The More Things Change... Pizzagate Comes Full Circle: Part I

in informationwar •  6 years ago 

Before I get back into the circuitous route back to Pizzagate, I want to repost a couple of articles I wrote 2 years ago when this first broke. Although the issue of political pedophilia began with Pizzagate and radiated outward from there to become Pedogate, the locus of this depravity in America begins in Washington DC with the power elites. It now appears that all of the chickens are returning home to roost. 

The Q drops from the past few days have taken us from child trafficking out of Haiti back to Washington, perhaps implicating CNN's Anderson Cooper through his ties to the Vanderbilt clan. It also brings back into focus the art collection of the Podesta brothers as well as ties to islands owned by billionaires in the Seattle area.

[From The Web Expands- posted 2 years ago]

I've been watching some videos by George Webb and like him stumbled across the Pizzagate phenomenon while investigating corruption in the Clinton Foundation. The more I investigate, the bigger and deeper it gets. In the words of Jeff Rense: "Pizzagate is just a gnat on an elephant." The cast of characters has grown to almost astronomical proportions as well. Now it appears that James Alefantis' father, Achilles, is involved with Haitian orphans too, along with the Maccoby's, Max and his father Michael.

Yesterday, @mammacitta did a great article about child trafficking for sex and organ harvesting by DynCorp. A pattern that I didn't really see before, but makes perfect sense began to emerge. I've written before about children being used for their blood to halt aging. Why let the rest go to waste? What I'm beginning to see is this: First children are kidnapped for sex and ritual abuse. This goes on worldwide. There is a plethora of evidence that it went on in the Balkans during the conflict there (under the auspices of the UN). Bill Clinton was president at the time. DynCorp has been involved in organ trafficking for decades.

After the children are subjected to sexual abuse, they are subsequently murdered. This explains the lack of victims and/or witnesses. Their blood is drained and their organs harvested and sold. When Bill Clinton left office he, Hillary and Chelsea started the Clinton Foundation and later the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI). If you watch videos like Clinton Cash it will show the Clinton's ties to Haiti and less than reputable business interests. One thing has become painfully clear about the Clintons...they will do ANYTHING for money. I wish I could emphasize ANYTHING more.

Laura Silsby, a friend of the Clinton's was arrested in Haiti in 2010 for attempting to smuggle children into the Dominican Republic. She worked for an organization called Friends of the Orphans. Her ties to the Clintons (HRC in particular) was evidenced in emails from Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills (Hillary's Chief of Staff) telling her that "Laura's in trouble." These came from Wikileaks. Max Maccoby is on the Board of Directors of Friends of the Orphans. His father, Michael, trains staff members for Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos an organization that runs orphanages throughout Central America and has ties to Friends.

Yoichi Shimatsu has done the most comprehensive job I've found so far in tying everything together. Shimatsu is an independent journalist from Japan who has written extensively on the nuclear disaster at Fukushima. This is part 8 of a 10 part series and is as important now as it was in 2017. If you notice in the introduction Mr. Shimatsu says he's in the Pacific Northwest, "a major center of pedophilia and also very weird Satanic practices." One thing that has been coming out recently (2018) due to the anon's work on the recent Q posts is that many of the islands in Puget Sound are owned by billionaires such as Oprah Winfrey as well as others that are into some "weird Satanic practices." I believe that the Seattle area in the long run will prove to be a nexus of the SRA that's curently being practiced.

[From: Widening the Net: More Potential Suspects For Pizzagate- posted 2 years ago]

I posted an article yesterday about The Clinton/Silsby/Alefantis connection. Without reiterating the whole thing; there is a connection between the Clintons, Hillary in particular, and Laura Silsby, a convicted child sex trafficker. Also, James Alefantis is connected as well. Although not tied directly to Silsby, his lawyer, Max Maccoby of Butzel Long in Washington is one of the directors of Friends of the Orphans (mentioned yesterday). There are some questions about the law firm as well, in regards to pedophilia symbols allegedly contained in the company's logo.

Michael Maccoby, Max's father is associated with an organization called Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos, who operates orphanages throughout Latin America, including the orphanage that collapsed during the 2010 earthquake. The story of Silsby should be familiar by now. As a director of Friends of the Orphans, she was arrested attempting to smuggle 33 "orphans" into the Dominican Republic after the collapse of the orphanage. As it turns out, they weren't orphans at all, but children that had been kidnapped for all intents and purposes. Silsby, was represented by Jorge Puello, a convicted sex trafficker himself, wanted in several countries. Michael Maccoby "coaches" volunteers and staff at the Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos.

