It was hard. I will not lie to you. What was particularly difficult is to have to accept that the us gov, from an historical perspective, does support, protect and provide immunity to this pedo gang. I know it's hard to swallow. However it's the reality.
What I find particularly hard is that I was fooled by the US propagandists for so long. Furthermore when understood as just the emerged top of the iceberg, it becomes even more sad. Sad, because the united states of america, its people, gov and ideas have failed.
When a nation protects pedos because they are rich, from a particular ethnical origin, or working for the gov as officials or representatives, it's clearly a failed state.
Moreover, it's clear that the gmos, the pesticides, or toxic food, the various assault on the ideals of the constitution and bill of rights are all real, from cps, to forced vaccination, to denying that fracking pollute irremediably water, to crony capitalism.
What I don't understand, is how short sighted this approach is. When I hear officials from the state departement, not this admin in particular, pushing for their agricultural toxic production, even against France as revealed in the cable leaks by wikileaks, it proves that it's a bunch of treasonus human beings who work there. people devoided of all consciousness, of all ethics, of all humanity.
When I see the efforts those same officials in the propaganda business (private and public, as if there was any difference now), I am just disgusted, by myself, for having hoped, and against them for being so reckless.
I don't understand why the american people don't upraise against such tyranny and ignonmy from D.C. and that doesn't concern this admin, it's most recent one. None could simply dissmantle and stop a simple pedo network.
And what I find even more mind blowing, is that those same incapable, even if they can leech more tax payer dollars (debt will be paid) than they are worth believed they could take on the world.
I understand that a corrupt country like france, harboring many vip pedo (polanski, cohn bendit etc) isn't that hard to conquer compared to the Giants. On this I understand why polanski isn't extradited, the us gov doesn't want him, like they don't want the domestic pedos. I see a country like the uk, the same type of failed state.
I ask myself, why? what happened? Is this the doomest generation ever? why are those boomers and those close to them so reckless and incapable? oh, yeah to foster their own narrow interests they are very proficient. However when looking at the big picture, don't they see the damage they are doing?
Don't they think that will hunt them later? Or do they really believe they will rule over slave captives? I don't know what the future will hold, however, I know now that I don't want anything to do with the us... Do I hope france can resolve it's issues, no. same for england.
So yes, realizing that the us and its allies have become the axis is really sad. But what can I do, continue to deny reality? Lie to myself? Or ignore it all like most do?
Certainly I would be more happy... but is it what I want? be like biological drone constantly manipulated by the tptb (aka the pedo that be)? No. let's face the darkness, and then in doubt just turn, and you will light !
but don't forget, it's just reality, it's start at birth and end at death, then what? will see... but I am sure it will not be great for those involved in those stuffs... oh no...