I've made no secret about supporting the Black Lives Matter movement... not for issues of "social justice", but for issues of ordinary justice, the kind of justice the Bill of Rights was written to guarantee.
There is room to support justice, to support examining systemic inequities both historical and contemporary, without supporting wanton destruction.
Here are some photos of the burning of Kenosha, part 1. If it happens again in a few days, those of you who support ideas like "equality", raise your voices against the destruction... don't be silent. The criminals and and low-lifes that engage in wanton arson, smashing, and destruction are not on our side, even if they use all the right words.
It does our cause no good to refuse to acknowledge the injustice of wanton destruction. Supporting chaos and destruction enhances the environment where chaos and destruction thrive, and it is a mistake to assume that in chaos, destruction will only be waged on those you disapprove of.