Architects in the architecture

in insects •  7 years ago 

I am busy painting and fixing up the tiny courtyard outside my back door and I removed an old broom cupboard that was mounted on the wall. Apart from a mess pigeon nest and bird turds all over the top of the cupboard there were some tiny wasp nests.

wasp nests.jpg

The little row of mud condos behind the cupboard were probably made by a keyhole wasp, a small, solitary spider-hunting species which gets its name from its habit of building nests in small holes, natural or man-made. These look to be old and the young wasps have grown up and abandoned their nursery. They were quite cute and even thopugh they are empty I wish it wasn't necessary to scrape them off the wall.

paper wasp nest.jpg

The inhabitants of this nest are not so cute: whichever paper wasp started building this must have decided that the location wasn't to her liking as this is just a tiny starter nest. Paper wasps are social insects, meaning that they live in groups and a good size nest contains dozens of cells and can easily be home to a colony of 20 or 30 aggressive adults. Not what you want to have living right outside the back door. They would be hibernating in a crack somewhere at this time of the year but there are a number of their nests around the property. I leave the nests alone, so long as they aren't too near the house as I am highly allergic to wasp stings.

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Very interesting photos!
I've never seen aspen nests.
As can see in the photo they are good builders :-)

No wasps where you live?

They are.
But I very rarely see them.
So I do not know where they live.

That's a good thing


With a bite of a wasp, very often allergic reactions occur. My friend was beset by a bug near the carotid artery. He had to carry out resuscitation processes in the hospital, where he was brought unconscious.

I also nearly died from them

Very cool little condos as long as they remain vacant. Steer clear of live nests. Looking forward to your new garden area. 🐓🐓

Me too! I don't mind the little potting wasps, they are non-aggressive

It does amaze me how much work they put into their nests, they are very clever. You would have to be careful if you are allergic.

Their building is amazing. I'm supposed to keep adrenaline on hand but I don't

paper wasp are nasty when they sting..look out

I know. I have a healthy respect for these little buggers

Como distrae contemplar el mundo de las avispas. Excelente articulo