011, 2012, and 2013.  

 The John Podesta hacked emails reveal that Tachi and his government have other connections to the Clintons. In 2012, The Republic of Kosovo signed a $50,000 lobbying contract per month with Podesta Group a lobbying firm founded by John and Tony Podesta. John is Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Chairman. 

 With the Clinton "charities" it doesn't matter what your background is, if you have the cost of admission you're more than welcome.  This illegal organ harvesting has survived the Bosnian conflict and is alive and well in the ongoing wars in the Middle East as well as in third world countries around the globe. Here is a partial list: 


“We have accurate information that over 25,000 surgical operations have been conducted in the refugee camps of the neighboring countries and in the terrorist-controlled areas in Syria since 2011 to take out the body organs of 18,000 Syrians and sell them in the international black markets.” – Dr. Noufel


 Huffington post 2010: Haitian Prime Minister Jean-Max Bellerive talked to the CNN’s Christiane Amanpour about the unsettling reality of trafficking of human organs from victims in the wake of the earthquake that struck a few weeks ago.

“A lot of organizations – they come and they say there were children on the streets,” Bellerive said. “They are going to bring them to the States — we have already reports of trafficking, even of organ trafficking.” 

 Also in Haiti:In 2016 – 59 dead bodies were found with missing organs in the small town of Thomazeau, in northern Haiti. It was kept from the public and never reported about.My source tells me they found them dumped in the woods. People in the area found them and called the Justice of the Peace to make a report, but the story was buried. There is a famous dumping ground for dead bodies in Haiti called Titanyen. Hundreds of thousands of bodies were dumped and buried in a mass grave after the earthquake. Most likely the bodies from Thomazeau were also dumped there.This non-graphic, 8-minute video compilation provides an inside understanding as to why they target the people they do, who does it and how they do it. It concludes with a statement at 7:30 from Jean-Max Bellerive, former Haitian Prime Minister, regarding organ harvesting in Haiti. 


Daily Mail: A Human Harvest: China’s organ trafficking exposed in shocking documentary that alleges the illegal trade is now worth a staggering US $1 billion a year. [Typically political prisoners, usually Falun Gong because of their healthy lifestyle, are stripped of their organs without the benefit of anesthesia] 


Illegal Kidney trade flourishes as victims await justice. The case burst open last month, when Azam and his colleagues raided an apartment block in the city of Rawalpindi, just outside Islamabad, the capital, and found 24 terrified people — 20 men and four women — who were to be operated on at a nearby clinic.He says some of these prisoners told him they’d been held there for four months. The doors were locked; the windows had bars. Prowling the streets below were “look-outs” making sure no one escaped, says Azam. 


Manuel Plancarte Gaspar, 34, was captured last week in a stolen car that was also carrying crystal meth, one of the cartel’s top sellers in the international drug trade. He was captured in the western state of Michoacan, where the Knights Templar rule and terrorize the citizenry. In an unusual series of Twitter posts, Michoacan’s Public Safety Secretary Carlos Castellanos Becerra announced the arrest of Gaspar “who belongs to a criminal group and is being investigated for the death of children, who drew their organs for sale.” 


Professors and Doctors Among 45 Arrested in Egypt Organ Trafficking Ring. Those arrested include Egyptians and foreigners engaged in a wide range of professions. Professors from some of Egypt’s top universities, doctors, nurses,organ-buyers, and others are among those arrested. 

 As you can see this is not some isolated occurrence but a global problem that is only getting worse. "This is not a behind-the-scenes dark alley operation (generally). This is carried out by medical professionals involved in the highest level of black-market organ harvesting and trafficking. In some cases, people are offering to be a donor for cash because they are trying to survive, but in many cases people are kidnapped and left for dead. In either case, it requires a team: 

Transplant surgeons
Medical technicians
Medical labs

 Many prestigious hospitals in the US are involved as well, which should come as little or no surprise given that the US is the Number 1 recipient of the harvested organs and the Clintons and Planned Parenthood have been involved all along... 

 Their Plan Began in 1993

Clinton Foundation: Clinton Health Access Initiative, Clinton Global Initiative, and Clinton Climate Initiative
Planned Parenthood
Partners In Health
Ivy League Schools

The plan all along has been to set up a global network for smuggling humans, organs, fetal tissue, etc. all under the guise of "humanitarian efforts" and women's reproductive health- providing unlimited abortions worldwide. Once organs are packed into transportation carriers they are sealed and not opened until they get to the hospitals or experimental laboratories for transplant or testing. These are some of the hospitals involved:  

This goes to illustrate the involvement they all have with reproductive rights and abortions in other countries. They have been at this a very long time.

Rwanda is just one such example, which also happens to take place while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State. That likely came in handy, when the $150 million was reappropriated to serve this cause. 

 Partners in Health actually launched a program back in 2010 in Rwanda, setting up “enhanced supervision” at health centers. They also set up in Lesotho in 2009, where only 46 women delivered babies that year, but by the second year, 216 women safely delivered their babies. Since Lesotho went so well, they expanded their services to seven other sites around the country. In addition, they train and educate nurses and midwives in Haiti. In short, 84% of PIH’s clinical workforce, is comprised of nurses and midwives. 

