in informationwar •  6 years ago 

A simple analysis! Before the country produced 3 million barrels of oil per day and now 1 million, 1 dollar cost 0.00005 sovereigns and now 600, inflation was 30% and now 1200000%, profits were enough to buy Jesus child to make hallacas paint the house and liquors and now it is not enough to buy a kilo of cheese, yes before people used a pod called "supermarket cart 'to make weekly or monthly purchases and now and now you have to go every day to see how it kills hunger.

Before in the supermarkets there were more than 5 brands for products to choose from and now to get any pod it is a queue of hours, before we had no transport problems and now it is a problem to get into a van, before people came to Venezuela to look Now we Venezuelans are leaving!

So the right questions are: Is not the revolution the worst crap that has ever happened to this country? Are not the revolutionaries of Chavez under a pack of criminals? Are not the Chavistas pelabola people with problems of self-esteem and overcoming?

Thanks to those who chose and re-elected this dictatorship, saying that they were going to give them house, food and work sources, now thanks to the ignorance of fanatical assholes the whole town is: some eating a cable, others looking for the cable, others fleeing from the country looking for a new destination, did you need this pod? For a rope of sick and ignorant believing in pregnant birds.

Is that no matter how much I do not understand head to a chavista who passes the welter and passes work, hunger and all kinds of hardships, and continue to defend this government, or are masochists or do not know what happens to them for that big head.

I think is that the problem of Chavism is no longer political or social and the pod is as religious, or just as we can not understand the terrorist Islamists we can not understand the Chavistas, they go hungry hunger and work but they think they are better off and it's hard to fight against that! That is why I conclude that Chavismo is definitely a mental illness without a cure.

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