in injustice •  6 years ago 

If you are not part of #NearEastUniversityCommunity, you might think that these Students are over exaggerating but as part of the Community we know that this and even worse are happening in the University.
Listen to what this Student of #NearEastUniversity has to say about the University.

Dear NEU Students Ambassador,

Thank you for the wonderful work you guys are going to put an end to all the injustice and fraud going on in the University.
Discrimination, Racism, Injustice are at it peck at Near East University. The annoying thing is that these guys carry out all these deeds in such a way that International attention is not been attracted to this mischievous deeds.

Sir/Ma, will you believe that Near East University denied us access to our fellowship venue for weeks? We were having our meetings in the cold. Thank God for Lefkosa Protestant Church for coming to our rescue by giving us access to their Hall, and this is the same University that is building a gigantic mosque for the Muslim Community of the University.

Gosh!!! Near East University is a mess, am sorry to say that.

Please continue to fight for the Students till fairness and justice is restored in the University. We are solidly behind you guys..

Thank you for writing us.
We promise you that they wouldn't try that again, if they do, just send us a picture of you guys holding your meetings in the cold, and the name and picture of whosoever is it that is responsible for assigning halls to students and we will take it over from there.

Keep sending us your Stories and email, especially those that concern those fraud the University call penalties and Interest, we need them to testify against the University when we eventually file a lawsuit against it.


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