So yes I woke up and get another day.

in informationwar •  3 years ago 


Always liked Pink Floyd.

The wall being one of my fav albums.

Pity I blew out my left eardrum last year with explosives. My own fault. Kind of took away my love for music did mono, but it was my own fault.

You can spend as much $ as you want on hi end hi-fi, but alas one ear is not like two.

I digress, back to Floyd.

The wall is very anti government. Take a listen and tell me different.

As the governments have seemingly morphed into big pharmaceuticals and vaccine selling snake oil salesmen/women.
It seems more apt than ever - the wall that is.

"Teachers leave them kids alone" especially in my mind.

Full album here if you want it and for free.


Land of the free and home of free speech is the USA they tell me.

Well they sold that idea did they not?

Silly-con-valley have banned me from twatter/twitter, fakebook, youtube, and all for being a critique of government.

Who works for who?
Who con-trols who?

Seems the land of the free that promotes itself as freedom of expression is anything butt, no not that but, more this one.


Vaccine passports is it now?

I suggest challenging anyone that asks for one.

I suggest asking them for theirs. And also asking if they or anyone that works for them has or has had any communicable diseases.

Yes I woke up and get another day taking the piss out of them all.

I just wonder when they come with guns to shoot all of us dissenting voices down.


Got a different mission today.

A local elderly lady had a heart attack, the oh so caring Karen's ripped her house apart as she was in hospital. They removed all her things, you know, clothes, kettle, walls, left her with a caravan and not even a kettle.

Taking her some "things" to make her life a little better, a kettle, some clothes, basics of life.

Some people really do need to butt and yes that big ass I put up earlier, out of peoples life, especially if they aim to make it worse.

Government for one.

Off to help another soul live a little better.

Have a superb day, but not if you want to make someone else miserable.


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