Walking And Philosophy: Revisiting Fight Club

in informationwar •  7 years ago 

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My feet are not great these days, nothing serious, but I think I have some beginning plantar fascitis or at least mild discomfort walking and running - mostly in one foot, and mostly on asphalt. I did a 8km run in the forest the other day in under one hour which was a really good jog. Today I went for a 10km walk which is around 1h 30min in comfortable tempo.

On my walks I usually listen to Stefan Molyneux's call in shows. I am a big fan of his - not a stef bot, and I don't think we would be very personality-compatible. But he always gives me something to think about, and I just love the topics and intensity of the call in shows. Today however, I tuned in to him and Dr Duke Pesta doing a review of Fight Club, of all things, breaking the FIRST RULE of Fight Club - you do not talk about Fight Club.

And while I was listening to that, I realised that I hadn't really analysed or thought about Fight Club in that context, and then I figured - why not create a segment where I write a little review of the things I listen to while walking and then you guys can comment my review of the reviews... Let's call it Philosophy and Walking. And this time apparently, it's about Fight Club.

Now, I was 18 when Fight Club came out, and I was blown away after watching it at the movies. It really spoke to me maaaan. It was about anti-capitalism right? Fuck the government. Anarchy. Yeah..my mind did not stretch much further than that at that age. After listening to the interview, I realised the movie is much more important, and much deeper than that. I'm not going to go into detail on all the quotes and stuff, but here are some take aways;

  1. The narrator is a castrated male who spends his time looking at Ikea furniture. All other male characters are also castrated - like Meatloafs character had testicular cancer and has women's breast because of hormones.

  2. We are a generation of men raised by women with often absent women.

  3. The goal of project Mayhem is the big reset. Going back to zero. Now this is interesting, because in the movie all these men that are tired of a meaningless life, that could be seen as a metaphore of how men today are not needed by women, as women are married to the state (men's real purpose is to provide and protect, and when women are protected and provided for by the state, men ends up as mere concubines), and they want to break out and be free. But what really happens is that they end up like this gray mass of uniform men with no personalities except for the "master mind Tyler Durden" who is the Leader.

Corporatism/semi-capitalism to anarchy to communism.

And this big "reset" also fits well with the last "stand" so to speak by feminists and social justice warriors, as they desire to undermine even science. When science does not any longer help them they will just destroy science. Did you know they are now teaching "womens biology" in some universities? It's not the biology of women..but women's WAY of viewing biology. Yup..Some feminists has even said that Stem is bigot because it only rewards achievements and "facts" and not effort.

This boils down to the wish for a more tribal life. In the movie Tyler Durden also talks about wanting to see corn fields where there once were highways etc. He wants it all gone. So does modern SJW's. They want destruction just for the fun of it. They just want to destroy something beautiful.

The big reset in the movie might also be a metafor for crypto currencies. This is my own interpretation. But they talk about removing debt. They are not saying it in the movie that they want to end the fed (perhaps they couldn't or the movie would never be allowed to show in the cinemas) but they are saying they want to end debt. Well..what will end with the end of debt? Capitalism can survive without debt. Governments and fiat currencies however cannot. And that's when I thought..yeah, they are talking about something like crypto. Or at least that makes sense in retrospect.

Final Thoughts

I'm not going to babble too much. I'm not a movie critic. But It's interesting that I actually did leave the cinema that time with the feeling of "yeah, let's just destroy everything maan.." and I don't think I got the message to be honest. I think the movie was much more prophetic than just that. It could really early on see (or the book rather..because it was a book originally) which way a lot of these things that we all know so well now like SJW's, Snowflakes, Liberals, Alt-right, the attack on universities and science, the weird hypocrisy that Christianity is so offensive whereas for example Islam is so amazing and many other weird things going on.

I strongly recommend you to watch the interview. It was really interesting and funny, and since I'm not great at remembering what I listen to, at least not one hour later, you should watch it or at least listen to it..while you walk! (Molly publish all his stuff on Soundcloud as well)

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Hi man! I was looking to see if your also using the actifit app? You most certainly already know about it?

The SJW and the neo-Marxists of all kinds are not based on Fight Club, they are based on The Dark Knight Rises. Bane is their leader.

"yeah, let's just destroy everything maan.."