Why are Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tadjikistan and more importantly Kazakstan hosting (N)Pato Facilities?

in informationwar •  5 years ago 

This is intolerable ! As always the western pedo corrupt forces move with their usual tools, threats, corruption and pedomaniaky to insert themselves into this critical region for the safety of the Alliance.

I don't understand why, how and who tolerate this. Why no serious counter measures haven't been deployed. Why they are allowed there.

This is the dangerous game, to liberate those areas, it's important to design a strategic comprehensive plan which main objective is to purge this area from the pedomaniac aristocratics western forces.

The second objectives is to purify those areas from the filth that allowed this in the first place there, ie remove corrupts, pedos and others servants of the western pedomaniac aristorcratics forces.

So to remove them, there are no three thousands ways. The most efficient and radical is simply threat of cooperation, ie remove them asap or face the consequences. I know this path is dangerous and is certainly the one who contributed to the emergence of the pedomaniac artistocratic western ruling class. However with a serious diligent management of those covert and over operations, I think it's possible to master it.

In the sense that those tasked from clearing this after having completed their missions must clearly understand, it's to follow strategic imperatives and not to make themselves or their vassals rich and create dominions for themselves. But to Liberate those areas, permit a smoother integration in the belt and road or CEI, or both.

So as the western debauchery is total, there is very little space for a gentle approach, ie threat, violent removal, or simply a war of liberation is necessary to achieve the main objective on an appropriate time line and then sustain the second one by preventing the return of the western corruption agents there.

I expect voluntary collaboration of the ruling class in those areas, however they must understand, that if their ways prevent them in any way to restore liberty and dignity because of involvement with the western pedomaniac aristocratic ways, they become disposable or eliminateable, like flies.

Then I think that the focus on HK, Taiwan, Malacca straight as critical it is, must take right now a back seat to move the focus to this area. With it, the western aristocratic pedomaniac forces have a strategical advantages. By removing them from those support areas, they will be better isolated in afghanistan.

And so from the high ground, it will become a death pit, and as such their presence their preserved, until they fully collapse. When the admin of the pedomaniac protectors speak about 10 million deaths, it's a fucking lie, they know they are broke, socially and financially, that the morals of the troops is to the ground, yeah they have launch a bribing campaign, but the first 10k batch of filled body bags, will make their morals collapse to the ground and when the billion + muslims with 100 million imported in the west, they simply can't or will die (they specially, understand the concept "reality").

So it's quite a great time, to launch the combat operation to regain this area and cement the progression of liberation, then it will permit to reorient more attention to the reunification of China.

I am really waiting the explanations about how this debacle was possible, how it was lost, who is responsible, and the detailed plans to achieve those objectives. Under the light is the only way to really operate at scale. And purging the earthland from the filth is critical... once walled by their oceans, it will be more difficult for them to expand their ways.

rotation, action, go go go !

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