The arrogance of psychopathy is the "tell" that never stops giving. From back road hanging tree to hell's hall of fame, undifferentiated. I'm given to suspect more of them are "chipped" every day. The progressive steps through mimic and distortion have given way to a floodgate of inversion.
There's nothing left to wait for. Civilization is always the waste product of government and is never sustainable. Natural law is inescapable. All will learn the difference between lawful and legal.
I am the one I was waiting for. I've been looking forward to this showdown since 1969. Let the dying bury the dead. Death has no enemy. The US Empire is dead. There are but zombie statists left wandering in delusion(s) of a world that has long since ceased to exist. Que up some Doom Metal and rejoice.
Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA