What to bring to the moon ?

in informationwar •  5 years ago 

My proposal is a tea set with tea and a water mini quantity with instruction to make tea.

and leave it there in a small box... a tea pot, a one dose tea, some water, instruction, scientifically + in traditional chinese collective work (all the best of the administrative state each write a character, females and males)...

and two cups.

1 put the tea in the tea pot (picture)
2 add water (below vaporing above freezing)
3 put tea
4 wait
5 drink and share !

and who knows it could be in a billion year they find ! and they will know, there was civilization here (unless they are plant based :D).

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and in the case they are plants based a little tube with the tip of a bambo tracing roots, and in a little explanation of the bambo... maybe even a panda footprint in it...

who knows... pandas may rule the heaven...