This most violent act is the ultimate crime done against any Humans on Earth.
It's in the straight line of the medical tyranny that some law makers foster on others.
It's the ultimate breach of free will, the ultimate take over of the will of the individual.
It's very symetric to what is being done on plants or the act of rape.
It's a negation of the will.
it affects primarly does flagged as mentally hill and elderly.
I believe it's an offshoot of the catholic mindset of the "shepard", the men who believe that their will should be imposed on others.
However as you can read me, I fully support the quarantine concept, as it's a TEMPORARY non invasive non damaging brutal intrustion in the life and liberty of anyone.
However, I believe that in certain specific situation, like a pandemic (global) or epidemic (local) it's a very effective measure to contain the spread of a disease.
Of course like all limitation of liberty it will be abused by some for others motives... like a knife, gun or what ever.
But all things have positive and negative sides.
there are of course very narrow cases when forced or against the will of the individual when medication can be introduced without it's concording will, for example in case of violent loss of consciousness, trauma following accident...
but keep in mind the difference with an elderly or a mentally hill patient... and that's the critical aspect that the corrupt worldwide lawyering class can't grasp (as they get money and bribes and advantages by the pharma industry) is that in the case of accident victim it's not done primarly against his will...
the interesting aspect is the mormon faith for example who refuse to have things injected in them, to follow the will of the tao, or god or what ever they call this, and in the case it must be respect with information provided.
the elderly and mentally hill, medication aren't really done to protect those patients but to assure tranquility to those working in those fields... for example using claming drugs so that they sleep...
you know it's always in those expectional case that the lawyering class will use to expand the benefits and profits of the industries paying them, to then blanket force medicate the maximum number of people they can find to extract the maximal profits they can (while keeping under the radar to not wake popular uprising).
that's the core problem I have with those professions, those who specialize in fucking others will.
no one forces you to enter the debt machines.
and that's why they wage wars against bankers, and never against lawyers nor medics...
bad luck for you "lawyers" and "politicians", you have no chances to split me from the banking worlds... none...
and remember financing wars is a very important aspect to me...
so you will pay, you will be judged, and you will be executed...
because let me be assure you, you will not force inject old loyld or those on their last breath he knows or knew...
why? because we will kill you, leach you and you will sink and feed the fishes of the hudson.
simple as that.
and this basic human liberty given by God to be able to say no to medication, will be enforced by A2 !
and that's why you hate AR-15 so that when you send your goons, those so called Law Enforcement Officiers, WE CAN TAKE A LAST STAND...
and depending on the size of the armies raized to oppose them, even wipe your nation flat.
warfare is the answer to medical tyrany and lawfare.