 Throughout the developing world the Clinton abortion/organ harvesting machine is at work along with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation whose agenda is depopulation. This done with the aid of Planned Parenthood (who is being funded by you- the taxpayer). 

 In 1993, Planned Parenthood launched the Clinical Training and Research Initiative to expand the number of clinicians trained to provide abortions. They did this in partnership with family medicine and obstetrics/gynecology resident training programs in New York City. They train nurses, certified nurse-midwives, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and physicians through Planned Parenthood affiliates and contracted residency programs. For over two decades, they have been staffing up nurses and midwives, for this very day. Think about that. 

 This training does not stop at New York City. Their reach isglobal, and they have been working with international alliances for 45 years,providing clinical training to increase access to abortion services in other countries. Guess where else they have been focusing their efforts, more recently? The Caribbean region. The Clinton Climate Initiative and Branson’s Carbon War Room have been working on aTen Island Challenge in the Caribbean since 2012, which has long since increased beyond just ten islands. There is extensive information on it in this 3-part article. Coincidentally, 10 of the islands the Clintons and Branson are setting up solar farms on, Planned Parenthood has set up the Caribbean Family Planning Affiliation (CFPA) on those islands as well. 

 This map shows the scope of the Clintons involvement in the Caribbean:  

  It may also be well to note that Clinton pal Jeffrey Epstein, noted pedophile and human trafficker, has a private island in the vicinity and that many if not most of these islands were British "protectorates" at one time... a convenient stopping off point? However, it's probably Africa who has been hit the most violently from the Clinton team's "largesse." 

 Sadly, all one has to do is look at Africa to see where the Clinton Foundation, Partners in Health, Planned Parenthood, the Ivy Leagues, and so many others, have sunk their claws into, in order to carry out their agendas. Oftentimes, these agendas are tested in other countries, while they are laying the groundwork in the U.S. They have been setting up shop and training nurses and midwives throughout areas of Africa for quite some time. Whereas having additional physicians in these areas is likely of high importance for birthing and other needs, this group’s intention seems to be more focused on providing additional access to abortions. In reviewing their global website, under each country they work with, they talk specifically about “abortion access.” The irony is, why call themselves “Planned Parenthood”, when these moms will never be parents? 

 It's difficult to gauge whether abortion or the Clinton/Gates Foundations' bogus vaccine debacle has hit Africa harder... it's amazing at this point that they have a birth rate at all. 

 The New England Journal of Medicine released a special report detailing the largest-scale global health partnership ever initiated between American universities and a low-income country. This is the Human Resources for Health Program in Rwanda. They reiterate how the Ministry of Health asked the Clinton Health Access Initiative, who had also worked with Rwanda in 2002, to assist in the planning of its response to HIV and AIDS. The Clintons gathered up the universities for this 7-year partnership, in which the U.S. government channeled $150 million in taxpayer dollars to the Rwandan Ministry of Health, along with the support from The Global Fund, Bill Gates organization. 

 So, the crucial question arises... 

 Why are the Clintons, Paul Farmer, Jim Yong Kim, Ivy League schools, Planned Parenthood, and countless others, so interested in “women’s rights?” Are they after the money, the babies, or both? Why are they infiltrating numerous countries to teach them midwifery? They state they are training them to deliver babies safely, while at the same time expanding their availability to have abortions. It’s a bit of an oxymoron, isn’t it? Millions of taxpayer dollars [your dollars] are being pumped out to ALL of these organizations. What is their fascination with the islands along the Caribbean, which coincidentally run along the largest drug and child trafficking transits? 

 As far as drugs are concerned the answer is simple... nobody is going to tamper with containers marked "Human Organs For Transplant" or "Red Cross" (and yes they are involved too). Now, with the new abortion (infanticide) law passed by New York, doctors may not have to go overseas to purchase "fetal tissue. 

 It would make sense that Planned Parenthood tweeted out their victory of this bill passing, given that they were outed in 2015 for selling dead baby body parts. This video shows Deborah Nucatola, Planned Parenthood’s senior director of medical services, describing in graphic detail how abortionists are able to harvest organs from aborted babies, based on the parts that are needed, despite the fact that buying or selling human body parts is a federal felony (42 U.S. Code 274e). The commercial trafficking of body parts from an aborted baby is punishable by up to 10 years in prison and/or a fine of up to $500,000 (42 U.S. Code 289g-2). Yet Planned Parenthood is never prosecuted... it's good to have friends in high places (or to own a political party). 

 By the end of 2017, the Justice Department began investigating fetal tissue transfers by Planned Parenthood and others, and in 2018 heated debates were taking place on fetal tissue research, alternatives to fetal tissue, and whether the government should fund Planned Parenthood. In a hearing in December of 2018, Jim Jordan brought the videos to light, stating, “'Our constituents’ tax money goes to Planned Parenthood, then Planned Parenthood provides abortion services. When they sell fetal tissue to these companies, like those in the videos we saw, and then the government takes the money and buys fetal tissue from those companies. All we’re asking is, let’s go with the alternatives. That’s as simple as it gets.” 