Max Maccoby, Michael's son, represented James Alefantis and David Brock in a $850,000 lawsuit. Brock has ties to the Clintons, he was deeply involved in Hillary's 2008 run for the White House. Maccoby (Max) is a shareholder in the law firm, Butzel Long. The logo of the firm is said to contain pedophile symbology...something called "the golden triangle." Now it appears the Maccoby's need to be looked at as well. There are a few articles I found on that I'll post the links to. I will keep investigating and report what I find. One of the articles contained a video from 2015 that I'll post as well. What is important about the video (other than it's content) is that it comes from the MSM- an ABC affiliate.

I know that this might seem a bit repetitious, but please bear with me... as will become apparent in the next few installments, it will all come together. It was my belief when I wrote these articles and is still my contention that the link- the glue that holds this depravity together- is the Maccobys.

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Something that sets off my spidey sense is that somehow a convicted human trafficker is now working for the Amber Alert system after changing their name. There's a huuuuuge red flag regarding the Amber Alert system.

Who got Laura Silsby that job?


Gee, I wonder! I guess they made her an offer she couldn't refuse!

Gee, I wonder! I
Guess they made her an offer
She couldn't refuse!

                 - richq11

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These sick bastards ?!? I think it is so hard for people to believe because it is so sick! People can’t comprehend that someone could be so horrible.

And it gets worse!

The truth is so monstrous that 99% of people won't believe it until faced with undeniable evidence. And I'm not sure what would constitute undeniable evidence. Interesting question that, what would it take for the masses to wake up to this horror that is the truth? Right now you are just dismissed as a conspiracy flake. Thanks Rich for digging all this filth up. The truth must be told.

It's ok... I was dismissed as a conspiracy flake back in the 70's when we were looking into the JFK assassination- I'm used to it. I believe enough will come out to bring many to justice. More and more people are waking up every day... I wrote these 2 years ago.

Great piece @richq11, I'm very curious about the article you mentioned

Yesterday, @mammacitta did a great article about child trafficking for sex and organ harvesting by DynCorp.

This link takes us to a blank page. I thought maybe you meant @mammasitta but I couldn't find anything on her page in relation to trafficking.

Can you find the link?

As you know this is an area of research I looked into very deeply and would like to see what others have found.

I think the Maccoby connection that you explored on numerous occasions is a very interesting piece of the puzzle. I hadn't head that Alefantis' father is involved with orphans in Haiti as well! Is this from a Q post?

Thanks for your tireless work in this area, I hope you're doing well my friend :)

Oh Boy!!! Those articles are from 2 years ago that I punched up a bit... I'm using them to set up my next article bringing the Podestas, Maccoby's Pizzagate back into the forefront. It never went away, hence the title "Pizzagate Comes Full Circle."

And it was Mammasitta- a spelling error on my part... Sorry for the confusion.

Aha, I see that now. Thanks for clarifying things. Glad to see this story has not gone away looking forward to seeing what you're working on.

It seems that the investigation- mine at least- has lead back to Washington DC and the same people I was investigation 2 years ago. Thanks for your support old friend!

I just hope that Justice is served and we as a nation can turn from her evil ways. For those who do not know about Q you might consider doing an article explaining cuckoo is and the relevance of him I for one am not knowledgeable about q but I know he's on our side. Thanks so much@richq11

Q must be legit given the amount of pushback he (they?) is getting. Many in the "truth movement" are especially down on him- I suspect for financial reasons. Personally, I'm more interested in the info- as you can see, it's confirming stuff I wrote 2 years ago.

Highly rEsteemed!


I'm moving slowly toward that... First I want to get all of the institutions in place before plugging in the people involved.

Thanks so much for keeping this SUPER IMPORTANT INFO on the "front burner' @richq11.

Thank you my friend... there's a long way to go with this.

Good post

Look for Richard marcinko on fakebook... He and other Veterans saved a 15 year old girl and her 3 year old son and are protecting them.

And they are coming to steemit! We can help change the world. And the diplomat that hurt this young lady is threatening her and the child safety.

Karlasuniquekrafts of facebook and soon to be here on steemit.