Despite using the most unfair process for selecting their own witnesses, limiting questions which could be asked by Republicans during the House impeachment proceeding and refusing the right of Republicans to call witnesses, the desperate Democrats demand the right to call witnesses in the Senate impeachment trial.
Pelosi played the game of incongruously demanding “fairness.”
In essence the Democrats are admitting by this ploy that they did not make their case against president Trump.
We repeat that the Republicans should adopt the same witness rules for the Senate trial, as the Democrats used in the House (reversing the rights of the parties)
We recommend that the Republicans question the following list of witnesses in the Senate trial:
Joe Biden
Hunter Biden
Dick Durbin
Robert Menendez
Patrick Leahy
Adam Schiff
Jerry Nadler
Nancy Pelosi
Officers of the new Ukrainian corruption court
Ukrainian officials who received the letter from several U. S Senators (All Democrats) demanding that the government of Ukraine continue to dig up dirt on Donald Trump or risk losing money from America.