 Bill Gates and his foundation is another key link to the abortion/organ harvesting industry. In an interview with Bill Moyers he spoke of his childhood: 

 When I was growing up, my parents were always involved in various volunteer things. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that. And so, it’s fascinating. At the dinner table my parents are very good at sharing the things that they were doing. And almost treating us like adults, talking about that. 

 My mom was on the United Way group that decides how to allocate the money and looks at all the different charities and makes the very hard decisions about where that pool of funds is going to go. So, I always knew there was something about really educating people and giving them choices in terms of family size.  

 So what is this all about? The legal (but certainly not moral) use of trafficked organs from adults and aborted babies is clear- as is the selling of children for sex and the use of philanthropic foundations (Red Cross etc.) for smuggling drugs. However there is another darker aspect to all of this... 

 Five Ambrosia clinics have recently popped up, offering “young blood” transfusions for older people, for purposes of increasing their focus, sleep, and maintaining a more youthful appearance. The blood used in the initial clinical trials came from donors age 16 to 25, but it doesn’t state where the blood will be coming from in these operational clinics. Those paying for this fountain of youth, will be charged $8,000 for one liter of blood to fill their veins, and the procedure can be paid for via Paypal.  

 The question is, where are these blood banks? Who are the donors, and what age are they? Is any agency overseeing this? 

 Who indeed are the donors? We all have read the reports about the ties between the Clintons and child trafficking during the Haiti earthquake crisis. Hillary was Sec. of State and Bill was appointed UN Special Envoy and came to the aid of pal Laura Silsby who was caught smuggling children into the Dominican Republic. Remember, this was but one instance... this is a global phenomenon. All of this "youthful blood" has to come from somewhere to satisfy the needs of the elites. What better source than orphans with no one to come looking for them. In fact, the "orphans" Silsby was caught with weren't orphans at all- she was simply snatching up kids and bringing them into another country... who knows how many successful trips she made before being caught. And then there is this... 

 All of this raises more questions around adrenochrome, which is the chemical compound produced by the oxidation of adrenaline. There is a known, common theory, based on a lot of what might be considered as “circumstantial evidence,” that points to elites utilizing adrenochrome to maintain energy and youth, due to their adrenals, endocrine system, and organs being compromised. In order to achieve this, they must draw the blood from an infant or child, when it is in a state of fear, so that the adrenaline is coursing through at the time of the transfusion. Now this may sound far-fetched, yet based on what they have done with baby body parts,organ harvesting, and now youth blood clinics, it would almost seem, they are attempting to normalize something that parallels what they may have been consuming for quite some time. 

 These aren't isolated incidents that happen in some happenstance manner- it is all a part of a much larger carefully orchestrated network all working toward similar goals. 


Has a New Black Market Just Been Established for Selling Babies & Trafficking?

 Aside from fetal tissue or organ harvesting, there are other potential scenarios. What if they were to put the mother under during her abortion, remove the baby alive, and traffic it? This is entirely plausible, based on the level of human trafficking and organ harvesting that has been taking place for decades. Or, what if a midwife, working for the elite, approaches women that are considering an abortion, but cannot find a doctor to authorize it, steps in and offers the mother cash for an illegal adoption? This just created a whole new black market for selling babies, and God only knows who’s hands these babies may fall into. 

 Unlike drugs that can only be sold once, human beings can be sold over and over again. Or, what if the adrenochrome harvested from the adrenal gland of an infant is more potent than say a 5 year old? We already know how profitable "baby parts" are.. 

 We won’t get into sacrificing babies, satanic rituals, spirit cooking, or witchcraft in this article, though it’s quite evident all exist. One such instance was witnessed just last year, when witches gathered to put a mass-hexing on then-Judge Kavanaugh, when he was nominated to Supreme Court Justice. They even went so far as to sell tickets for $10, with 25% of proceeds going to none other than Planned Parenthood. And, they took it to social media, with 9,000 people listed as “interested” on facebook, and 800 marked themselves as “going.” 

 Is this really science, or medicine? Medicine is supposed to save lives not take them. Does anybody seriously believe that this is why God in His infinite wisdom gave us intellect and free will- so that we can murder babies for fun and profit? This is evil pure and simple... and wherever there is evil in this world the Clintons are not far behind. 

 Until next time I leave you with this: " Jesus said to his disciples: Things that cause people to stumble are bound to come, but woe to anyone through whom they come. It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of these little ones to stumble. So watch yourselves." 

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  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Re: Mexico

"The body of a Korean man who died in Mexico has been returned to his family ― without his brain, stomach and heart."

"In a similar case last month, the body of a British tourist was returned to her home country with vital organs, including her eyes, brain and heart, missing, after she died at the Hospital de Cos in Mexico City"

Re: Obamacare

It would be a boon to the traffickers and harvesters to have a centralized computerized database with everyone's detailed health records. Obamacare provided this.

Good point... His hometown, Chicago, by the way is the murder capital of the country. They have a deal with the university hospitals in the area to strip victims of any "usable parts."

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