Thank you Losers ! yeah, the generations born post ww2 are the biggest losers the world has ever seen, in the west. Why? How to explain such a fallacy, imbecility, arrogance and belief their lies?
First, their parents were deep suckers ! As we read about the greatest generations or what ever crap they want to feed us, just be reminded that they slaughtered each others for the pleasures and profits of an oligarchic class way far from the front lines. Ah the good old age of watching peons die, while sipping red wine, safely... Of course some survived, and saw something close to hell... industrial pre digital pre wmds warfare.
As such those men and women were not like the cocksuckers and child rapists of the 2 following generations. but why? First they believe in something greater, like death and life, hope and strength. They valued way less the paper of a man (or his grade) rather than his being. Of course those ww2 vets were lenient toward their children, let them be, hoping for the best.
Sadly they didn't realize that the darkforces who send them to war were still present and conspiring the demise of the Christianity. So they herded those 2 post war generation into believing that papers is God, that accreditation is moral and intellectual rightfulness. That it's not the opinions or facts but who says it which primes. Of course it's part of their conditioning, and it's naturally the strategy chosen by the dark forces.
the second generation ruling class, aka the children of the children of the great generations have been selected, aka they are the most conformists, brainwashed puppies the world will certainly ever see, slow and low in all aspects.
Anyway, as the set is clear, let's move to the issue, White Genocide, Population replacement, Birth rate, Hypergamie, Fiat combine. For them, those above the material consideration and those below believing in the dependence of the state it's only happyness. Some leech for themselves, give some scraps, they are happy with rests, and in dependence, in servitude, in lack of personal agency.
But some oppose, don't agree with this servitude, with this madness, from so called keynesianism (public to private looting) or what ever new scams the controllers will found. Other just feel it. Anway, then they layered it with unleashed hypergamy... and then loot even more leech even more to feed the children of other people. people who have nothing in common, don't share the value and whose values and culture deserve as much respect as those of the natives, meaning what the fuck integrate, as they say snak bar once, snak bar always. that's respect, that's value.
But so what the fuck should anyone be paying to raise the children of a foreign tribe rather than it's own? and it's not only about money, but about space, living condition... breathing ass to mouth... anyway, for the oligarchs it's palaces on bail outs, scams, thefts etc, layer with hypergamie rules... you get the picture.
yeah bitch about muscle hypertrophy or what ever crap you will want... you sucks, you fucking know it, you hide and you lie to you, because the facts are there... and not like the thermite of sweden, tvchernobyl wasted eastern europe, fuku placed there, only monkey... gmo spread, amaranth bitches ? yeah don't know her? just the first of the visible... btw I bet the record "immortal" is in india (bacteria, mushroom, what ever micro life)...
so what? going back to rape kids on your various facilities? your parents would have been ashamed of your losyness, your carelessness, your lack of courage, duty, service and honor, you are disgrace.
back with the Hans and allied, problems (many) solution (being implemented for those already designed).
and it's not yes we can, it's yes we do !
but still the recuring advice, don't mess with the kroeans... I don't know how they made it until here, and I don't want to know... the border, each his side, and for the longevity, peace, harmony, posperity, real ecology (are they elephants in nk or pandas or tigers? who knows, the wild life...)
little ran off / like the monkey and "the food", god works in mysterious ways, but his will afeter death, will you be face with...
ps. thx for the front end, it's better.